Dear Colleagues, 

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to present to the Board of Trustees on the College of Engineering, our current initiatives and activities, and notably, our strategic planning process that launched earlier this year. 

The presentation was well-received, and I was pleased that the time, energy, and effort our community has invested in the process to-date shined through. 

As you are aware, the university engaged in a strategic pre-planning process effort during the last academic year, and more recently, President Fry charged an Executive Planning Committee (EPC) . The group first met this fall, and a subcommittee was tasked with integrating college strategic plans into the broader university plan. 

To assist with the EPC’s early and ongoing work, we have been asked to share a summary of the college’s strategic planning progress, including thematic areas around which our working groups have coalesced over the last year. 

While this an evolving, working document, you will find it identifies shared values and thematic areas around which the college’s working groups have coalesced since our launch event in June and after much detailed discussion at the September fall retreat and ongoing work in the weeks and months since. These topic areas provide us with a sense of direction in which to focus our efforts – the implementation and next steps are where we will direct our attention in the new year. 

I invite you to take a look at the summary document ( Drexel ID and password required for access )   and keep an eye out for another round of focus groups in the new year, at which time we will seek continued community input and offer an opportunity for more dialogue. Of course, we also continue to welcome your feedback via the email on the college’s strategic planning website .

Sharon L. Walker, PhD
Dean, College of Engineering