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This Sunday Dec. 23
4th Sunday of Advent
Giving Birth to God Ain't for Sissies
Katie Kinnison Preaching
This week we are bringing our life experiences and our imagination to one brief verse from the long Christmas story in Luke:   And Mary remained with her about three months and then returned to her home.
Have you ever noticed how little time Mary seems to spend with Joseph during her pregnancy?  Okay, we know the circumstances were difficult. In Matthew’s version, it says that Joseph had planned to put her aside quietly once he learned a baby was coming. What were the whispers going around the neighborhood in Nazareth? Did Mary go to see Elizabeth because she could not bear to be at home?

This bearing God into the world is so very hard. It is messy and disconcerting and painful and beautiful and full of hope and laced with fear and uncertain, and it is perhaps what matters more than anything else once we are in the midst of it.

Let’s take this whole Jesus is coming, the baby is about to be born, Love is bursting into the world story seriously, my friends. Join us at Gathering, and we’ll see what is born among us this Sunday morning.
Yours in the journey,
Experience Christmas with Covenant
Wed., Dec. 19, Longest Night, 6pm light dinner ; 7pm Service
Mon., Dec. 24, 5pm Children-led; 8pm Stories, Music, Candlelight
Mon., Dec. 31, 5-7pm Communion. Quiet meditation. Come and go as you wish. 
Sundays: Regular Traditional Service: 8:30am and 11:00am, Sanctuary;
Alternative Gathering Service: 10am, Fellowship Hall

Note: Church closes at noon Christmas Eve and all Christmas Day; also at noon New Year's Eve and all New Year's Day.
New Photo Directories Keep Us Connected 
For church members who have a photo in our new directory, please pick up your copy in the hall this Sunday. Look for the label with your name and start meeting and learning about your church family. Soon, you’ll receive info on how to access this directory on the new app on your phone.
Christmas Joy Offering: Give Online
50% of your gifts provide support for current and retired church workers and their families with critical financial need. 50% of your gifts make it possible for students to learn and grow in faith at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges.  To give online or learn about giving through our mobile phone app,  CLICK HERE Questions? C ontact  Ingrid Smith.
Presbyterian Disaster Relief is responding to disasters in the US and worldwide. You can help.
You can receive your quarterly statement of giving from Covenant electronically
Emailing statements is much less expensive for the church, provides quicker delivery, and you can save and print your statement for your files. Please reply back to Ingrid Smith if you are interested in an email copy of your statement of giving at .
Our Mission
Covenant Presbyterian Church is an open, accepting community awakening to God's life-giving love together.
Our Vision
Covenant Presbyterian Church glorifies God and builds relationships with Christ and each other through: worship that inspires, nurture that embraces, education that challenges,
fellowship that energizes, ministry that responds.