August 25, 2020
Community Updates
2020 Tree Giveaway

Planting a tree is one of the best things individuals can do to promote sustainability and to combat the ongoing effects of climate change. In coordination with Howard County Recreation and Parks and the Office of Community Sustainability, we will be giving away 2,020 native trees to Howard County Residents.

While 2020 has been an incredibly challenging year, this tree giveaway is a wonderful opportunity for residents to plant a little bit of hope and encourage positive growth in our community.

For further information about the 2020 Tree Giveaway, including the registration link, descriptions of the trees, and details on the pickup locations, please click here.
Text 911 During Emergencies

Residents and visitors in Howard County, and throughout Maryland, can now text 9-1-1 in an emergency. This service is used for individuals who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, or have a speech disability, someone who is in a situation where it is unsafe to place a voice call to 911, or an individual who is experiencing a medical emergency and may be unable to speak.

To learn more about this service, please visit click here.
Food Distribution Map

No one should have to choose between paying rent or purchasing food for themselves or their family, and COVID-19 has forced many of our residents into unimaginable financial situations. Since the beginning of this pandemic, more than 44,000 Howard County residents have filed for unemployment or pandemic assistance, it’s clear access to food and groceries is one of the most urgent needs our residents are facing.

We’ve seen our community organizations, non-profits, and neighbors step-up to support one another, and we saw an opportunity to make it easier for folks to find what they need. This map clearly shows the daily options for groceries, food pantries, and meal pickups, and will hopefully reduce the stress for many people trying to figure out where to find the resources they need.

Visit the map today here.
Equity and Restorative Practices Manager
Yesterday, we announced a new government position, the Equity and Restorative Practices Manager, whose role will identify any practices or policies needed to ensure equity; recommend and implement training and competency-building; develop strategic community partnerships. Through restorative practices, the leader in this position will help our community in strengthening relationships and building social connections.

Understanding the huge undertaking of this position, we decided to take the permanent approach by establishing it in the Office of Human Rights, ensuring that this person will evaluate restorative practices in order to make a long-term impact. The current pandemic has only highlighted the disparities and discrimination that so many people face – there is an urgent need to address inequity in our community.

These improvements provide the opportunity for Howard County to be a model for other jurisdictions on how to implement real change and create a more equitable and just community. If you're interested, or know someone who may be interested, apply now HERE. Applications are open through September 11th.
Community Ecology Institute

In June of 2019, The Community Ecology Institute was established as a place where connections are made between people and our natural world. I was honored to join Dr. Chiara D’Amore for a tour of the Freetown Farm in Columbia. At this farm, residents and organizations also come together to grow fruits and vegetables while actively working to protect our environment, combatting climate change, and growing people.
They recently earned an innovation grant from Howard County Government, which will help them expand and reach more people in our community. Congratulations to Chiara, and thank you for your devout stewardship and leadership.

Special thank you to all the organizations that are participating with, and supporting, the Community Ecology Institute including; Howard County Branch NAACP #7020IONHoCoHopeworksColumbia Community CareHoward EcoWorks, and Volunteens.

To learn more about CEI, how you can get involved, or to buy fresh produce, please click here.
Scams 101 - Stimulus Checks

There has been an increase in reports of online extortion scams during the COVID-19 crisis. As many residents are staying at home and are online more than usual, scammers may use this opportunity to find new victims and pressure them into sending money.

Be wary of any type of robocall or email that uses the term "stimulus" and asks you to provide any personal information, like your social security number. If you believe you are the victim of a scam, please contact the Office of Consumer Protection at (410) 313-6420
Moratorium on Utility Services

As of today, the moratorium on utility services ends on September 1st, 2020.

Governor Hogan extended his order prohibiting electric, gas, water, sewage, phone, cable TV, and internet service provider companies from shutting off any residential customer’s service, or charging any residential late fees. This order will help protect the health and safety of utility employees and our residents during this catastrophic health emergency.
Ellicott City Master Plan

As Ellicott City is about to celebrate its 250th Anniversary, we want to ensure that this town continues to be one of Howard County’s most important economic epicenters, a landmark of American history, and one of this nation’s best places to live. The Ellicott City Watershed Master Plan provides a long-term vision for a thriving Ellicott City that showcases the community – its people, commerce, history, culture and natural environment.

Residents are now able to provide feedback on the current draft Ellicott City Master Plan through August 28th, 2020. The plan represents the culmination of a multi-year public outreach process that began in response to the 2016 flooding and builds upon my Ellicott City Safe and Sound flood mitigation plan.

To learn how you can become involved and offer your thoughts on the draft plan during the comment period, visit
Take the Census!

The Census provides critical federal funding to Howard County communities for important initiatives. For every person NOT counted in the Census, we lose over $18,000 in funding, which can go toward important community programs like sensory friendly initiatives, healthy living, services for our older adults, our education, affordable housing, infrastructure, and so much more.

It only takes five minutes to complete. Take the census today at 
COVID-19 Updates
Maryland Mask Order

Governor Hogan announced a statewide mask order, now in effect for Maryland.

Residents are now required to wear masks or face coverings:

  • In public areas of businesses and buildings
  • And in outdoor public areas where it is not possible to maintain physical distance

Masks and face coverings are critical to keeping our businesses open and allowing our economy to recover. As we have seen in many other states around this country, not adhering to hand washing, physical distancing, and mask-wearing directly leads to spikes in cases and strains on healthcare systems.

Many of our residents have already made mask-wearing a best practice, let's continue to protect each other and keep our community safe from COVID-19
Large Gathering Reminders

Governor Hogan's Executive Order from June 10th addressed many of the large gathering questions residents may have. To read his complete Executive Order, please click here. To read interpretative guidance on social gatherings, please click here.

While Howard County has been able to keep our COVID-19 case numbers steady, I encourage residents to continue practicing preventative measures - mask-wearing, physical distancing, and frequent hand washing - whenever you are out.
Government Updates
Department of Community Resources and Services (DCRS)
Apply for the Women's Commission

This year marks the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage, and although significant progress has been made in ensuring women's voices are heard, there is still work to do. If you are interested in promoting the economic, social and political equality of women and playing an active role in blazing new trails for women in Howard County, I encourage you to apply today for Howard County’s Commission for Women. The Commission is currently looking to fill three vacant positions – two general members and one student member. For eligibility requirements and details on how to apply, click HERE. The DEADLINE to apply is this Friday, August 28.
Apply for the Consumer Protection Advisory Board

Since March, we've seen an increase in reports of online extortion scams targeting our communities. With more residents staying and working virtually from home and businesses shifting to e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic, scammers are using this opportunity to find new victims. It is essential that we stop these scammers and educate and protect our residents from these scams.
If you are interest in helping us improve consumer protection-related services and protecting your fellow community members, I encourage you to apply today for the County’s Consumer Protection Advisory Board. For details on how to apply and eligibility requirements, click HERE. The deadline to apply is September 4th, 2020.
Keep Up with OAI

From social engagement to exercise, cooking and lifelong learning classes, DCRS' Office on Aging and Independence (OAI) is working hard to ensure our older residents have the resources they need to remain active and engaged while at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This month, OAI’s is offering something virtually every day (click HERE for OAI's August schedule) to help you –––learn, get moving, get cooking and get social. We hope you will take advantage of one or more of these great programs as we continue down the path of this COVID-19 pandemic. For questions and/or more information, please feel free to contact OAI at
Howard County Health Department
Where to Get Tested

While we have surpassed our goal of testing a minimum of 10 percent of Howard County residents, it’s vital that residents continue to get tested so we can track, monitor and control the spread of COVID-19. If you have attended a large gathering, work in close proximity to others, live with an older adult relative(s) or anyone who is in a vulnerable population, are pregnant or have underlying health condition(s) yourself, please get tested as soon as possible. Please keep in mind, you may need to get retested if you have experienced a change in your circumstance.
Several locations have been set up across our county where residents can easily get tested for COVID-19; however, if you are having trouble receiving a test, please contact the Howard County Health Department’s Coronavirus Information Line at 410-313-6284 for assistance.
Department of Housing and Community Development
Rental Assistance and Eviction Prevention

If you are a Howard County resident in need of financial assistance to pay past due rent payments to prevent eviction, I encourage you to apply for housing ​payment relief aid from one of the county’s participating providers. To be eligible to apply, you must be a Howard County resident, be able to provide proof of home address and supply evidence of loss of income due to COVID-related job loss, reduction in hours and/or medical illness.

The maximum assistance per household is three months of housing expense. To learn more and/or to apply, visit our Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) “COVID-19 Housing” Information website.
The Housing Opportunities Master Plan Task Force wants to hear your voice. Watch the video presentation and register to attend one of 3 virtual community meetings to give your input on what housing needs should be addressed in Howard County over the next 10 years. Whether you're a renter or a homeowner, a young adult or senior, a community advocate, a business leader or an employer, we invite you to participate.

Office of Human Rights and Equity
This past Saturday, August 22nd, our Office of Human Rights held its first session of its five-session workshop series: “Humanity Matters: Honest Dialogues about Race, Culture and Class in Howard County.” This workshop series teaches participants how to authentically interact with people from different races and cultures and about the historical, cultural and societal factors that make our county unique, yet challenging to navigate.

To learn more about the series, click here or contact the Office of Human Rights at 410-313-6430 or email
Department of Planning and Zoning (DPZ)
HoCo by Design

DPZ next General Plan, “HoCo By Design” is underway. The General Plan is the comprehensive long-range plan for all of Howard County and establishes policies on how and where the County will develop and grow in response to evolving economic, environmental and social conditions.

To learn more about HoCo By Design and how you can get involved, check out
Police Department
HCPD is urging anyone with information about the July 31st shooting of a pregnant woman in Columbia, which resulted in her death and the death of her baby, to contact investigators. At approximately 11:00 p.m. on July 31, police responded to a residence in the 6600 block of Dovecote Drive in Columbia, where numerous people reside, for a report of several gunshots. Police discovered that multiple bullets had been fired into the house from the outside and that a woman inside, Rabiah Ahmad, had been struck once Ahmad, who had recently moved to Maryland and had been staying at the residence for the last few months, was 28 weeks pregnant. Ahmad died at the hospital, where doctors delivered her baby girl, Ahja, who remained in critical condition until her death on August 5. No one else was injured in the shooting on the 31st.
Detectives have been working around the clock to follow up on possible leads in the case and are continuing their attempts to determine who inside the house may have been the intended target. Investigators believe that at this stage of the investigation, any small piece of information could help put together critical details in the case. They have increased the reward to up to $15,000 and are urging anyone with information to contact police at 410-313-STOP or email Callers can remain anonymous.
Department of Public Works

Construction Report

Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance projects that have been announced.

  • Sheppard Lane Realignment Project – Developer project to improve access to River Hill Square at 12171 Clarksville Pike (MD 108). The work will include the realignment of Sheppard Lane with MD 108 and the installation of a new traffic signal at the MD108/Sheppard Lane intersection. The northbound and southbound Sheppard Lane between 5450 Sheppard Lane and MD 108 will be closed to thru traffic during the work. Weather permitting, the project is expected to take three days to complete.
To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s website and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Office of Transportation
Registration in NOW OPEN for Bike to Work Week 2020. This year’s event will take place virtually from September 21st to the 27th. Combined with participation in the Love to Ride Central Maryland community, the usual rallies and pit stop gatherings will be replaced with online networking and encouragement for all riders. Registered riders who participate during the week will receive a free t-shirt and have a chance to win additional prizes. Riders will also have the opportunity to sign up for Cycle September Challenge as part of the Love to Ride Central Maryland, a friendly month-long competition.
Howard County BikeShare as officially REOPENED, with enhanced cleaning procedures of course. While the Howard County BikeShare team will be sanitizing the bikes (handles and saddles) and kiosk pinpads and screen with every visit, riders are still strongly encouraged to also clean the bike handle and seat and kiosk pinpad and screen before and after each use.
To learn more about Howard County BikeShare, visit For current members I am pleased to share that because of the BikeShare’s temporary closure, all annual memberships will be extended by three months.
Department of Recreation & Parks
Something not-so-spooky this way comes. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, our Department of Recreation & Parks is happy to announce that tickets are now on sale for its annual "Truck or Treat." Set to take place Saturday, October 24th, this year's event has been modified to incorporate physical distancing and all CDC, State and local guidelines will be enforced. Children will receive a pre-filled treat bag and have the opportunity to participate in an "I Spy" scavenger hunt and their picture taken in front of trucks, tractors, emergency vehicles and more.

Tickets are $5 per child and adults are free; however, adult must obtain a free ticket to attend. Each member of your party must register in advance for a one-hour time slot to attend and spots are limited, so visit today to purchase your tickets.
In case you missed it in last week’s bulletin, the gymnasium and walking track at Recreation & Parks’ North Laurel Community Center is CLOSED, now through Friday, September 11th, to allow for the gymnasium and walking track floors to be resurfaced.
If you are looking for educational, online fun your child, check out Recreation & Park’s Brainstar Discovery Clubhouse with master magician Ben Corey! Young learners, ages six to 11, discover music, magic, bubbles and more as they build confidence, focus and social skills with interactive live activities each afternoon. Parents can choose from weekly and monthly membership options for a single child or a whole family.
Registration for Recreation & Parks’ new RecZone program, designed to help families address childcare needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, is now open to in-county and out-of-county registrants.

Open to students in grades kindergarten through 5th, RecZone provides support for virtual learning assignments and work sessions, along with fun activities and games. The program begins on September 8th at select schools throughout Howard County. For additional info, visit
When visiting a County Department of Recreation & Parks (DRP) park, playground and/or other amenity, please remember to take the necessary precautions to help stop the spread of COVID-19. This includes practicing physical distancing, wearing a face covering when possible and avoiding large gatherings.

For the latest information on what Recreatoin & Parks’ facilities, amentieis and programs are open, as well as additional Recreation & Parks announcements, visit or following the Department on Facebook or Twitter.