Autism Science Foundation Announces
2018 Undergraduate Summer Research Grant Recipients

2018 ASF Undergrad Grant Recipients
Ethan Gahr (top left), Evan Suzman (top right),
Christina Layton (bottom left), and Ryan Risgaard (bottom right).

Four grants have been awarded to promising undergraduates who will conduct research investigating early predictors of ASD symptoms, brain activity during sensory experiences, features of autism in family members, and development of new pharmacological therapies.  These projects allow undergraduate researchers to contribute to scientifically important projects while gaining skills that will allow them to flourish as future autism researchers.  You can learn more about the grant recipients and their projects from the official press release here
Ride and Walk FAR!

For the first time, ASF's annual cycling event, Wall Street Rides FAR (For Autism Research), will include a 5K walk!  Everyone can participate!  Come out with your family and friends to support ASF-funded research and enjoy the fall foliage in beautiful Westchester County, NY on Saturday, October 13, 2018

Learn more and register for the event here

Want to volunteer?  Please follow the instructions here.

Ride FAR Family

You make the science happen!
Your support makes ASF's scientific initiatives possible.  Donations to ASF n ot only help to advance scientific progress, they give families challenged by autism the gift of hope.  Consider making a tax-deductible donation today.