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Bottom Line Human Resource Issues
Fall 2013

 Our Next Workshops... 


What Have You Been Doing All Day? (Learning to manage time for great results) 

Februrary 11, 2014


Harassment Prevention for Managers

March 12, 2014



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Quick and Dirty Info We Think You Should Know 


2014 CA state and federal required employment posters and pamphlets are available through our office.  To place an order contact Tricia Esparza at [email protected] or  (916) 791-8506.

The 2014 legal update and employee handbook policy updates will be published and available for our retained clients shortly. Sorry, these are not available to "civilians."   


Silvers HR, LLC
(916) 791-8506


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California Employers Walloped By State Labor Agency

By Christopher W. Olmsted


It turns out that your Human Resources Director's anxiety over possible labor agency audits is not mere paranoia; the government really is out to get you. The California labor agency, the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) released a report revealing that it dramatically increased enforcement actions and assessments in 2012. The trend will likely continue.


Assessments Skyrocketed


The DLSE assessed $25,278,887 for unpaid wages in 2012, a 419% increase over 2010 figures. Overtime wage assessments jumped to $13,324,098 in 2012, a 642% increase over 2010. According to the DLSE's May 2013 report, these figures represent the highest level of assessments in nearly a decade.



Click here for entire article.

Compensation Insights and Musings for 2014

We are receiving an increasing number of inquiries from California business owners on the compensation trends for 2014.  We're pleased to see the interest from and the ability for employers to finally begin to consider recognizing employees with competitive compensation packages after a long hiatus of layoffs, frozen salaries and salary reductions.  So what is the rest of the country doing for 2014 merit budgets?

Our compensation sources report that base pay increases for 2014 will remain at about three percent, similar to the 2013 budgets according to the annual Compensation Planning Survey published by Buck Consultants.   In addition, the WorldatWork Salary-Budget Survey shows U. S. employers' salary budget increases are projected to be 3.1 percent for 2014.  WorldatWork reports that this would the be the first average increase above three percent since 2008.

Click here for the entire article.

Employer's Liability Shows Up in Some of the Most Unusual Places

By Kim Silvers, SPHR-CA


A few recent California court of appeal decisions have us shaking our collective heads over the extended liability employers have for employees who are off the job and off company premises.  We'll begin with a situation that occurred after a company holiday party - the facts and the outcome are not what you would expect....

The Marriott Del Mar Hotel hosted an employee party in December 2009.  Employees were not required to attend, but many did, including Michael Landri, one of the Marriott's bartenders.  Landri had a roaring good time during the party.  He drank prior to arriving, brought a flask of whiskey to the event and consumed a lot of alcohol throughout the evening.   


Click here for the entire article.