VLD Information

Virtual Learning Days to be Utilized Dec. 13th-14th
Access to main building prohibited until Monday, December 17th 
With our students' safety in mind, and after speaking with the cleaning company this morning, it has been decided that there will be another Virtual Learning Day tomorrow, December 14. The cleaning company and their crew will be working over the next two days, and into the weekend to repair smoke damage where necessary. Therefore, the main building must remain closed during that time. With tomorrow and the weekend to work, they have assured me a safe and successful opening on Monday for our students and staff. 

Students should follow the procedure for VLD and know that their teachers are available during school hours for any specific questions or concerns via email. All teachers have communicated exam expectations and study materials this week during classes, so students have all that they should need, anything else can be sent electronically. I am sure there will be a lot of studying for final exams next week, and today/tomorrow provide a nice opportunity to do so. Again, any specific concerns or questions should be directed to the teacher. 

Athletic practices and games will continue as planned because they take place in the Scholl Center, any questions or clarifications can be directed to the coach. 

- Principal Allyson Headd