Happy Halloween From the Divorce Matters Team!
Halloween is an oft overlooked holiday, but around here at Divorce Matters we pride ourselves on leaving no holiday stone unturned!

This year we had trick or treat stations set up around the office at everyone's desk so that the kiddos of those who work here could go around towards the end of the day and get their trick or treating in! We also put together a pumpkin decorating activity so each kid was able to bring home their very own pumpkin!

Don't think us adults didn't get in on the fun...many around the firm dressed up for Halloween!
Staying On Budget When Shopping for the Holidays
This time of year can begin to feel stressful as you gear up for the holidays. Thanksgiving is still on the horizon, but if you haven't already started thinking about it, it's never too early to plan for your gift buying. Just by following a couple of simple rules of thumb, you can feel a little more in control of this time of year.

One of the most important things you can do is budget how much you can spend this year on holiday gifts. Make it reasonable enough that you can fit it into your regular budget without stretching yourself too thin. Once you have your number in mind, you now know how much you have to spend all around. Now you can break it up between those you want to buy gifts for. Once you've done this, now you have your holiday gift buying budget for each person.

Another thing to keep in mind is that while gift giving is certainly a part of the holiday season, there are other aspects that are just as important, if not more important. Don't stretch yourself thin by putting your gifts onto your credit cards or over extending yourself budget wise. This will ensure you stay in a healthy financial place as the year ends which will benefit you and your family in the long run.

There are many wonderful things about this time of year, including the gift giving that goes around. However, it is important not to lose sight of the most important aspect of the holiday, which is the time you will get to spend with your family and friends whether they are near or they are traveling from afar to be with you.
Auto Refinance During Your Divorce

Divorce carries with it a lot of hard decisions, and can wreak havoc on your finances. At iLendingDIRECT, we want to help you experience a little less financial chaos during this time. One of the toughest areas of negotiations can be the division of marital assets. If both parties are on the auto loan or lease, both are responsible for the payments, no matter who has the vehicle in their possession. If you separate and are living in different locations, that has no bearing on the burden of responsibility, either. If one party misses a loan payment, both are affected. This could be bad news for your credit score, and is not a happy situation to find yourself in if you can help it.

If both names are still on the paperwork and the vehicle becomes damaged or totaled in an accident, both people are still held responsible for paying the deductible. Bottom line? If your name is on the vehicle title, you are equally responsible for that vehicle and anything associated with it, including taxes and registration fees. This is why iLendingDIRECT recommends that our customers refinance any vehicles they possess during the divorce process, and make sure that the name on the loan is that of the person who will maintain possession of that vehicle after the divorce is final.

A verbal agreement is simply not enough to protect you in these circumstances. By talking with an iLendingDIRECT loan professional, you can protect your credit and your vehicle. If there are two vehicles involved, each party can refinance the one they will be keeping, and become solely responsible for that vehicle. Our refinance process is simple and convenient. There is no need to spend the day at the DMV standing in line and sorting through paperwork. iLendingDIRECT can handle all of the details for you, including switching the vehicle title over to your name, and correcting the registration.

In addition to the peace of mind you will gain once this task is completed, we may be able to save you money, as well. Like 95% of our customers, it is possible that your loan payment can be reduced, and even possible that you may be able to skip a payment, freeing up some much-needed cash during a difficult time. We save our customers an average of $112 per month, and $5,000 in interest over the life of the average loan.

Why not give us a call today at (844) 790-9001, or Get Started Here and let us help you have one less thing to worry about.
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