December 2018


MNA African American Ministries Coordinator Wy Plummer
Happy Holidays from MNA African American Ministries!

This Season of Advent invites us to take time to reflect on our expectant Hope: the coming Messiah! Today, we have the assurance of Emmanuel, God with us. Yet in these troubling days, we still await the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to heal those who are hurting, to replace this world's unjust systems with true justice, and to restore broken relationships. In short, we look to our Savior and we remain patiently steadfast in hope as we await the full redemption He has promised.

At African-American Ministries (AAM), we also long for the day when our PCA churches are filled with people of all races -- with a colorful variety of brothers and sisters in Christ who, in their diversity, reflect the beauty and richness of our communities, of our nation, and of humanity. While we rejoice over the dozens of African American pastors added to the flock in the past decade, and as we celebrate the recent election of Dr. Irwyn Ince as the first African-American moderator of the PCA General Assembly, we are painfully aware that we still have a long way to go. Laboring for the God-purchased diversity that is in step with the truth of the gospel requires patience and effort, and can be a difficult and messy undertaking. Yet this is part of what we are called to as disciples of Christ (Ephesians 2).

Over the past few months, our team here at AAM has been engaged in a comprehensive strategic planning process. We have become increasingly aware that in order to attract minority leadership and members to the PCA, we must do a better job of supporting the folks of color God has already added to the Body.

In 2019, AAM will launch new initiatives toward this effort. Some of our proposed plans include:
  • Catalyzing regional fellowships to provide support and encouragement to African American pastors and staff
  • Building a stronger online presence to make congregants across the country aware of our available resources
  • Offering webinars to equip young, emerging leaders

Would you consider making a year-end contribution to foster our goal of building a supportive and influential community of African-American disciple-makers within the PCA?

May we be willing instruments in the hands of the Father as He wills and works in us according to His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). We appreciate your continued support of and prayers for this vital ministry. To God be the glory!

Blessings from the AAM Team,

Wy Plummer, Coordinator
Pastor Alex Shipman, Director of Regional Fellowships
Denine Blevins, Operations Manager

Mission to North America
P.O. Box 890233
Charlotte, NC 28289-0233
Include the designation "African American Ministries"

Select "MNA African American Ministries led by Wy Plummer" as the designation.

Mission to North America
1700 N. Brown Rd, Ste 101
Lawrenceville GA 30043
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