
The days of winter are numbered as we slowly but surely make our way closer to Spring! The first official day of Spring is March 20th and we can only hope that sunshine and warmer temperatures precede or follow shortly behind the date. But, we all know that Michigan doesn't always deliver temperatures that match the season, so we'll be here keeping the studio warm for you just in case! 

There are a lot of exciting things happening at the studios! Check out the details below for information on upcoming workshops, the new Spring schedule which runs March - April - May, the March Intro to Yoga Schedule and much more! 

As always, we are grateful for each and every one of you that supports the studios and our community!  We are here to help you find what you need on your mat!

Please note ALL morning classes are CANCELLED at the St. Clair Studio Saturday March 2nd & Sunday March 3rd as our instructors go through RAD Roller Yoga certification! Please come see us at the Port Huron studio for the morning classes!

We are so excited to share this training with all of our students!

Pick up your self massage/myofascial release tools at either studio for a 20% discount the whole month of March!
Recover Rounds $25.00 
March sale price $20.00
Rad Rounds $16 
March sale price$12.80

Intro to Yoga/Port Huron Studio
  This is a class for those new to yoga and those interested in learning about a new style or aspect of yoga! Each week our Intro to Yoga class will focus on a different topic, including how to move through a sun salutation, categories of asana (seated, twists, standing, balancing, etc.), meditation and breathing techniques, inversions, and styles of yoga such as yin and Ashtanga. Class will move slowly and carefully, providing information about proper alignment for each pose and what the class, style, or technique entails. We will post the topics each month on our social media channels and monthly newsletter to help you find the class that is right for you!

March Intro to Yoga Schedule: 
March 4th - Intro to Using Myofascial Release 
in Your Practice
March 11th - Intro to Ashtanga
March 18th - Intro to Using Props in Your Practice
March 25th - Intro to Poses that Target and Work the Shoulders





Please help us welcome Caileigh Barr to our 
 Happy Dog Massage Team! 

Caileigh will be available on:
 Thursday & Friday 10am - 6pm 
 Sunday 11am - 3pm.

Book with Caileigh through the end of March 
and get  15% off all services!

Meet Reagan, our featured team member for February!

1.) What got you interested in yoga? 
I got interested in yoga when my mom began taking classes at the studio and she would come home and do poses with me and my brother.

2.) How long have you been practicing?
I have only been practicing for a few months, I do most at home with my family but I have taken some classes at the studio as well. 

3.) What is your favorite yoga pose and why?
My favorite pose is up dog because it feels really good. 

4.) What is your least favorite yoga pose and why? 
My least favorite pose is anything with a headstand because I feel like I'm going to break my neck and it is scary. 

5.) What do you love about working at Happy Dog?
One of the things I love about working at Happy Dog is all the people. I love everyone I work with and love talking with them and the students that come in every day.

6.) Any pets or children?
I don't have any pets and definitely no kids! 

7.) What is your favorite food?
My favorite food is yogurt.

8.) If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? 
If I could travel anywhere in the world it would be Spain. I am very passionate about learning and understanding new languages, I have been studying Spanish for around 5 years and would love to use it in a country native to that language. 

9.) What is your long term goal?
My long term goal is to get into a good college and pursue a career in the field that most interests me. 

10.) What hobbies do you have aside from yoga? 
Some of my favorite hobbies are sports and anything outdoors. I love playing tennis and basketball with my school. I also really enjoy anything like hiking, fishing, and camping! 

11.) What's 1 thing no one would ever guess about you? 
I can't think of anything for this question! 

12.) What's your favorite song?
My favorite song is Burning by Maggie Rogers because whenever I am with my friends it is always the first song played when we get in the car. 

13.) If you were stuck on a desert island and could only bring 3 things what would they be?
If I was stuck on an island and could only bring 3 things I would bring a book, a radio, and my mom. 

Meet Lauren, our March student of the month!

I started yoga a little over a year ago at the recommendation of my doctor because my knees were having issues from running. Yoga soon became much more than a stretching regimen and quickly turned into something that I started to explore from an athletic point of view. I loved how it pushed me in different ways running and other sports I played growing up weren't able to. 

I love yoga because it allows me to push myself both mentally and physically. It's been a safe space for me to explore and feel connected to when things in my life felt chaotic. It's been a wonderful year of exploring myself through yoga, and helps keep me grounded. Slow Flow (slow burn) and vinyasa are some of my favorite classes. I also love the paddle boarding yoga in the summer! Some of my favorite poses are the ones that focus on the hips; fire log, pigeon pose, and lizard pose. One of my most exciting moments in yoga was when i was capable of trip-pod and hand stand. It was amazing to watch my progress from week to week, from many fails and falls to finally holding the pose was a wonderful feeling. 

I look forward to yoga each time I go, and I'm excited to see where yoga will take me in the future. 




Team Happy Dog

Happy Dog Yoga Studio


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