October 17, 2018
"Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you...for the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him."

Isaiah 30:18
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First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette
600 Ninth Street
Wilmette, IL 60091-2779

[email protected]

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, the fpcw staff retreated to downtown Chicago to spend time and reflect with one another, team build and have some fun.  The team building began immediately, in the fpcw parking lot, when we had to figure out how to put the seats up in the third row of Madeline's car. I don't think she uses that row often, but we all wanted to pack in and ride together!  

When we arrived at our Segway tour, each of us came with our own experiences, some with  trepidation , some excited and some skeptical. After our HOUR LONG training session, we headed out behind our guide, single file into the city.  

Being on wheels, instead of on foot, gave us new eyes. Having to carefully navigate around obstacles and people, we were more aware of the varied landscape(i.e. bumps) and the diversity of people in downtown Chicago. As Christians we are invited to see the world and others through the eyes of Christ. With Jesus' eyes we see the bumps and cracks in the world that needs healing, we see all people as beloved children of God, we become grateful for the beauty and provision of God's world, and see ourselves as a part of God's loving work in the world.  

How might you, seeing the world with Jesus' eyes, change what and how you see? How might it inspire what you do and say? 

Following our Segway adventure, the staff gathered to break bread together and to talk about our shared ministry at fpcw . As was evident in the way each of us approached the Segway tour (believe it or not, Josh is a daredevil!), each staff member brings unique and important gifts to fpcw and to God's Kingdom. We are grateful for each of your unique and important gifts that you also bring to fpcw and God's Kingdom and we are grateful to partner in ministry with you!

Maybe an fpcw Segway tour is somewhere in your future??? 

With Joy,
Pastor Erin 

Sunday, October 21, 2018
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
8:45 am
Confirmation Class
Adult Study, Gospels 101
10:00 am
Congregational Meeting and Worship 
10:15 am
Sunday School
Club 56
11:15 am
Fellowship Hour
5:00 pm
Tower Youth
Faith & Fellowship - Experience 

Men's Council
This Saturday, October 20, Men's Council will gather at  7:30 am for breakfast, followed by a presentation by Nadav Klein, "Blockchain Technilogy." Please RSVP to  [email protected].

Nadav is a behavioral scientist at the University of Chicago, where he teaches negotiations. His research focuses on reputation and incentives. The presentation in Men's Council will focus on a novel area of the internet economy: Blockchain technology. Blockchain is responsible for the creation of so-called "crypto-currencies" like Bitcoin, but it has many additional uses that are less well known. The presentation will focus on how blockchain is used in cancer research, space exploration, graphic design initiatives, and referral programs. We will pay special attention to the psychology behind all of these use cases and how blockchain technology can help people come together to solve important social problems.

Organ and Piano Recital 
You are cordially invited to attend a recital of organ and piano music, presented by  fpcw's Director of Music and Worship, Peggy Massello and Music Assistant, Aaron Stampfl. Composers include Clerambault, Bédard, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Locklair and more!
When: Sunday, November 4
Time: 3:30 pm
Where: First Presbyterian Church Wilmette Sanctuary
A freewill offering will be collected for the organ fund.

Giving Tree
Will be covered again this year with Christmas wishes beginning Sunday, November 4th. Please select one or more gift tags form the tree and return the requested gift ($35 suggested limit) unwrapped to the church by December 2nd. Thank you for participating to make Christmas a little brighter for a special individual. Questions? Please contact Mary Watt at [email protected].

Lounge Refresh Project
This committee has been meeting regularly for many months and making significant progress. The Lounge refresh will include new carpeting, lighting, paint, furniture and art work. The lighting has been installed and there are two art boards with detailed information about the project displayed in the Lounge. Also, the art boards are available for you to view if you click this link   2018-09-26 Presentation Board  and this link    2018-09-26 Presentation Board 2 Curious, and would like more information? Please reach out to one of the committee members: Dorothy Ballantyne, Irris Boaz, Colleen Jersild, Joyce Knauff, Marilyn McKenzie, Jeff Miller, Sue Sklansky, and Madeline Weston.

First Family Food Truck
Join us Sun., Oct. 21, 4-6 pm for this unique and interactive gathering. We'll have dinner round the food truck and s'mores around the campfire. Tickets are $20 per family.

Fellowship Hour 
It seems our request for Fellowship Hour host is an ongoing need each month. Fellowship Hour is an important long-time tradition at fpcw,  and one that we cherish and look forward to each Sunday. Please help us to continue this special tradition and jump on board to be a host. It's easy to do and so appreciated by the congregation. Click here to access the SignUpGenius link and pick a Sunday that works for you.

Children & Youth - Grow Disciples  

Sunday School
For children ages 3 through 4th grade. Children gather in the Yellow Room after Time With Young Disciples to hear, wound, and respond to the story of God's love, through singing, prayer, art, games, and other activities. On Sunday, October 28th, third graders will receive their own Bibles, given with love from the fpcw family of faith.

Tower Soup Sale
The annual Tower Soup Sale has begun! Tower students make the soup themselves and all proceeds from the fundraiser go towards the 2019 Tower Work Trip. Soup will be sold during fellowship time in the Wallace Moore and immediately outside the Sanctuary on 21st. Checks and cash accepted. Soup will be available for pick-up on October 28th. Soup options include: butternut squash ($20/qt), minestrone ($25/qt), chicken & wild rice ($25/qt), and tomato & basil ($20/qt).

Halloween Care Packages
Do you know a young adult or college student who would love to receive a care package from their fpcw friends and family? If so, Tower can send them a care package! Let Josh know the name, address, and their favorite candy or snack and Tower will send them a Halloween care package. A suggested donation of $10 is requested to help pay for postage and goodies. Names and addresses must be in by Wed. Oct. 24th. Contact Josh by email at [email protected]   or by calling the church office.

Mission - Transform Lives

Katawa, Malawi School Project 
fpcw donated money to our sister church in Katawa, Malawi, for a new school building. For students to be eligible to attend school, each child is required to have various school items. Click here to access the list of items school children need. Please consider donating to this important mission and help support these children with  an opportunity to continue their education.

Family Matters
Volunteers are needed to tutor students in grades K-12. Tutors/mentors receive an orientation and on-going training and support, and meet with students once a week during the academic year. Questions? Please contact 
Greg Korak. 

Stock the Shelves Truck
The missing link that unites an abundance of North Shore  resources with under-resourced refugee families. Food stamps don't buy necessary, every day items such as soap, diapers, laundry detergent or toilet paper. The STS truck delivers these items on the 4th Wednesday of the month to Warren Park where over 125 refugee families select the items they need to continue to build sustainable lives.

How can you help? Click here to access the Stock the Shelves website for ways to donate and volunteer.

Wilmette Food Pantry
fpcw contributes food and non-food items to the Wilmette Food Pantry. Donations may be left in the containers located in the fpcw parking lot lobby.

Need some glad tidings? 
More activities, inspiration, and cheer 
available on our