What Did Jesus Do?
A Reflection
(Mark 1: 12-15)
“In a powerful sermon preached at the July meeting of the House of Bishops, Bishop Scott Hayashi of Utah said something that might be helpful to us. He made mention of the little acronym, WWJD, What Would Jesus Do? And, while he said that it can be a helpful way of discerning what we might be called to do at any given time, he offered another alternative. He said, "What would happen if we began to ask the question, not what would Jesus do, but what did Jesus do? What did he do? What did he teach? What do Matthew, Mark, Luke and John tell us that Jesus did and taught?" I want to suggest that addressing that question, “What did Jesus do?” and summoning the Spirit to help us apply it to our lives and to our times may mean the difference between the church simply being another religious institution that exists for its own sake versus the church being a Jesus movement that courageously follows the way of Jesus and his love; not for its own sake, but for the sake of the world that Christ gave his life for and rose from the dead.” (Quoted from the Presiding Bishop’s Word to the Church)
My seminary professor wisely cautioned his seminarians to be mindful of the fact that when we do exegetical reflection for preaching or teaching, we should always consider three pillars (1) time the text was addressing (2) the context it was written for and (3) time and context determine content. The gospel reference (Mark 1:12-15) is about Jesus healing a leper; Matthew 26:6 identifies the leper to be Simon in whose house a woman anointed the feet of Jesus in preparation for his suffering, death and burial and ultimate resurrection.
Leprosy was a dreaded infectious disease that was damaging at several levels. (1) Physically, the disease could be painful and sometimes fatal. (2) Socially, the law required lepers to be quarantined outside of Israelite society (Leviticus 13:45-46). (3) Religiously, lepers were ritually unclean and thus unable to participate in worship (Leviticus 13:3,8). The combined weight of these burdens was extreme, and nothing was more welcome then healing and cleansing.
It was unthinkable for a Jew to touch a leprous outcast. Jesus nevertheless crosses this boundary and reverses the expected outcome: instead of contracting ritual uncleanness himself, he cleanses the leper of this ailment by the very act of touching him. This shows that Jesus brings into the world a new form of holiness that overcomes even defilement and disease. This act shows the divine aspect of Christ.
What is equally interesting in this miracle event was the human aspect and action of Jesus. After he did that divine act he was conscientious and observant of the community’s expectation by instructing the leper to go and show himself to the priest, the person who had the authority to authenticate his healing and confirm his return back to full inclusion into societal life. Second, Jesus took the place of the leper by going into exile from society. Jesus observed the standard protocol of the culture by entering into quarantine in the countryside (although he did continue to maintain accessibility to those who chose to come visit with him). Jesus traded places with the leper in that while the leper was returned to his family and community, Jesus went outside the sphere of Israelite society. Continue reading here.
153rd Diocesan Convention To Be Virtual
A Letter from Bishop San
I am writing to provide early notification to the entire diocese that, due to COVID-19, our 153rd Diocesan Convention, scheduled for March 6, 2021, will be held using a digital format. I want to extend my deepest appreciation to the Standing Committee for their wise counsel as well as to other leaders and dioceses across the Episcopal Church for the insights that they have gained and shared by holding their conventions digitally. The official venue from where the organization of business will be streamed is Bray House/Miller Hall (Article III). Read the full letter.
Disaster Relief Financial Support
We continue to pray for the victims, first responders, and relief workers in the wake of the hurricanes and wildfires that have affected our nation. Anyone wishing to support the relief efforts of the Church are encouraged to send checks to the Diocese of Easton at 314 North Street, Easton, MD 21601 (payable to "Diocese of Easton" and please note: "Disaster Relief") or via our online giving portal (click here). All donations will be directly deposited to Episcopal Relief and Development (please note that ERD staff is currently working remotely so routing donations through our Diocese ensures a secure delivery.)
Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
More from the Office of the Bishop
New Deacon Ordinations
The Episcopal Diocese of Easton is pleased and excited to announce the upcoming ordination dates for our most recent diaconal cohort group. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we will be ordaining these people individually in their home congregations. Please keep them in your prayers, and if you are able to attend their ordinations virtually, we encourage you to do so. This is an exciting time for our diocese.
Dr. Katherine E. Webb
October 10, 2020 @ 2:00 p.m. – Emmanuel Church, Chestertown
Christine J. Sabas
October 11, 2020 @ 9:30 a.m. – St. Alban’s Parish, Salisbury
Alisha M. King
October 11, 2020 @ 9:30 a.m. – St. Alban’s Parish, Salisbury
Barbara A. Coleman
October 17, 2020 @ 11:00 a.m. – Christ Church – St. Peter’s Parish, Easton
Laura Jean McCarthy
October 24, 2020 @ 11:00 a.m. – St. Peter’s Parish, Salisbury
Marguerite A. Samuels
October 31, 2020 @ 11:00 a.m. – Shrewsbury Parish, Kennedyville
Andrew C. Cropper
November 1, 2020 @ 3:00 p.m. – St. Paul’s Parish, Berlin
Stephanie B. Clayville
November 22, 2020 @ 3:00 p.m. – All Hallows, Snow Hill
Difference Pilot Course
Explore what it means to follow Jesus in the face of conflict and see transformation through everyday encounters.
Wednesdays, 12:00pm - 1:30pm via Zoom
5 Weekly Sessions, Beginning October 21st
The Episcopal Church and the Anglican communion have a vision for the church to be a reconciling presence in the midst of conflict. Leading thinkers and peacemaking practitioners have created and continue to hone this course to help us do just that. Difference explores how we can cross divides, disagree well, practice forgiveness and be the community God calls us to be. It is not mediation or conflict-resolution training; nor should it give people or churches a longer ‘to-do’ list. Instead, the focus is on formation – on the habits and practices that enable us to realize our identity as reconcilers in our own unique contexts.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Regathering Youth Groups in the Diocese of Easton
In March of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic moved most of our work online. Many youth groups got by with Zoom calls, virtual game nights and drive-by graduation parades. Other activities have fallen to the wayside for the time being. Now, during a stage when restrictions on gatherings begin to ease, youth groups and Confirmation classes are wondering about finding ways to gather in person. This is a reasonable instinct; the importance of social interaction during the adolescent years can’t be overstated.
That said, if congregations decide to gather groups of middle and high school students together, it must be done in the safest possible way. The Protocols and Guidelines for Resumption of In-Person Gatherings, assembled by a taskforce of Diocesan representatives, provide a wealth of helpful information; the protocols that follow in this document are a supplement and seek to clarify how the guidelines for small group meetings apply to youth ministry gatherings.
Youth Summit @ Camp Wright - Save the Date
We are hopeful that April will bring us sunshine and a chance to gather together again at Camp Wright! Please save the dates in your calendar, April 9th-11th, for an amazing weekend with musical group Aren Bruce and guest speaker Heather Flies. This event is geared toward middle & high school students.
Formation Zoom Summit 3 - Deep Dives
We had another great Formation Zoom Summit last month and were really inspired by all the creativity and dedication to ministry. Based on what we heard during that call, we would like to offer some “deep dives” into specific topics for the next Summit on October 19th at 11am.
Please help us by filling out this form (takes 5 minutes).
Register in advance for our October 19th Deep Dives (Topics TBA): https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsd-6vrDwoG9BJIBNgcbhBeKQfTxNJrPHI
(After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.)
Also, the province is looking to pay an intern to collect and organize resources for Formation and post them on the P3 website for our collective use. Please pass the word to anyone you know who may be interested ($15/hour for approximately 10 hours/week). Starts immediately. Send resume to joanne@dioceseofeaston.org.
Diocesan Apportionment and Budget for 2021
The Bishop's annual letter regarding apportionment and budget for 2021 has been mailed to each parish. you can find the full letter here.
Diocese of Easton Safeguarding Revisions
The Safeguarding requirements have been revised to reflect a shift in training to an online environment. Be sure to read through this document to become familiar with the revisions (which are also outlined on our safeguarding webpage). Each church/organization is responsible to keep their Safeguarding Certifications up-to-date and a listing on file. Everyone in active ministry should be certified/re-certified through the six-step process every three years, including clergy.
Called to Ordained Ministry?
Collaboration with the Iona Collaborative
This program was designed to afford these gifted people the opportunity to fulfill their lifelong dream to serve Jesus as an ordained clergy person. It is designed for individuals who would serve the church on a part-time basis while holding their substantive secular work. Read more here.
Interested individuals are encouraged to contact your parish clergy or the bishop’s office to begin a conversation and to fill out the attached application form.
Camp Wright has space for outdoor services and picnics this upcoming weekend and the weekend of October 3rd. Contact Julia Connelly Zahn for details and to reserve space. Our online store is up and running!
Christ Church, Easton - A great opportunity for parents to connect with other parents and be more mindful of faith in raising teens and tweens.
If you are a parent of a teen or tween looking to connect with other parents and learn how to take the next step on a mutual journey of intentional growth, the “Growing With” small group study at Christ Church could be for you.
Running from September 30 through November 25, the group will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:15pm in a socially distanced setting in the Parish Hall. You will be reading the book “Growing With,” which is filled with brand new research and real-life stories from remarkable families.
This is what a participant of the group that met this past winter had to say:
"The Growing With parenting group at Christ Church was such a gift to me! It helped me approach issues I was having with my children with clearer eyes and a more peaceful heart as a result of the open and faith-filled conversations that the parents and leaders shared.”
St. Peter's, Salisbury - 2020 Fall and Christmas Bazaar will be on-line and live-streamed!
St. Peter’s Fall Bazaar Committee, faced with the challenges of our pandemic world, is being creative in this year’s Fall & Christmas Bazaar. Instead of the public coming to the Parish Hall, St. Peter’s is going out to the world! Using their new camera and audio system and their ability to livestream from the church this year’s Bazaar will be part telethon and part on-line auction – and more.
They will be broadcasting live from the Parish Hall and the Church through our website, Facebook Live and You Tube the weekend before Thanksgiving, on Friday, November 20 from 5pm to 8pm and Saturday, November 21 from 9am to 12noon. Daniel Cherrix and Sharon Clark are preparing a fun program that includes music, comedy, celebrity interviews, and pitches for the gift baskets, baked goods, food and merchandise they will have for sale. People can order items on line or by calling the church, and they will be encouraging donations to St. Peters’ for what people are seeing and enjoying on the livestream. More details to come.
Episcopal Carmel of Saint Teresa - Compline Services
What a blessing Zoom has been for all of us. Our community gathers on Thursday evenings to pray the compline service together. We invite you to join us! The Zoom link is below. The Zoom room opens about 7:30-7:40 to give us a chance to visit before praying together. Come and say hi!
Time: Sept 24, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 846 2147 3576 Passcode: Carmel
St. Paul's, Centreville is partnering with Christ Church, Kent Island in the Episcopal church's program "Sacred Ground".
"Sacred Ground" is a film and readings based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups are invited to walk through chapters of America's history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political ad regional identity. "Sacred Ground" is part of "Becoming Beloved Community", The Episcopal Church's long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries and our society. This series is open to all. Please contact Rev Mary to register.
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Joanne. Churches are also encouraged to add joanne@dioceseofeaston.org to their local enews.
Autumn Quiet Days: Embracing Possibility
Saturday, October 3rd
9:30 am–2:00 pm in person at The Retreat House
Saturday, October 10th
9:30 am–1:00 pm online via Zoom
***Please note! These dates have changed!***
In this time of pandemic we are challenged to make room in our lives for the unexpected. During these Quiet Days, we will spend time noticing the new ways we are living and the possibilities that are emerging.
Can we open our minds and hearts to embrace possibility? What can we harvest from this upheaval? We will explore these questions and ideas through prayer, readings, silence, journaling and sharing.
For the in-person session, seating is limited to 8 participants; masks and social distancing will be required. For the Zoom session, you will receive the log-in link once you have registered. MORE INFO/FLYER
Here's what's coming up at the Retreat House. Click the button's below for dates and times.
Day's End Evening Meditation Listen, breathe, be still. A peaceful way to move into your evening.
Wisdom Circles - Prayerful Listening for Spiritual Guidance A Wisdom Circle is a group of 8-12 people who gather to learn, tell stories, listen and pray about a particular subject. Within the safety of the circle, we practice a way of being that connects us in spirit, drawing us within for a deeper experience.
Advent Quiet Day -Wednesday, December 2nd, time and format to be announced.
Weekly AA Meetings are now on Zoom.
A Peaceful Walk: The Retreat House gates are always open. Please come for a visit soon! Throughout the COVID crisis, the Retreat House property has remained open to individual visitors. Now, small groups of up to 10 people are welcome to enjoy the beauty of the grounds for outdoor meetings, walks, meditations, or even to have a picnic.
Check out our "tree rooms!" Gather under the Lindens, Magnolia, Pin Oak or Crape Myrtle. We'll supply the seating! (Stadium chairs are in the gazebo.)
As always, please wear masks when you are near others, and help yourself to hand sanitizer, wipes and bug spray provided in the gazebo.
See our calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069, click the button below or contact Francie Thayer.
Pastoral Concerns
We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families:
Continued prayers for Father Bryan Glancey, Vicar, St. Andrew's, Hurlock. Rev. Kevin Cross, Rector, Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford. The Rev. Pete Stanton. Larry Samuels, spouse of Deacon Candidate, Peggy Samuels. Art Leiby. Becky Richardson. Weasie Kamihachi.
We pray for the repose of the soul of the following people and for comfort, courage and strength to their families: Evelyn Pilgrim, mother of Chris Sabas, Deacon Candidate. Kilmer Rickards, wife of the Ven. Reese Rickards.
Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (September 27th) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Alban’s,
Salisbury, and for their Wardens and Lay Leadership.
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost (October 4th) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Christ Church, Cambridge and their Priest-in-Charge, The Rev. Bernie Schroeder, and his wife, Carol.
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (October 11th) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul's, Marion Station, and for their Rector, the Rev. Mike Lokey, and his wife, Bunny.
For additional weeks, please visit our website.
Communication from the
Office of the Presiding Bishop
Presiding Bishop’s statement on the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry issued the following statement on Sept. 18 following the death of long-serving Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:
The late John Fitzgerald Kennedy once said, “while on earth God’s work must truly be our own.”
The sacred cause of liberty and justice, dignity and equality decreed by God and meant for all has been advanced because while on earth Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg made God’s work her own. Because of her the ancient words of the prophet Micah to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God have found fulfillment. May we follow in her footprints. May she rest in the arms of the God who is love and the author of true justice.
Rest In Peace, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Shalom.
The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church
Presiding Bishop Curry’s Word to the Church: What Did Jesus Do?
Click Here for video of "A Word to the Church" from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, and also the text of his sermon at The Episcopal Church House of Bishops, which met virtually September 16, 2020. Here is a brief excerpt:
"This November, the people of the United States will elect a president and many others to public office. This election occurs in a time of global pandemic, a time when there is hardship, sickness, suffering and death. But this election also occurs in a time of great divisions. Divisions that are deep, dangerous, and potentially injurious to democracy. So what is the role of the church in the context of an election being held in a time such as this? What is our role as individual followers of Jesus Christ committed to his way of love in such a time as this?"
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry talks about the power of love in new book 'Love Is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times.' In May 2018, Bishop Michael Curry gained worldwide fame with a passionate sermon on the power of love at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. "When love is the way, we actually treat each other, well, like we are actually family," he said at the time.
He joined the TODAY Show on September 22nd, to talk about his new book. “Love is about working to change things that are harmful in the world,” he says. Click here for video.
Q&A: Presiding Bishop shares stories from his life and ministry in new book on Christian love Curry spoke with Episcopal News Service by phone from his home in North Carolina, where he now spends much of his time, since his normally dizzying travel schedule has been disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic. Read interview here.
New Way of Love resources support building an intentional small group ministry The Episcopal Church continues to offer new resources for congregations interested in following the Way of Love as a way of life by starting small group ministries. New resources include the Building an Intentional Small Group Ministry information packet, an infographic, video compilations, and social media graphics.
Maryland Episcopal Church commits $1 million to reparations seed fund
The Maryland diocese of the Episcopal Church has become the latest religious institution to commit to making reparations for slavery and systemic racism, voting last weekend to create a $1 million seed fund for programs that would benefit the African American community in Baltimore and beyond.
More than 82 percent of delegates to the diocese’s annual general convention voted Sept. 12 to establish the fund. Officials said it’s a key step in a long-term campaign to confront — and repent for — the role the church played in fostering and benefiting from systemic racism in Maryland.
Existing funds in the diocese’s endowment will provide the capital for the initiative, and individual congregations are being asked to consider donating more.
The $1 million represents more than 20 percent of the diocese’s operating budget, Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton said. Read more here.
Episcopal Relief & Development Celebrates One Year of the ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE Campaign by Debuting New Digital Resources
Episcopal Relief & Development celebrates one year of ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE by debuting new digital Advent and worship resources, as well as other toolkits for churches and supporters to use together or individually. ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE is a three year, $3 million grassroots Church-wide fundraising campaign dedicated to expanding the organization’s global programs improving the lives of children up to age six.
“The COVID-19 pandemic had many churches and events move to worship and engage with each other online,” said Chad Brinkman, Campaign Director, Episcopal Relief & Development. “Knowing this, we have adapted ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE to be more virtual, creating resources and tools that people can use from home to continue, either individually or with their congregation online, to support Episcopal Relief & Development’s work with children.”
As the Church-wide campaign moves into its second year, the organization is debuting new digital resources. Read more here.
Grants available for Young Adult and Campus Ministry
Application deadline November 20, 2020
Informational webinar offered October 1, 2020, 3:00pm EDT
The Episcopal Church announces its 2021 grants program for Young Adult and Campus Ministries currently engaged in or seeking new relationships with young adults on or off college campuses. Episcopal ministries or ecumenical ministries with an Episcopal presence are invited to apply; an informational webinar is scheduled for October 1 at 3:00 pm EDT; register here.
Eligible applicants include dioceses, congregations, or college/university ministries. Grant information and applications are available in English here and in Spanish here. Read more here.
Episcopal Evangelism grants available for local and regional efforts
Application deadline is Nov. 15, 2020
Episcopal institutions can now apply for the next round of the Episcopal Evangelism Grants Program, designed to fund local and regional evangelism efforts in the Episcopal Church. The application deadline is November 15. The new grant cycle will focus on projects that explore new methods of evangelism during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Even as the pandemic has made it harder to be together in person, people are longing to be part of a community and to know that God is with us,” said the Rev. Devon Anderson, chair of Executive Council’s Episcopal Evangelism Grants Committee. “In this round of grants, we want to fund the best ideas about how Episcopalians can reach out to our communities and invite people to join us in worshipping God and following Jesus with all our hearts and souls.”
The grant program, which began in 2017 as a result of the 2015 General Convention’s increased investment in evangelism galvanized by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, awards up to $2,000 for an individual congregation and up to $8,000 for multi-church, diocesan and regional collaborations. Read more here.
This is NOT Sunday School launches in September
Even if we can’t physically worship and learn together, we can still draw closer to Jesus Christ. That’s the aim of a new learning experience called “This is NOT Sunday School.” This free, weekly online resource is intergenerational, making it a perfect tool for families and people of all ages. “Being away from church doesn’t mean we can’t continue learning about God at home,” said Melissa Rau ECF’s Staff Liaison to Forma and co-organizer of This is NOT Sunday School, “This is a dynamic opportunity for families to grow together in faith, especially around this terrific, weekly offering.” This is NOT Sunday School is coming from the Faith@Home team, which is a collaboration between Forma and Forward Movement to offer free Christian learning resources. Read more here.
Celebrate the Season of Creation, Thru October 4, 2020
Episcopalians are invited to join churches around the world in celebrating the Season of Creation; a time for people of faith to renew their relationship with God and all creation through celebration, prayer, and action. The Season’s roots rise from the Orthodox Christian tradition; the World Council of Churches was instrumental in making the special time a season, extending the celebration from September 1 until St. Francis Day, October 4. The Episcopal Church Office of Creation Care offers Season of Creation and St. Francis Day Resources to help plan.
“The Season of Creation invites us to think deeply about our ecological, economic, and political ways of living, and to work towards justice and right relationship with God’s Creation,” says the Rev. Melanie Mullen, director of Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care, “We are thrilled to participate in this global effort.” Read more here.
United Thank Offering 2021 Annual Grants, Two grant cycles offered
Application deadlines: February 26, 2021
The United Thank Offering (UTO) Board is pleased to announce the availability of their 2021 United Thank Offering Annual Grants. These grants are awarded for projects in The Episcopal Church and throughout the Anglican Communion, each year with a different focus. For 2021, the focus is Recovering with Love and Gratitude: An Episcopal Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Local Contexts.
The United Thank Offering will accept applications in two categories, Sustaining Ministries and Innovative Ministries, at two different funding levels through two granting cycles. The criteria for each category are different. Applicants must demonstrate concisely how the project directly supports the recovery effort. Read more here.
Introducing For People, a conversation about finding and holding on to faith in the midst of the challenges of an ever-changing world.
Join Bishop Rob Wright – spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta – each week at the crossroads of faith and life as he draws inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions. For People is Faith for Real Life. New episodes released each Friday. Listen Now