In the United States, we have never been taught how noncompliant, insistent, furious women have shaped our history and our present, our activism and our art. We should be. -Rebecca Traister

How We Make History                                   

Real radicalism implores us to tell the whole ugly truth, even when it is inconvenient. To own the hurt and the pain. To own our sh*t, too. To think about it systemically and collectively, but never to diminish the import of the trauma. -Brittney Cooper

Long, long, ago, my mother had one of those t-shirts with the quote by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich that said, "Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History." My mom was a feminist, a leader in League of Women Voters, not only a history teacher, but history writer, and a social worker. She was a leader in her Unitarian church. She may have been many things, but she was never rude, or lacking in manners. She was sometimes angry, but really had no outlet for it. 

I am right in the middle of reading both Elequent Rage and Good and Mad. I'm not only finding kindreds in my appreciation of the stories and the prophetic voice, but feeling momentum that can accompany me at a time where we are being tossed about. I'm thinking that my mother would be grateful for these channels of women's truth. May we continue to hear them. 

What truth might I be withholding?
The Living Tradition

Beloved Conversations
There are three spaces left in this fabulous experiencial program 10/19-20. Email Lisa Mc, quick! 

Service Opportunity
Oct 27, 10am, meet at UUFD to pack up the patio sails. Some small gardening tasks to accomplish this day, too. 

Come Sunday

Our guest from Beloved Conversations, Julica Hermann de la Fuente, will join me in the pulpit and will preach the sermon. 

It'll be a wonderful Sunday together. 

ALWAYS in the love,              Rev. Katie 

Unitarian Universalst Fellowship of Durango | 970.247.1004 | 
 419 San Juan Dr. | Durango CO 81301
"a home for liberal religion, spiritual exploration, working for justice"