St. Pius X / St. Leo School Newsletter February 9, 2018

This year's Lenten Theme is Dying and Rising . Ash Wednesday is next week on February 14, and at SPSL we will be receiving ashes at the 8:30 a.m. (Grades K-4) and 10:00 a.m. (Grades 5-8) Masses. This year we would like to focus on the Dying and Rising of Jesus and how that Dying and Rising is a part of our daily lives. Jesus tells us, in John’s gospel, “unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.” This image of a seed dying and then rising as a new plant will become tangible for our students this Lent, as they receive a few seeds to plant in small paper cups in their classrooms. Along with a prayer to focus on our own dying to sin and rising to new life in Christ, the growth of seeds, sprouts, stems, and buds will be a physical reminder of our faith’s cycle of life.

(Lenten Theme provided by Dr. Anne McGuire, Alice Gerraughty and Linda Harrison.)

The Kindergartners celebrating a successful end to Catholic Schools Week 2018!
Students and teachers in Kindergarten celebrating the 100th day of school.
St. Pius X / St. Leo School is a diverse community forming students in the Catholic faith to excel in academics and service to others.

Student Council would like to thank everyone for their support of the Pulsera Project. The school raised over $4,600 to help the people of Nicaragua and Guatemala from the sales of the bracelets. The Pulsera Project founders sent a special thank you to our school as the sales from SPSL were in the top 1% of all Pulsera Project sales they have sponsored since 2009.
kids welcome

Do you know parents of new families who are interested in sending their child/ren to our school for the 2018-19 school year should call the school office at (402) 551-6667 to arrange a tour.

Taylor Menolascino, an occupational therapy student from Creighton University has begun working with SPSL students in our school in conjunction with her practicum.

The following is an article she wrote on backpack safety. Click here to view the article.

If you feel your child could benefit from working with Miss Menolascino, please email Mrs. Sluyter at This is her last rotation before graduation and she previously had a practicum in the Bellevue Public Schools. She is very prepared to help our students.


Please send a change of shoes with your child/ren when they come to school in boots so they can have a dry pair of shoes to wear inside the building, especially during their PE classes. Thank you for your help.

Way to Go Clipart
We are pleased to announce the names of the 7th and 8th grade students who made Honor Roll for the second quarter of this school year.

The procedures for placement on honor roll for Grades 7 & 8 students is as follows. All subjects will be given numerical grades. These numerical grades will be averaged at the end of each quarter. If the average of all of these subjects is 94.5% or above and there are no N's or U's in general conduct, the student will be placed on the First Honor Roll for the quarter. If the average of all of these subjects is 89.5% to 94.4% and there are no N's or U's in general conduct, the student will be placed on the Second Honor Roll for the quarter. Students who achieve either level of Honor Roll received a certificate with their report card for the second quarter. Click  here for a list of those students on honor roll for second quarter.

Congratulations to the 7th & 8th grade quiz bowl teams who participated in the Concordia Middle School Quiz Bowl Tournament on Saturday, January 27. Seventh graders Caleb Hans, Trevor Gregg and Cameron Thompson and eighth graders Ethan Noon, Jacob Dasher, Cameron James, Wistrom Herfordt, Wyatt Walters and Sam Kastl competed against more than 50 other teams. The team of Ethan Noon, Trevor Gregg, Wyatt Walters and Caleb Hans won third place overall. Congratulations!

The Marian High School Math Contest was held on Saturday, February 3rd with 99 students from 10 Catholic schools in attendance. The following girls represented SPSL:
6th Grade - Madeline Hartley, Delaney O'Doherty, Brooklyn Sauer and Giulianna Weber; 7th Grade - Katie Coppard, Erin Lemar, Maggie Morris and Sophia Tripp; and 8th Grade - Elleiana Green, Meg Raabe, Gigi Salerno and Abby Wessling.

In the individual competition, Erin Lemar won a 9th place ribbon, Meg Raabe won a 6th place ribbon and Abby Wessling won a 3rd place medal. In the team competition, the 8th grade team won a 2nd place trophy. Congratulations to these students for representing our school so proudly.

Congratulations to sixth grader Charlie Mangan for being crowned the 2018 St. Pius X / St. Leo Geography Bee Champion. Charlie has since taken the state qualifying test, and if his score is one of the top 100 in the entire state, he will be invited to the Nebraska Geography Bee to be held later in the spring. Sixth grader Gabe O'Doherty was the runner-up. The ten finalists were: Grade 4 - Austin Ramsey and Mitchell Kastl; Grade 5 - Coventry Thompson and Owen Welch; Grade 6 - Charlie Mangan and Gabe O'Doherty; Grade 7 - Will Brewster and Erin Lemar; and Grade 8 - Ethan Noon and Wyatt Walters.
During the cold and flu season it is often hard for parents to know if their child/ren has a cold or if it could be the flu. The following link is a good resource for parents to use for guidance. Click here for more information.
eye exam
Many thanks from the school nurse, Mrs. Bakewell, for all the help and support given by the parent volunteers during the school's height, weight and vision screenings in mid January.

We would like to kick off our Book Fair Week with an optional dress down day on Friday, February 23. Students can donate loose change or dollars to the SPSL Library Media Center and dress down on that day. The dress down policy can be found in the family handbook by clicking here .

More information on the Book Fair can be found on the school website on the library page .
Soda bread is being sold at St. Pius X and St. Leo Parishes. The school's Tuition Assistance Fund benefits greatly from the soda bread sales. Last year, proceeds from the soda bread sales generated  $12,000  for tuition assistance. Thank you to the St. Leo's Knights of Columbus, St. Pius X's Knights of Columbus and the St. Pius X Men's Club for making and selling the soda bread to help SPSL School! These men have been making soda bread for 25 years!
SFH Heart

Straight from the Heart would like to thank the following families for their kindness and generosity. This is a parent sponsored program that provides the opportunity to show their appreciation to the faculty and staff by providing treats. We send our thanks to the families (click here for list) who provided monetary donations to Straight from the Heart to be used in the second semester. (Every effort is made to include the names of all participating families, but apologies to anyone that was inadvertently excluded.)

Please mark you calendars. Teacher Appreciation Day is Thursday, March 8. As a way to honor our teachers this day, Straight from the Heart will provide lunch to them.
Want to learn how the every day things you do – eating, reading, traveling, surfing the web, shopping, can earn money for St. Pius X / St. Leo School? Click here for a list of all our  on-going fundraising efforts.
Parents - Do you have a current Nebraska Teaching Certificate and if so, would you like to be on the substitute teacher list? If so, please contact Becky Sluyter, Assistant Principal at
6905 Blondo St, Omaha, NE 68104