Church Together Toolkit

In coordination with your pastor and congregational leadership, please share these  stories and insights with your congregation , ideally in worship, but also through other communication channels, through faith formation opportunities, etc.
Please seek ways to  share the stories of your congregation’s ministry and witness with the rest of us as you network with other Church Together Ambassadors  in exploring additional avenues for passing along the energy and enthusiasm generated when we gather in Assembly.
Bishop Gonia: New and Renewing Ministries
"In the book of Acts, Jesus sends out his disciples with this promise:  You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses  in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.  (Acts 1:8). Our Spirit-empowered call as Christ’s Church is to bear witness to the Gospel in various contexts, reflecting on the needs and realities of each particular time and place we are sent. As the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod, we support and promote ministries intentionally committed to engaging changing contexts, emerging communities and neighbors on the margins. Together we are proclaiming God’s unconditional love for the sake of the world in new places and in new ways."
Mission Moment
St. Matthew's, Taylorsville, UT
People often ask what does it take to undergo redevelopment? At St. Matthew’s, we feel that establishing a team of people who are dedicated to seeing it through is essential. Our Redevelopment Ministry Team has met nearly every single week since February 2016! The team spends time in deep discernment through bible study, prayer, listening and in conversation with each other, the congregation and our neighbors.

As a result, this process has transformed the congregational leadership, built new ministry teams and leaders, identified the congregation’s core values and missional purpose. The Redevelopment of St. Matthew’s is well on its way to stability and sustainability.

-Rev. Christine Higueria-Street
Mission Moment Image: The Redevelopment Team gathers for their weekly meeting.
Prayers and Hymns

God of Creation and Renewal, you have called us to be your witnesses, to proclaim your love and grace for the sake of healing in our world. We pray for our Rocky Mountain mission sites, their leaders, and those they are called to serve:

·        Well of Hope, Castle
Pines, CO
·       Our Savior’s, Denver, CO
·       New Beginnings, Denver
Women’s Prison
·       Cristo Rey, Denver, CO
·       Rejoicing Spirits, Denver, CO
·       Cristo Rey, EL Paso, TX
·       Mount Hope, El Paso, TX
·       Camino de Vida, Albuquerque, NM
·       St. Matthew’s, Taylorsville, UT

Hymn: ELW #676 Speak to Us, That We May Speak

Offering Connections
(to include in the offering portion of worship)
November 4: A portion of your offering goes on to support new and renewing ministries around the
ELCA. Mission support given to our churchwide offices returns to the RMS to support the worshipping community in the Denver Women’s Prison, New Beginnings.
November 11: Our Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM), Rev. Matt Barnhouse is funded by our Churchwide organization, made possible by your mission support.
November 18: Your generosity helps us accompany our 3 Spanish speaking and 1 Indonesian worshipping communities.
November 25:  Cristo Rey, Denver, is a joint ministry supported by both the Rocky Mountain Synod and the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado and is served by an Episcopal priest.