Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
Frozen scene at Bellamy Wildlife Reserve ( Photo courtesy of Nancy O'Connor )
Happy December!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday and was able to spend some quality time with family and friends. We can now officially turn on the holiday music and begin decorating for the holiday season. We have the fresh scent of pine, the beautiful snowy scenery, and nice warm drinks like hot cocoa to look forward to!
Here at SRPC we are continuing to work with Rockingham Planning Commission and our consultant RSG on the traffic demand model, participating in the Science and Technical Advisory Panel's five-year update to its report Sea-Level Rise, Storm Surges, and Extreme Precipitation in Coastal New Hampshire: Analysis of Past and Projected Future Trends , and collaborating with the Office of Strategic Initiatives to streamline building permit data collection strategies for the 2018 report (see the newly released 2017 repor t here .)

In this issue you'll read about our farewell to data collection intern Monique Duchesne, our outreach assistance related to the State Plan on Aging, opportunities for public input, regional aquatic resource mitigation projects that were recently funded, our latest blog, grant opportunities, our sustainability award from Commute Smart Seacoast, and community happenings.

Until Next Month,

Shayna Sylvia

SRPC Thanks Monique Duchesne
SRPC Assists with Outreach for Aging Plan Survey
Public Input Opportunities
Regional Communities Receive ARM Funding
SRPC's Latest Blog
Grant Corner
SRPC Wins Sustainability Award
Community Happenings
Dr. Greg Norris, chief scientist at the International Living Future Institute, talks about Life Cycle Analysis and sustainable living at the Commute Seacoast Sustainability Awards. ( SRPC Photo )
The NH Association of Regional Planning Commissions' setup at the NH Municipal Association Conference. ( SRPC Photo )
Shayna Sylvia, communications and outreach planner (far left) with the Explore Moose Mountains board of directors at its November meeting. ( SRPC Photo )
SRPC Thanks Monique Duchesne for Successful Internship
2018 Data Collection Field Work Team Pose for a Selfie
Friday, Nov. 9, marked data collection intern Monique Duchesne’s last day at SRPC. Monique was hired in June and worked alongside Stefanie Casella, data collection and analysis assistant.
During the 2018 field work season, Monique helped Stefanie complete 126 traffic counts, conduct road surface management system assessments, assess a few culverts, and assess sidewalks through the SADES (Statewide Asset Data Exchange System) sidewalk assessment program.
All of us at SRPC will miss Monique's hard-working attitude, infectious sense of humor, and passion for planning.
We wish Monique the best in her career, and we would happily provide a glowing recommendation for her to anyone hiring in the planning field.
SRPC Assists with Outreach for NH Aging Plan Survey
NH Plan of Aging listening session. in Rochester. (SRPC Photo)
NH Plan of Aging surveys placed by SRPC at the Rochester Senior Center. (SRPC Photo)
Seniors at the Rochester Senior Center during Tuesday bingo. (SRPC Photo)
The NH Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services, is working on the New Hampshire State Plan on Aging. To engage seniors and other stakeholders, the bureau held public listening sessions across the state and released a survey .

SRPC's Nancy O'Connor attended an input session on Nov. 15 at Frisbie Hospital's Continuing Education and Conference Center in Rochester. "It was exciting to hear directly from the aging population in our region about their biggest concerns. Understanding the challenges they face in terms of transportation, particularly, is really motivating to work towards solutions to the challenges," said Nancy.

Shayna Sylvia, communications and outreach planner, and Nancy printed copies of the survey and brought them to the Rochester Senior Center on Dec. 4, before the center's popular bingo event. Shayna made an announcement explaining the purpose of the survey and why it is important to get input from seniors. A raffle was also offered to entice seniors to participate. Over 15 surveys were taken from the stack, and SRPC will monitor responses until the survey's Jan. 15 deadline.

Learn more about the New Hampshire State Plan on Agin g online .
Public Input Opportunities
Wetlands in New Hampshire. ( Photo Courtesy of NHDES )

NHDES Wetlands Rules Hearings

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) is holding a series of seven public hearings as it finalizes updates to the state’s wetland rules. The first was held in Concord on Dec. 3. NHDES will also hold hearings in Keene, Laconia, Lancaster, and Portsmouth. The schedule can be found online . As explained on the department’s website, NHDES began the formal rulemaking process on Sept. 28 of this year when it filed with the Office of the Legislative Budget Assistant “the initial proposals of the [state wetlands] rules.” The proposed rules are the culmination of a multi-year process. Specifics of the process and the resulting proposed rules can be found in a November 2018 newsletter article available on the NHDES website . Questions about the process can be directed to Mary Ann Tilton at (603) 271-2929.
COAST bus in downtown Portsmouth.
( Photo Courtesy of COAST )

COAST's Public Input Survey

Our regional transit provider, COAST Bus, has launched a survey as part of its comprehensive operations analysis, which is taking place between September 2018 and July 2020. The release of the survey follows a series of public input session COAST held in October and November.
The success of this project will be determined largely by community engagement and input through opportunities such as the survey. COAST will report on the public input gathered through the public forums and the survey in late January or early February.
Learn more on the COAST website .
Regional Communities Receive Aquatic Resource Mitigation (ARM) Funding
Recent flooding at the Lubberland Creek crossing on Bay Road in Newmarket. ( Photo Courtesy of Joanne Glode )
The most current design approach discussed by the project team for a living shoreline at Durham's Wagon Hill Farm. ( Rendering by SRPC, Original Photo Courtesy of Craig Stevens )
In the Nov. 30 edition of Bits and Pieces , SRPC reported that the Town of Newmarket has received funding through the Aquatic Resource Mitigation (ARM) program to replace a tidal culvert at the Bay Road crossing of Lubberland Creek, which has flooded three times this year alone. This project is part of a larger coastal resilience initiative managed by the Nature Conservancy, the NH Coastal Program, and the town with help from other partners. The latest funding is in addition to other funding already secured through the Coastal Resilience Grant Program. (You can learn more in the NH Coastal Adaptation guest blog by SRPC's Kyle Pimental.)

The Town of Durham also received funding through the ARM program to support its Wagon Hill Farm Living Shoreline Project. SRPC staffers have provided technical assistance to this project over the past few years, participating on the project's working group and providing multiple rounds of graphic renderings for what the shoreline could look like if different living shoreline techniques were applied. The funding will support the creation of a 0.36-acre living shoreline along the tidal Oyster River to restore lost and degraded salt marsh, address erosion, prepare for sea level rise, and provide public education opportunities. In an article in the Nov. 30 Durham Friday Updates , Town Administrator Todd Selig recognized the University of New Hampshire and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services for their partnership in working with Durham and its public works director, Mike Lynch, to secure these funds. 

SRPC congratulates both Newmarket and Durham and looks forward to offering technical and planning assistance on both of these projects.
SRPC's Latest Blog
SRPC's most recent blog post, written by the data collection team of Monique Duchesne and Stefanie Casella, summarizes the 2018 field work season and discusses "Seven things you never knew about traffic counts." You can read the blog on "Strafford Region Plans."  
Grant Corner
The Home Depot Foundation: Community Impact Grants Due Dec. 31, 2018

The Home Depot Foundation is accepting proposals for its Community Impact Grants Program through the end of the year. The grants of up to $5,000 will support nonprofit and public service agencies that are working to improve their communities' physical health. As explained on the NH Center for Nonprofits website , eligible projects include "repairs, refurbishments, and modifications to low-income or transitional housing or community facilities (schools, community centers, senior centers, etc.); weatherizing or increasing energy efficiency of low-income or transitional housing or community facilities; and engaging volunteers to help veterans in their community through service projects focusing on the renovation, repair, and improvement of homes and other properties."

Learn more online .

EPA Brownfields Program Due Jan. 31, 2019

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Program is now accepting proposal applications for multipurpose, assessment, and cleanup grants. Multipurpose grants provide up to $800,000 over five years to support a range of eligible assessment and cleanup activities at one or more brownfield sites in a target area. Assessment grants provide up to $200,000 over three years to support brownfield inventories, planning, environmental assessments, and community outreach. Cleanup grants provide up to $500,000 over three years to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites owned by the applicant. Proposals are due to EPA by Jan. 31, 2019. James Burdin, SRPC’s regional economic development planner, runs the current Strafford Brownfields Program. Feel free to contact him at 603-994-3500 or via email for more information or for assistance with the proposal writing process. 

2019 EPA Environmental Justice Small Grants Due Feb. 15, 2019

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Justice Small Grants (EJSG) Program is accepting funding applications for “community-driven projects that engage, educate, and empower communities to better understand local environmental and public health issues and develop strategies for addressing those issues." The program will award close to $1.5 million nationwide in Fiscal Year 2019.

"Given projected increases in extreme weather events and the vulnerability of under-served populations, this grant opportunity will emphasize projects that address emergency preparedness and increase resiliency, as well as projects that include the needs of U.S. military veterans and homeless populations," said the EJSG Program announcement.

Proposals are due Feb. 15, 2019. SRPC is looking to partner with interested applicants. Contact program content coordinator Nancy O'Connor at 603-994-3500 for more information. 
SRPC Wins Sustainability Award from Commute Smart Seacoast
For the second year in a row, SRPC has received a silver sustainability award from Commute Smart Seacoast. Shayna Sylvia, SRPC communications and outreach planner, accepted the award at the transportation management association's Nov. 8 celebration.

The award is given to an organization that meets certain criteria that make it sustainable. They include competing in the Commute Smart Seacoast Business to Business (B2B) challenge , notifying staffers about smart commuting options, being close to a bus stop, and offering bike racks for cyclists.

In addition to accepting the award, Shayna got to sit in on a presentation by guest speaker Greg Norris, Ph.D., an internationally acclaimed life cycle analysis expert who talked about sustainable living in our daily lives.

Learn more about Commute Smart Seacoast online or get involved by joining their Conquer the Cold challenge
Community Happenings
Wrong Brain: 7th Annual Holidaze Bizaare

Saturday, Dec. 8, from
11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Millspace in Newmarket

Head on over to Newmarket's Millspace on Saturday, Dec. 8, for a variety of vendors selling "recycled or vintage; unique & unconventional" gifts.

Live entertainment will be provided by local musicians, and a pop-up art gallery will feature local artists.

A $1 entry donation is asked at the door to benefit special Wrong Brain art, publishing, and community projects.

Christmas on the Common
Saturday, Dec. 15, from 4 – 9 p.m.
Rochester Commons

Christmas on the Common will feature a variety of family-friendly holiday activities including an opportunity to meet Santa and musical performances by carolers from the Granite State Choral Society.

Hot chocolate will be provided by Dunkin’ Donuts, and “The Polar Express” will be shown on an inflatable screen outdoors on the Common.

The entire event takes place outdoors, so dress warmly and bring your own chairs and blankets to enjoy the movie—and plan on warming up at a bonfire on the Common afterwards.

For more information check out the event Facebook page .

First Night - Portsmouth

Friday, Dec. 31, from
5 p.m. – midnight
Downtown Portsmouth

Celebrate New Year's Eve and ring in the New Year with First Night Portsmouth 2019. Enjoy an outdoor dance party, fireworks, ice sculptures, music, and many more activities!

A First Night Portsmouth Button is your ticket to all indoor venues. Purchase yours online .

Learn more about the event and its entertainment and activities on Pro Portsmouth's website .