"The capacity to learn is a gift;
The ability to learn is a skill;
The willingness to learn is a choice.
-Brian Herbert
In This Issue
Prompted by cost shifting and new technology, how are consumers and physicians adapting to changes in their health care?  If you missed our free webinar on the Consumerization of Healthcare, you'll have another chance on Monday, February 25 at 1 pm EST. Learn what physicians and consumers think about wearables like Fitbits and Apple Watches, health monitoring devices, patient data sharing, telemedicine and more. Find out how these changes and new means of supply distribution are affecting medical practices, and how generations differ in attitudes about and usage of these new technologies. You'll have plenty of time to present your questions to the Zeldis team.

Watch and learn more about Wearable Devices and Telemedicine
Millennials remain substantially under-invested as a generational segment. Why? In an encore webinar presentation, Zeldis Executive Vice President Amy Rey will discuss the findings of a recent study from the FINRA Foundation and CFA Institute, conducted by Zeldis Research. The research explores barriers to investing among millennials and looks at some common misconceptions about millennials as it relates to investing and the financial services industry.

Where are independent insurance agencies headed? What will they look like in the future? Once again, Future One, a cooperative effort of the IIABA and many independent agency carriers, has released its findings on changes among agencies and agents. Conducted by Zeldis Research, the study examines agency revenue trends, use of technology and marketing by agencies, and carrier relationships, as well as the impact of emerging purchase channels.

Last May, we ­proudly announced that Zeldis' systems used for safeguarding sensitive information earned the HITRUST Certified status for information security. As Zeldis Managing Partner Doris Kaiser explained, "Meeting the gold standard of the HITRUST CSF validates our company's commitment to protecting our clients' sensitive information."

Watch the video to learn more about achieving the HITRUST CSF Certification status, the processes included, and why our clients can have confidence in this designation.
Check out our newest client white paper! AXA US recently collaborated with Zeldis Research on "The Value of the Advisor: The impact of advisors on financial outcomes among K-12 educators." AXA and Zeldis conducted a large-scale quantitative survey focused on the enhanced financial, behavioral, and attitudinal outcomes achieved by 403(b) participants who worked with a financial professional.

"AXA" is the brand name of AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC and its family of companies, including AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company (NY, NY); AXA Advisors; LLC and AXA Distributors, LLC.
We'll be seeing you at the QUIRK'S East Event in Brooklyn March 5 and 6. As always, it's a great opportunity to catch up on the latest in research trends. And we hope you'll join us there to add some great conversation and fun to your visit. See us at Booth Number 5, where our Balloon Artist will be on hand and you can try your luck at Giant Jinga for prizes. And save 20% on registration when you use our discount code SAVE20. Let Doris or Christine know you'll be coming.
Growth - professional and personal - is a key goal for all Zeldis staff members. Meet Monique Corchado, Zeldis Director of Finance & Administration. Over her 12 years at Zeldis, Monique exemplifies this growth trajectory that we encourage and support for all our team members.

If you have any questions, or suggestions for articles you'd like to see in future issues of The Zeldis Buzz , please contact me by calling (609) 737-7223, x207, or by emailing .


Doris Kaiser, Managing Partner 

Zeldis Research Associates 

609-737-7223, x207


About Zeldis Research
Zeldis Research  can help you do smarter, more impactful research. In turn, this allows your stakeholders to market products and services more successfully to their targets.

Our deep and broad industry knowledge in the markets we serve, customized solutions blending Qualitative and Quantitative methods, highly responsive boutique size, and actionable results have helped clients effectively improve the development and communication of their products and services.

Zeldis Research Associates

1230 Parkway Avenue, Suite 311

Ewing, NJ 08628


p. 609-737-7223
f. 609-737-9272