The concept that humans are composed not of one single self or personality, but of numerous different "selves" that think and behave differently in response to different stimuli, is now well entrenched. 

However, teams also have personalities, derived from the personality mix of the members (although other factors, such as the type of team task and the narrative outsiders hold about the team, may also contribute to its collective personality).

Team personality is related to team performance in several ways. A number of studies have explored the relationship of the big five personality factors on team performance. 

Read all about the latest research on team coaching in our current edition. 

Live & Learn!

Ton de Graaf, 

Executive Coach and Chartered Business Coachâ„¢
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
Worldwide Coaching Magazine

Navigating the Path of Team Coaching

Executive coaching has documented research to support positive return on investment. However, executive coaching can be costly for many SMBs.  

To take advantage of the positive ROI of executive coaching along with the rapid organisational change being experienced by these same firms while spreading the cost for executive coaching has given birth to the practice of team coaching.

Multiplicity Theory and Team Coaching

Team personality is related to team performance in several ways. 

A number of studies have explored the relationship of the big five personality factors on team performance. 

Group or Team Coaching - An Interview From Lyn Christian with Deborah Goldstein 

In this edition of the Coaching Toolkit, I invited one of my highly qualified peers to join in a discussion regarding Team Coaching. Deborah Goldstein is the Founder of  DRIVEN Professionals , a  Forbes Contributor  and one of my fellow Certified  Conversational Intelligence®  Coaches.
Mindware Tools for Coaching 

What happens when your client leaves the session? What tools do you provide them with to help, support and guide them when you're not there with them?

D iscover some great self-help tools to support you and your clients in our  current edition

Getting Started with Team Coaching

The challenge I faced at the time was that I had no experience coaching a leadership team. Until then my work had exclusively been 1-1 coaching. But I was excited for the opportunity and agreed to it. 

Find out what happened next in our  current edition.

Five Key Team Building Skills

For those leaders who want to prove their worth and deliver exceptional results, the capacity to be flexible in how they lead is standing out as one of the biggest skills they need to develop in the modern era.

The beauty of this is that every stage of evolving these new capabilities is achievable and within every leaders' grasp, if and when they are prepared to create a new way of working with those employees in their care.

In our current edition you'll find five mindset adjustments that the very best leaders are expert in developing.