- Fall Newsletter 2016 -  

Dear Friends,

Please take a moment to settle in, breathe deeply and exhale all the way. Relax and become aware of all that surrounds you from the inside out. Now balance and center. Ask yourself: "Am I willing to get in touch with and use my own best and truest power?" This is the essential aim of our practice!
Special thanks to Sally Durgan, ITP SF co-leader, for producing our fall newsletter showcasing the relationship of mind and heart. Enjoy learning how our  contributors explore the topic from their particular vantage point - be it global transformation, expression of feelings or technologies aimed at supporting heart consciousness. Our practice has both form and freedom! What are your insights about the interplay of mind and heart?
We are lit up about our upcoming ITPI Conference, The Science and Practice of the Extraordinary, In the Name of Love, where we will lean into the awakening of our hidden talents, explore the embodiment of love and learn how science validates the evolution of body, mind, heart and soul. Exciting content for the mind and a loving community to warm the heart - a dynamic duo!
Please join us for this momentous gathering and other ITPI events this fall. We are grateful to share the path of practice together.
Love and blessings,
Breaking the Cultural Hypnosis
of Heart and Mind
by Emanuel Kuntzelman
ITP International Board member
The staying power of an evolved, global community is dependent upon emergent norms. Large-scale evolution faces an inherent challenge in that emphasis is often placed on the cultural status quo. As societal behaviors have been primarily shaped by the culture in which they arise, they are given legitimacy based on the acceptance of shared common practices. The underlying beliefs of a given culture can obstruct new ways of thinking and behaving, which are perceived as threatening to their current way of living.
The Amazing Power of the Heart
by Roger Kenneth Marsh
Mastery teacher and GLEE co-leader
ITP is an integral practice, integrating body, mind, heart, and soul. When we speak of the practices that develop the heart, we most often speak of things related to emotions and relationship with self and others. Generically speaking, the body is equated with our physical self, the mind our intellectual self, the soul our spiritual self, and the heart our emotional self.
Why Track Emotions
by Sunil Mehrotra
ITP Thousand Oaks co-leader
One of the nine ITP Commitments is "I open my heart to others in love and service. I stay current in expressing my feelings to those close to me and take care of my emotional needs in appropriate and healthy ways, seeking counsel when needed."
We are emotional beings. We feel happy, sad, angry, disgusted, fearful, etc. Emotions are our constant companion. We experience a range of emotions every day. Yet, we have difficulty handling our emotions, especially our negative emotions. Not only do our emotional states affect us, but also those around us and how we experience life.
Taking ITP on the Road
by Rich Sigberman
ITP San Rafael group member and 6th year Mastery member

The phrase, "wherever you go, there you are" can be amended to, "where you go, there's Integral Transformative Practice" as it is quite portable.  Of course, one can ground and center multiple times during a day, and recite one's affirmations throughout a given day, too, without anyone noticing. Even a meditative state of sorts can be one's companion all day long, and all that makes a difference in the way one perceives a given situation and how one reacts to it.
Recently, Pam, Barb Brown, Tim Cleary a nd I h ad the good fortune to take a trip to La Rosiere in the Fre nch Alps.  Since three of us are long-time practitioners, and B arb is in the San Rafael ITP group, working with  our practice was pretty well ingrained in all of us.  

The Integration of Heart and Mind
at the GKM Clinic   
by Barry Robbins
ITPI Vice President, Mastery teacher and ITP SF co-leader 

The 6th annual ITPI Golf in the Kingdom eve nt was held at Peacock Gap Golf Club on September 11 and 12. For the first time, ITPI featured a four-hour clinic focused the integration of heart via feeling states and mind through contemplative practice.

The clinic was designed to emphasize:
  • The game of golf as a transformative practice
  • The integral in golf - cross training in body, mind, heart and soul
  • Extraordinary capacities that surface on the greens

  Spotlight on Autumn Wagner
ITP San Rafael group member

How did you become involved in ITP?

I had always wanted to visit Esalen, and finally had an opportunity to go. Scanning the catalog, I noticed my friend and colleague, Pamela Kramer, was offering a workshop on Integral Transformative Practice. It sounded interesting, so I just signed up for it. I loved the weekend, and was particularly drawn to the Kata. I have always been a physical person, especially with dancing, walking and swimming, so bringing the physical side of things together with heart, mind and soul fit for me. At the end of that year, I heard myself say that weekend was the best one of the whole year. I have hardly ever had just one thing as an obvious highlight, but that year it was clear.
I was very lucky that there was a wonderful local practice group here in San Rafael, at the iconic Victorian Falkirk Mansion. I love our leaders Donita Decker and Tim Cleary, and it is great to practice with Pam and all the others in the group.




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For more information about these and other ITP programs, please visit:  www.itp-international.org
In This Issue
Breaking the Cultural Hypnosis
The Amazing Power of the Heart
Why Track Emotions
Taking ITP on the Road
The Integration of Heart and Mind
Spotlight on Autumn Wagner

"Love something and watch it grow." Michael Murphy

Upcoming Events
Leonard Energy Training Workshop 

October 19-21, 2016
Aikido of Tamalpais
Corte Madera, CA

Mastery Cycle 9 
Open Session 

October 22, 2016 - 1-5PM
Aikido of Tamalpais
Corte Madera, CA


ITPI Conference
The Science & Practice of the Extraordinary
In The Name of Love

October 28-30, 2016
GLEE meeting 10/30
EarthRise Retreat Center
Petaluma, CA

New Paradigm Populism:
Creating a Path Toward
a Spiritual Civilization

November 15, 2016
Falkirk Cultural Center
San Rafael, CA

New ITPI Product!
The ITP Jazz Project
The Castro Sessions

Enjoy the musical stylings of of our talented ITP jazz musicians

Available at the
ITPI Conference and in our online shop soon!
$20.00 (tax included)

Check out these events with Greenheart and Global Purpose Movement