December 2019


The holidays are here!

Can you remember the excitement and anticipation you felt as a child?  This holiday season, make an effort to rekindle those feelings of awe through mindfulness and gratitude. Amid the shopping expeditions, office parties, baking and endless to-do lists, pause to truly take in the magic of the season. Avoid setting unrealistic expectations! Your holiday doesn't have to be Hallmark quality perfect! Be grateful and thankful for your blessings, no matter how small. Research shows people with an attitude of gratitude cope well with daily changes, are optimistic and feel happier -- all which benefit your emotional and physical health.  

Practicing gratitude and carving out time to take care of your own health will help you better manage the demands of the coming weeks! Come in for a massage or for chiropractic care - when you feel your best it's easier to enjoy the joy, fun and beauty of the holidays!

May this special time of year be the best time of year for your and your family!

Dr. Keri Chiappino and Dr. W. Brent Reynolds
and the entire staff at New Life Wellness Center

P.S. O ur office will be closed on December 24, 25, 26 and January 1 in celebration of the holidays.  *Dr Reynolds will be in the office 9:30am- 12:30pm on December 24 and 31.  Please schedule your appointments accordingly.
Welcome Megan Baroncelli, LMSW

We are pleased to announce the expansion of our mental health service offerings with the addition of Megan Baroncelli, LMSW, who will provide group and individual counseling to help support the mental well-being of our patients.
Megan works with children, adolescents and adults who suffer from anxiety, depression, addiction and other mental health issues. Her warm therapeutic approach helps individuals explore life stressors in a safe environment and provides helpful knowledge and tools to navigate everyday challenges. 

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Megan directly at 631-871-0779 or via email at [email protected]
Packing on the Pounds Not Only Bad for the Body but the Brain, Too

Just in time for the holidays -- new research out from the American Heart Association reveals that middle-aged adults who are obese and have cardiovascular issues may actually be accelerating their brain age, according to new MRI and cognition test results. 

The new data was derived from a 10-year-long Framington Heart Study, the nation's longest-
running epidemiological study, which showed that participants who were metabolically unhealthy -- i.e., those diagnosed with or who took medicine for high blood pressure, bad cholesterol or high sugar levels -- also had lower total cerebral volume.  According to study researchers, lower volume is an indicator of injury throughout the brain that leads to loss of neurons and supporting cells, and ultimately a smaller brain, such as seen in those with Alzheimer's Disease. 

Take away message: Heart health and brain health go hand in hand.  Taking steps to improve your heart health through diet and exercise can have powerful benefits to your brain, helping to protect cognition and healthy aging, and enabling you to fully enjoy the golden years to come.  Let us help you with your brain and heart wellness plan!  Schedule your appointment today!  631.265.1223.

Tune-up Your Immune System's Health This Holiday

Prepare your body for the holiday hoopla by bolstering your immune system. 

First and foremost, getting proper rest is key to keeping your body strong for the demands of the season. Studies show that those who get poor sleep are more prone to falling sick when exposed to viruses like colds or the flu and are slower to recover. The more sleep loss, the higher the level of C-reactive proteins (CRP) in the blood, an indicator of inflammation in the body. In terms of heart health, this can mean a higher risk of heart attack. Aim for 9 hours per night. Sleeping a problem? Avoid sleeping pills and other sleep aids that only exacerbate the issue. Acupuncture and neurofeedback training are two effective therapies to help you achieve deep, restorative sleep.

2. Watch your sugar and alcohol intake! It's tough to resist those tempting holiday goodies, but keep in mind that both can not only add on unwanted pounds, but can also take a toll on your immune system, impairing the ability of the body's white blood cells to kill off harmful germs. Incorporate bacteria-fighting yogurt into your diet as well as fruits and vegetables including berries, citrus fruits, kale, onions, spinach, sweet potatoes and carrots which are rich in nutrients like immune-boosting vitamins C and E, as well as beta-carotene and zinc. 

3. Make Water Your BFF! Shopping, exercising, burning the occasional midnight oil? Keep energy and hydration levels primed by slipping a bottle or two of water into your bag. Water helps naturally eliminate toxins and other bacteria that may cause sickness, and can boost energy levels, mood, and brain performance and help you power through the demands of the holiday. (Another shopping tip: pack a healthy snack, such as trail mix or organic multigrain bars to keep blood sugar levels from dropping and sapping you of much needed energy!)

4. Practice Hand Hygiene!  Doorknobs, switches and even hugs and handshakes can be harbingers of nasty germs that can sideline your holiday. Frequent hand washing with soap and water is the best way to ward off germs, but if you are on the go, hand sanitizers are the next best bet. (Tip: Thieves waterless hand sanitizer provides non-chemical cleaning power with a pleasant natural peppermint scent!  Call to order a supply for your family!).

5. Add Supplements to Your Daily Routine.  Give your body some extra support with high quality supplements that can help boost your immune system if the hectic holidays are sabotaging your best efforts to follow a healthy lifestyle. (Tip: nutraMetrix Isotonix Immune is designed to support the body's innate immune cells, promoting the natural immune response, and helping you stay vital and energetic.)

Keep the season merry and bright by keeping your body healthy and strong. Schedule a visit!

ADHD? Try Fish Oil!

Results of a new study have researchers advocating for fish oil as a preferred treatment option to stimulants for children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), specifically for those who also have Omega-3 deficiencies.  While holistic health practitioners have endorsed EPA/DHA supplements for years as a preferred natural supplement for pediatric brain health, this latest study from the mainstream medical establishment gives further evidence of its effectiveness for managing ADHD symptoms.

In a study of 92 children with ADHD, researchers from King's College London and China Medical University discovered that those with the lowest blood levels of Omega-3 experienced significant improvements in focused attention when given high doses of fish oil supplements during a 12-week trial period.  These effects were noted to be larger than the effects of  methylphenidates, a standard pharmacological treatment for ADHD.

While salmon, shrimp, walnuts, flaxseed and kidney beans are foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, children with ADHD often have sensory and eating issues that result in picky eating; adding a high quality, good-tasting fish oil supplement can be an easier and more effective way of ensuring that they are receiving the many benefits that Omega-3 fatty acids provide.  Contact our office to learn more about naturally pure gel and liquid supplements like Nordic Naturals that can help bolster your child's brain function.   

Reminder: Purchase Your nutraMetrix Supplements and Young Living Oils Online, Anytime! 

e-stores to stock up on high quality supplements and oils that meet stringent purity and potency requirements to boost your wellness potential. Open 24/7!

Last Days of the  Best of Long Island Contest -- Cast Your Vote for Dr. Chiappino!

The 2020 Best of Long Island Contest will be ending in a few short days.  

You can help Dr. Chiappino win the Best of Long Island for Alternative Medicine title by  voting EVERY DAY until December 15th at in the Alternative Medicine category!  

We appreciate your vote of confidence!

Reminder: Purchase Your nutraMetrix Supplements and Young Living Oils Online, Anytime! 

e-stores to stock up on high quality supplements and oils that meet stringent purity and potency requirements to boost your wellness potential. Open 24/7!

10% off ALL in-stock nutraMetrix supplements!!!

Now's the time to stock up on all your favorites on this limited time offer!  Call our office for more information: 631.265.1223. 

Essential Oils:

Stop by the office and purchase a Young Living Premium Starter Kit -- the perfect gift for a loved one -- and receive $20 off a wellness service for yourself: chiropractic care, nutritional counseling, acupuncture treatment or QEEG brain map.   

Acupuncture :

 $25 off an initial acupuncture visit with Lori Fortunato, LAc.  (private pay patients)

Call today to take advantage of our Wellness Specials: 631.265.1223 
Share Your Experience!  
Many thanks to all who have been giving us their positive feedback on their experience they've had under our care. Are you pleased with the servic e you've received at our wellness center?  We'd love to hear from you.
Post a review on   Google   and you'll be entered into our raffle for a supply of high-quality nutraMetrix supplements or essential oils!  
New Life Wellness Center  |   [email protected] |  631.265.1223
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