Top Covenant News
Presbyterian Church  USA
United Church of Christ 
March 2019
In This Issue
Pastor Letter
40 Days of Generosity
Food Pantry Volunteers
Eyeglasses Collection
News from the Pews
Under the Mango Tree
Council Report
March Birthdays
March Calendar
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Covenant's Tiffany Lantern  
Pastor Letter  
Rev. Rob Mark, Pastor
"Let it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and put compost on it. If it bears fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can let it go..." ~Luke 13:8-9
Wednesday March 6 marks the beginning of Lent. We will receive ashes on our foreheads, and communion in our bellies - both reminding us of our sacred mortality. Dr. Pauline Jennett will inspire us with a meditation. Please join us. And then, for the next 40 days, our church community will journey together lead by the theme of "Cultivating and Letting Go." Lent is a season of spiritual gardening, of inviting God to unearth in us what lies fallow, what needs to be tended, and what needs to die for new life to emerge. For 40 days, we will engage in a spiritual process and practice of cultivating and letting go.
A long tradition during Lent is to either "let go" of certain habits, practices, or
behaviors that lead us away from our true selves in God, or "take on" new habits, practices, or behaviors that help us return to our truest selves in God. Echoing this tradition, and in following the guidance of our lectionary scriptures for this season, this Lent we will focus on things we might Cultivate and things we might Let Go of in our personal faith lives, and in our life together as a community of faith.
In addition to Ash Wednesday, consider joining a Cultivating Faith group gathering (please email me if you want to join one: [email protected] ), a special gathering focused on Centering Prayer, and weekly Sunday morning services as we explore this nutrient-rich theme together and see what the Spirit might bring to new life in us.  
Fellow beloved dust - I look forward to farming and composting together.  
In peace,
40 Days of Generosity
by Generosity Generators
"Cultivating & Letting Go"
Lent 2019
March 6 - April 20

Summary: Lent marks a pivotal point in the history of the church, when Jesus prepared for the trials he would face because of his commitment to living his life in love for all. Tradition has it that we mark the 40 days of Lent by giving something up. But what if it could be more than that?  
What if Lent were to become a preparation for a lifetime of big-heartedness, of cultivating a generous stance towards ourselves and others, of letting go of our fears of not having enough and not being enough.
As we did in 2018, again this Lenten season, Covenant's Generosity Generators invite all Covenanters to participate in a daily online practice developed by a faith-based organization in the United Kingdom called Stewardship. The program encourages people to approach Lent differently.
During the 40 days of Lent, Covenanters are invited to take part in 40 simple acts of generosity which will challenge them to 'do Lent generously' in 2019. The acts or challenges range from relatively easy to a bit more daunting, but all are designed to explore what it means to be generous in a very practical way. The key is that small acts of generosity, performed by all of us, have the power to make a big difference - to our families, our congregation, our communities, and, ultimately, our world.
How it works
You can sign-up for the 2019 challenge on the 40Acts website anytime. Every day throughout Lent (not including Sundays), you will wake up to a new generosity challenge and short Bible-based blog straight to your inbox. Each act is designed to sharpen awareness and provide practical ways to stretch your faith as well as your generosity, with three challenge levels .  Got Questions? Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about the daily generosity challenges.
Please remember that these challenges come to us from a Christian community in the United Kingdom, not from our PC-USA or UCC denominations in the US. So the text might sometimes include words or phrases that, while English, may be strange to us (Google is a wonderful tool in such instances!) And the theology of some of what the authors say in the meditations that accompany each daily challenge may conflict with how we understand our faith. When you notice these differences, consider "letting go" of judgment to "cultivate curiosity" about the perspective and life experience of the person writing the challenge.
Look in each "This Week at Covenant" during Lent for reminders of how to sign up for 40Acts, and for messages from the Generosity Generators on how the challenges provided for the week relate to Covenant's Lenten Theme of "Cultivating & Letting Go."
Thank you for considering signing up for the 40Acts daily prompts during Lent to learn about seemingly small but powerful daily actions you can take that will help you live out the truth of God's love for all the world as embodied by our sibling and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
Who knows, maybe we'll start a movement of generosity!

In peace,

Your COTC Generosity Generators  
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Food Pantry Volunteers Needed
by Faith Perry
Are you interested in helping immigrants? Do you have an interest in Chinese culture or language? Do you want to learn about state and federal emergency food assistance programs?

Volunteer at the Church of the Covenant Food Pantry just one weekend morning per month and you will have the opportunity to do all of these things. The Food Pantry operates out of a room off of Bates Hall in the church basement.

Over the past year, we have lost several long-serving volunteers and are looking for new people to fill some Saturday or Sunday slots.
Our mission is to be a reliable, accessible source of food assistance for people in need. We serve people who live nearby as well as folks from every neighborhood of Boston and nearby communities. People are referred by Project Bread's food source hotline and from the Women's Lunch Place. In 2018, we served over 300 people per month, who counted on us. Can we count on you?

Please contact Faith Perry at [email protected]. Thank you.
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Collection of Eyeglasses
By Nancy Hollomon

Since the beginning of the year eyeglasses have been collected to help those who need them. These glasses will be analyzed to record their prescriptions and then made available to those who need them. Many of the 56 pairs which were donated at Covenant will be sent out of the country, many to South America and to Africa. We are delighted that so many people can be helped to see better.  
At any time of the year, Nancy Hollomon will be happy to accept glasses which you can no longer use. Do you have a work situation where you might put out a box or basket to collect more? Nancy will be happy to provide a sign explaining the project.
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News from the Pews
Compiled by Linda Pursley 
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Under the Mango Tree
by Tim Groves
Note: This column will be a monthly sharing of stories from our sister church community, Dulce Nombre de Jesus, in northwest Nicaragua.
What does it mean that Covenant and Dulce Nombre attempt to "accompany" each other's communities? One very concrete way is that we get to know individual members of each community and love and care about them. So this moment is an important one for us at Covenant to accompany them.
One precious member of their community, Esperanza, passed away at an advanced age and after a long illness in her home. Esperanza was surrounded by family and community members. Eduardo and Luis from Entre Culturas had visited her the week before she died. With their messages of love, they also carried ours from Covenant. Esperanza was exactly where she wanted to be at the end, accompanied by those most dear to her.
In the faith community of Nicaragua and in much of Central America, a person who has passed from life to death is celebrated as " Presenté." Esperanza, the matriarch, remains presenté. One coincidence that carries great symbolic meaning for both communities is that Esperanza died on the birthday of our dear friend and member Newell Hendricks, who also remains presenté. Esperanza and Newell were wise ones or sabios in our communities and treasured each other and our hermanamiento relationship.
One other member connected to the Dulce Nombre community has also just passed away. He too was an older family member and although we did not get to know him, he was the father of Ruber, one of Dulce Nombre's leaders who has visited us a number of times in Boston. His wife is Mariana, another key leader in the village. We send our love and support to Ruber and Mariana's family, as Ruber's father remains presenté.
While we at Covenant accompany the village, they too accompany us. They are holding in their hearts the members of Covenant, those they have met in person and those they have learned about. They celebrate when we celebrate and mourn when we mourn. For example, they accompany the happy news of Sophie Vizza's (daughter of Liz) coming marriage; the birth of Selma Louise (Rebecca Groves Ludovico's daughter); Johanna Olm-Thomas' (Kay's daughter) second child; Meghan and Joe Celli's first child; and they send their love to those of our community who seek all of our prayers of accompaniment: Elsa and Reine Abele; Jennifer Wegter-McNelly and family; Dorothy Frank; Nat Carleton; Merlin Southwick on his father's passing; and many, many more, North and South.
Also in support of our hermanamiento, thank you to all Covenanters who made soup and purchased it. And please join us Sunday, March 17, when we will worship in the style we have learned from them, the Reflection on the Word. May we be enriched by being a joined faith community, presenté with each other. 
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Council Report
By Trudi Veldman for Council
Council did not meet in February due to the snow.
The next meeting date is Thursday, February 28, followed by the regular March meeting on the second Tuesday.
We will report on both meetings in the April Covenant News. 
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March Birthdays
6       Anne Covert
8       Tom Handel
12      Reine Abele
13      Forrest Toles
16      Sarah Perreault, Nat Carleton
22      Christine Gratto, Bob Jay
23      Rowen Mark
25       Joan Hill
27       Laura Toles
28       Sarah Roemmelt
30       Nathan Pursley
Note: If your March birthday does not appear on this list, please notify Hillary in the church office so we can include you next year!  

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March 2019 Calendar

Click here for the
most up-to-date church calendar.


About This Issue
March 2019 Covenant News

Editor and Graphics: Evelyn Kimber 
Template: Harry Forsdick
Deadline for the April 2019 Covenant News is Monday, March 25. Please email your submissions to Evelyn Kimber at [email protected] .