FABE Weekly
ASM, CSM, and FABE Undergraduate Student Newsletter
Reminder, there will be no FABE newsletter on Monday, March 11th.
Have a safe and fun Spring Break!
Nominate Your TA: FABE Graduate Teaching Award
Have you had an exceptional TA for one of your FABE courses? Nominate them for the 2019 FABE Graduate Teaching Awards! Students are encouraged to nominate any present or former TA's for this distinction.
Lindsay Hill 3-on-3
Saturday, March 23, 11:00 a.m., RPAC
ACT is proud to host the 6th annual Lindsay Hill 3 on 3 tournament this year. The basketball tournament will start at 11 on Saturday, March 23rd at the RPAC. The cost to register is $25 per team of 3-4 people. There will be free t-shirts, snacks, and some friendly competition. So grab some friends from your club, your dorm or fraternity and play ball for a good cause! Follow this link to register:
DesignColumbus 2019: Sustainable Building Education Day & Expo
Monday, April 8, COSI
DesignColumbus 2019 is an opportunity to learn about and engage in the transformation of the Central Ohio built environment to be more healthy, prosperous and sustainable. This day is full of educational seminars, displays, and presentations on technologies promoting sustainable growth, occupant health, and economic vitality. Learn more at designcolumbus.org.
Simpson Strong-Tie Student Scholarship
Due March 22nd
The Simpson Strong-Tie Student Scholarship program assists students who are pursuing undergraduate study in Structural Engineering, Architecture or Construction Management to support education and encourage the design and building of safer structures in our communities. The scholarship award is $2,000. Information along with link to the online application is available on our website at:
SOPREMA Scholarships
Due March 29th
SOPREMA has established a scholarship program to assist students pursuing a degree in architecture, engineering, construction management or a similar field at an accredited four-year college or university. SOPREMA is an international manufacturer of building envelope and civil engineering construction materials.
Learn more...
ORISE Scholarships
Due April 3rd
Technology plays a key role in many fields, but it is not without limitations. Although technology has helped to make great advancements in data collection, there are times that the instruments themselves interfere in the measurements. The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is hosting a problem-based challenge for undergraduate students.
The challenge for undergraduates is to identify a situation in which an instrument interferes with its own measurements and data collection, and to propose a solution to the problem
. Your proposal could win you a $5,000 scholarship! The deadline for this competition is Wednesday, April 3, 2019, and winners will be announced in early May.
1st place: $ 5,000 scholarship
2nd place: $ 3,000 scholarship
3rd place: $ 1,000 scholarship
Graduate Research Assistant
Funding (stipend and tuition) is available for a student wishing to pursue a Master’s degree. This graduate research assistant (GRA) position deals with highly quantitative information, and spans detailed simulation and modeling, and data analysis. A requirement for this type of work is proficiency in computer programming. Proficiency in a (any) programming language. Position will use Matlab extensively, and Fortran as well for some projects. A background in C or C++, or another scripting language (i.e. Python or R), would also be valuable.
The simulation and modeling projects will require physics and biology for simulating vegetation and soil processes. Some background in physics is preferred, and the typical background of an engineering student is likely sufficient for this. Fluid mechanics can be a plus for specific projects that they might take on, and if a particular interest in computational fluid dynamics there are potential projects that could make an excellent fit. Some basic background in biology or ecology is good, but not required.
Students more interested in data analysis than simulation and modeling would need a programming background, and a background in statistics as the data analysis / machine learning approaches require the extensive use of statistics.
A 3.0 GPA is required. The GRE must be taken—no minimum score required. Contact Candy McBride
Internships in
Cuyahoga Valley National Park
Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP) and its nonprofit friends group, the Conservancy for Cuyahoga Valley National Park, have numerous
summer internships
to offer to students. CVNP has a variety of opportunities within many park divisions. Check out our
current internship
postings here:
LimnoTech Environmental Summer Internship
We’re looking to hire an intern this summer to work on cool environmental research projects at LimnoTech including smart sensor projects around the Great Lakes and a host of other projects. Although the position is geared towards someone pursuing an engineering degree, a good mix of programming skills with an interest towards real world applications would be desirable as well.
Learn more...
FRES Executive Board Positions
The Fisher Real Estate Society (FRES) is looking for students to fill the Executive Board positions for the 2019-2020 school year. Applications will be accepted up to March 8
, and will involve a short interview process. If interested in becoming either FRES President, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Communications or Treasurer, please fill out this application:
Campus Case Competition: The Water Crisis
Due March 31st
UNA-USA invites universities to participate in the 2019 Case Competition: The Water Crisis. Teams will compete in on-campus competitions and present their solutions that address UN Sustainable Development Goal 6: Access to Clean Water and Sanitation. On-campus winners should be submitted to the National Office by March 31, 2019 to advance to the national competition.
Learn more...
Have an event or announcement to share with FABE students, faculty, and staff? Submit your event or announcement name, date, location, and a brief description to
. Submissions must be received by noon the Thursday before the newsletter goes out.
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