Tools for Employee Engagement Before Election
This month's Business Record Iowa is all about employee education when it comes to the election. With only two and a half weeks until Election Day, consider sending a reminder to your employees, including stuffers in paychecks for those individuals who still request paper checks and/or printing a poster and putting it up in your break room. For sample messaging to send to your employees, click here.
Three Things to Know Before Voting
Public Hearing on Research Activities Credit Rules
On Wednesday, the Department of Revenue (DOR) held a public hearing on the Research Activities Credit rules, which were noticed in order to implement SF 2417. During the past month, ABI has received feedback from members about who can claim the RAC. ABI attended the meeting and requested the DOR provide information as to whether ESOPs will be able to claim the credit. ABI will continue to follow this rule as it advances through the Administrative Rules Review Committee.
Deadline to Apply for Registered Apprenticeship Funding is Friday, Oct. 26
With workforce a top priority for businesses across the state, Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) announced organizations have until 1 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 26 to submit
proposals to receive funding to grow Registered Apprenticeship opportunities in Iowa.
The U.S. Department of Labor recently awarded IWD an additional $1 million ApprenticeshipUSA State Expansion Grant to strengthen and grow Iowa's Registered Apprenticeship opportunities. The grant is focused on expanding opportunities in healthcare and advanced manufacturing, the fastest growing and largest employment sectors in the state, as well as increasing the participation of women, youth, minorities, veterans and people with disabilities. Keep reading.
Opportunities to Serve on State Boards and Commissions
The state has hundreds of boards and commissions that are filled with citizens to help advise and recommend ideas for new policies or administrative changes to state agencies. Individuals who serve on boards or commissions are appointed by the
overnor and, in many cases, confirmed by the Iowa Senate. ABI has traditionally been active in ensuring business people are encouraged to apply to serve in these important roles. In other words, we need you! Two important positions that affect ABI members are currently open. Keep reading.
News Release: Iowa Students, Teachers Benefit from STEM
On Tuesday, the Iowa STEM Advisory Council, co-chaired by ABI board member Roger Hargens (Accu-Mold), released an independent evaluation that measures the council's progress toward increasing student interest and achievement in STEM education and workforce development in Iowa. The results of the evaluation reflect the effort ABI members, Gov. Reynolds, the Legislature, educators and so many others are putting into educating Iowans about opportunities for careers in STEM. Most notably, in 2017, 96 percent of Iowans said STEM education should be a priority in their local school district. Read the full news release from Gov. Reynolds.
DNR to Host Strategic Goals Program with EPA Compliance on E-Manifests
The DNR will host a one-day workshop on Nov. 6 about everything you want to know about E-manifests. For this workshop, attendees will hear from EPA Region 7 compliance officers about the EPA's E-manifest program. E-manifests is a national system for tracking hazardous waste shipments electronically and will modernize the nation's cradle-to-grave hazardous waste tracking process, while saving valuable time, resources and dollars for industry and states.
Keep reading.
Federal Spotlight: ATRA Report Shows Excessive Tort Costs
The American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) released on Monday an economic study of six states that determines how excessive tort costs impact employment and job loss, gross product output and annual direct costs. ATRA is an organization that ABI partners with to stay updated on nationwide trends with the legal system. ATRA also provides ABI with resources to help address imbalances in our state's legal system.
Keep reading.