In this edition
  •  New 2019 Board Alternates Join STA
  • Solano County Pedestrian Safety Symposium
  • 2019 Legislative Priorities and Platform
  • Solano City County Coordinating Council (4Cs) Housing Summit
  • State Route (SR) 37 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Initiate Next Phases of SR 37 Corridor Improvements
  • Funding Agreements to Complete and Initiate Priority Transit Facilities
  • Delta Breeze & STA Five-Year Contract
STATUS Newsletter

The STATUS Newsletter is published every month after the STA Board meeting to inform the public and our stakeholders of what’s happening with transportation in Solano County. 

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STA Board Meeting 3/13 at 6 pm
Left to right: Donald Roos (City of Rio Vista, Vice Mayor), Lionel Largaespada (City of Benicia, Council Member), and Michael Segala (City of Suisun City, Mayor Pro-Tem)
New 2019 Board Alternates Join STA

At the February 13, 2019 Solano Transportation Authority (STA) Board Meeting, new Board Alternates Lionel Largaespada (City of Benicia, Council Member), Donald Roos (City of Rio Vista, Vice Mayor), and Michael Segala (City of Suisun City, Mayor Pro-Tem) were sworn in.
Solano County Pedestrian Safety Symposium

In partnership with the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), Solano County Public Health, and the City of Fairfield, the STA's Safe Routes to School Program staff hosted a Solano County Pedestrian Safety Symposium to discuss ideas to reduce pedestrian vs. vehicle collisions in Solano County. According to OTS collision statistics, Solano County has the 2 nd highest collision rate in California for pedestrians under 15 years old. Participants were presented with countywide collision data along with Solano Public Health data, illustrating the correlation between health inequities and pedestrian injuries. They were also asked to share what their cities are currently doing to address pedestrian safety, and to collaborate and develop an action plan to address this issue on a countywide scale. Additional community level workshops will take place this year to continue the discussion about Pedestrian Safety. 
2019 Legislative Priorities and Platform

The STA Board adopted the 2019 Legislative Platform at the February 13, 2019 Board meeting. Two new priority projects were added to the 2019 Legislative Priorities and Platform; the I-505/Vaca Valley Interchange in Vacaville and dredging of the Mare Island Strait in Vallejo.
Solano City County Coordinating Council (4Cs) Housing Summit

The Solano City County Coordinating Council is a partnership between the County of Solano and the cities of Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville, and Vallejo. The Solano 4Cs, in partnership with the STA, held a Housing Summit on February 25, 2019. The purpose of the Housing Summit was to inform Solano County’s local elected officials and city staff about forthcoming state housing legislation. A local panel discussed the opportunities and obstacles facing housing production and affordability in Solano County and a regional report called the “CASA Compact” proposed by the Association of Bay Area Governments and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to address the region’s Housing Crisis.
State Route (SR) 37 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Initiate Next Phases of SR 37 Corridor Improvements

The Board approved the STA to enter into a second SR 37 MOU with the Napa Valley Transportation Authority, the Sonoma County Transportation Authority, the Transportation Authority of Marin, the California Department of Transportation, and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for allocation of the Regional Measure 3 funds to begin the next phase of work on SR 37. The MOU also includes the SR 37/Fairgrounds Project in Segment E which will receive $15 million in bridge toll funds to help fund construction for the project. Bridge toll funding will also be dedicated to begin the environmental process for Segment B, the two lanes segment from the Mare Island Interchange to the SR 37/121 Interchange. The first MOU was adopted in 2015, primarily to address flooding issues on SR 37 after heavy rain storms and to develop a corridor plan for future traffic improvements.
Funding Agreements to Complete and Initiate Priority Transit Facilities

STA is working with the City of Vallejo and Solano County Transit (SolTrans) to approve a funding plan for the Vallejo Transit Center (VTC)/York Street Complete Street Project. This project will expand the VTC to accommodate both local SolTrans’ transit service and the expanded SolanoExpress Service. In addition, the project will also provide pedestrian and streetscape improvements. The STA Board also approved a funding agreement with the City of Fairfield to fund a Transit Signal Prioritization Project adjacent to the Fairfield Transit Center to improve access and reliability for the SolanoExpress Service.
Delta Breeze & STA Five-Year Contract

For the past two years, the City of Rio Vista has contracted with STA to provide management and financial support services for their local transit service, the Delta Breeze. Through this partnership, the Delta Breeze has become financially stable and has seen an increase in its ridership and fare box recovery. The Board approved STA staff to work with Rio Vista to update the Short Range Transit Plan for Delta Breeze and to also transition the contract from a year-to-year contract to a five-year contract.
2019 STA Board Members

  • Harry Price, Chair, Mayor of Fairfield
  • Thom Bogue, Vice-Chair, Mayor of Dixon
  • Elizabeth Patterson, Mayor of Benicia
  • Ronald Kott, Mayor of Rio Vista
  • Ron Rowlett, Mayor of Vacaville
  • Bob Sampayan, Mayor of Vallejo
  • Jim Spering, Solano County Supervisor
  • Lori Wilson, Mayor of Suisun City