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How and Why to Practice Chöd
Sangye Khandro will emphasize teachings on the meaning of Chöd practice in general, with specific details concerning the unique lineage of the Dudjom Tersar and its importance on the path of the Great Perfection-Dzogpa Chenpo. Beginners are welcome.
Those who are beginning on the path of Chöd will benefit from this retreat as there will be hands-on instruction for using the instruments, chanting the melodies and most importantly, understanding the progression and profound meaning of this path and why it is significant in today's world. Sangye Khandro's teachings will also be transmitted in Chinese via a translator.

      Feb. 14th Volunteer "Prep Day"  
 Torma making,  Mandala set up

Feb 15 th :  Registration/Check -in
 Check-in followed by Intermediate Troma Sadhana & Tsog  
(Guru Rinpoche Day) 

Feb 16 th  -18 th :   Tröma P ractice & Teachings with Sangye Khandro
Two sessions each day: 10am-12:30pm & 2:30pm-6:30 pm
Teachings will be translated into Chinese  

Feb 19th Intermediate Troma Sadhana: Sun of Wisdom
Followed by a large tsog

Attendees are encouraged to attend all 
practice and teachings sessions if possible.

Register Soon!
All attendees are encouraged to register and pay early in order to avoid lines on the first day.  Please register early, and by Feb. 10, 2019 at the latestOnce registered, you will receive confirmation and further instructions from Julie Rogers, retreat coordinator. 

Suggested fee:  $190 entire event / $60 full day/ $30 per session (No one turned away for lack of funds)

Retreat Information:
For full details regarding daily schedule, practice texts and supports, please click here.  

Rota Duties:
All attendees are required to join in to support the retreat through Rota Service.  Your cooperation with this ensures a smooth and obstacle free retreat.  Once registered, you will need to send an email to Julie Rogers, retreat coordinator, with your information about Rota tasks.
For information on ROTA, please  click here.

Orgyen Dorje Den
2244 Santa Clara Ave.
Alameda, CA 94501

Retreat Sponsorship
If you would like to help sponsor this year's Troma Nagmo retreat, your offerings of any amount will support and assist practitioners, teachers and Orgyen Dorje Den's continuing efforts.  You can make an online tax deductible donation here.  Or send your donation to the ODD address above.  If mailing a check, please note in the memo "2019 ODD Troma Retreat" and thank you for your generosity!

We look forward to a wonderful retreat!

Please do not park in the ODD parking lot!  Parking at ODD is reserved for the lamas, tenants and essential staff only.

Parking is available one block away from ODD, at the Civic Center Parking Lot.  It's located at 1416 Oak St., between Central and Santa Clara Aves.  Cost is only .75/hour, and is free after 5 pm. 
Orgyen Dorje Den  2244 Santa Clara Ave.  Alameda, CA 94501
Orgyen Dorje Den is a 501c3 non-profit organization.