It's time to catch up with the annual State of the School presentation. Join us to learn more about the school's sixty-year history as an innovator in education. You will hear from our new Head of School Tambi Tyler as she guides the school through the challenges of COVID-19, undoubtedly one of the greatest disruptors of our time. We will gain an insight on enrollment trends, academic benchmarks, and school finance 101.

Families, faculty/staff, grandparents, alumni, past parents, donors, and friends are all encouraged to attend this presentation. While typically we gather in person, we respectfully ask this diverse audience to tune in virtually as we continue to mitigate exposure and risks with our closed campus policy.

As our autumnal rhythms cause us to reflect, we will also offer our utmost gratitude for being able to host classes on campus and celebrate each and every day the return of students for in-person learning. Returning to campus is a feat that deserves shared accolades.