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MARCH 1, 2019  | ORSANCO |


Contact: Lisa Cochran

Communications Coordinator




The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) sets Pollution Control Standards for industrial and municipal waste water discharges to the Ohio River. ORSANCO is currently conducting a review and update of its current Pollution Control Standards for Discharges to the Ohio River - 2015 Revision.

During its Commission meeting on Thursday, February 14, 2019, the Commission voted to advance a proposed 2019 Revision to its Pollution Control Standards  to the next step of consideration

ORSANCO, headquartered in Cincinnati, OH, is the water pollution control agency for the Ohio River representing Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. The federal government is also represented.

Notice of Public Hearings
on Proposed Revisions to  ORSANCO's Pollution Control Standards
The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission is accepting public comments, technical and scientific studies, and data supporting those comments, starting Friday, March 1, 2019 through Monday, April 15, 2019, to assist in a public review and update of its current Pollution Control Standards for Discharges to the Ohio River - 2015 Revision. The purpose of the public review is to receive comments from interested parties on the proposed 2019 Revision. ORSANCO is particularly interested in receiving technical and scientific information or data that supports comments on proposals for revising the Standards.
Notice of Public Hearings
Pursuant to the authority contained in Article VI of the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Compact, and by direction of the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, three public hearings will be held by the Commission:
Hearing in Pittsburgh, April 1, 2019, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm (Eastern Time)
DoubleTree by Hilton Pittsburgh - Green Tree, Duquesne meeting room
500 Mansfield Avenue 
Pittsburgh PA 15205

Hearing in Evansville, April 4, 2019, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm (Central Time)
Tropicana Evansville, Walnut B meeting room
421 NW Riverside Drive
Evansville, IN 47708

Hearing in Cincinnati, April 8, 2019, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm (Eastern Time)
Holiday Inn Cincinnati Airport, Kenton meeting room
1717 Airport Exchange Boulevard
Erlanger, KY 41018
The hearings will be conducted from 6:00 pm local time until completed. The record of the hearing shall remain open and written testimony accepted beginning today and extending until midnight (Eastern Time) on April 15, 2019.
The purpose of said hearings is to receive comments, including data and scientific justifications or other supporting rationales, concerning the Commission's proposed action described as follows:
The proposed 2019 Revision is based upon a multi-year comprehensive assessment of ORSANCO's evolving function and role in partnership with its member states and the multitude of state and federal water quality protection activities collectively and cooperatively administered to protect the Ohio River. The proposed 2019 Revision maintains ORSANCO's Pollution Control Standards for the Ohio River to protect the uses delineated in ORSANCO's Compact while providing needed flexibility for member states to utilize the Pollution Control Standards or their own rigorously developed and United States Environmental Protection Agency approved water quality criteria for Ohio River discharge permits.
The proposed 2019 Revision, background review materials, and initial public comment documents that were developed in the course of this review can be accessed from ORSANCO's web page at 
In order to facilitate comments, ORSANCO will host two webinars to present an overview of the review it conducted and the proposed 2019 Revision. These webinars have been scheduled for March 12, 2019 at 10:00 am (Eastern Time) and March 14, 2019 at 6:00 pm (Eastern Time).  
If you are unable to attend either webinar, the PowerPoint presentation will be available on the webpage March 1, 2019, and questions can be directed to ORSANCO at 513-231-7719.
For complete webinar directions, please visit:
Instructions for Submitting Comments (must be received by April 15, 2019)
All parties interested in submitting comments may do so by mail or email. Mailed comments should be addressed to ORSANCO, 5735 Kellogg Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45230, Attn: PCS Comments. Emailed comments should be sent to Emailed comments must be sent by the original submitter. Third party emails will not be accepted in order to protect data systems integrity. Comments must be included in the body of the email. Email attachments will not be accepted in order to protect data systems integrity. Please contact ORSANCO directly at 513-231-7719 for instructions on submitting technical and scientific information or data since email attachments cannot be accepted. Your name and mailing address must accompany all correspondence.


Ron Potesta, Commission Chairman
March 1, 2019
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5735 Kellogg Ave 
Cincinnati, OH 45230
(513) 231-7719 
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