The Newsletter of the International Northeast Region
Women's League for Conservative Judaism
Serving Conservative Jewish Women
in New York State, Ontario, and Quebec
NxNW Region
Women’s Education Day Sunday May 31, 2020
Timing: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm (
) Via Zoom
(2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Eastern Time)
Topic 1.
11:00 - 11:55 pm.
Women, modesty, and power.
Berwin, Director of Congregational Education, Congregation Neveh
Shalom, Portland, OR)
Modesty is a virtue, but traditional interpretations of our texts about modesty
have been used to decrease women’s control over our dress, speech, and roles
in society. In the age of women’s increasing leadership roles, the #MeToo
movement, and social media, does modesty have a role? We’ll explore texts
and commentaries from ancient to contemporary to grapple with this very
current topic, with time to discuss and apply the ideas to our own lives.
11:55 – 12:05 pm.
Topic 2.
12:05-12:55 pm.
Changing the Narrative.
(Rabbi Eve Posen, Assistant Rabbi, Congregation Neveh Shalom)
As our society has changed the narrative around modesty and women’s roles
the way we talk about our biblical women has also changed. We’ll look at the
stories of 2 biblical women and how the ways they have been represented in
text and teaching has changed over time.
12:55 - 1:00 pm.
RSVP’s are request to Wendy Glasser:
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Topic: NxNW Educaton Day
Time: May 31, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Wendy J. Glasser
408 406 3502
Lois Silverman Offers Virtual Course
Jewish Women in Film Session #4:
The Post War Years
Monday, June 1, 2020 3:00-4:00 p.m. EDT,
followed by Q & A
During these very difficult times why not learn more about Jewish women in the movies. Lois Silverman will be offering a course on Monday, May 4, 3:00-4:00 p.m. EDT, followed by Q &A. All are welcome.
Please see zoom instructions below.
"When we view a film, we enter a new, often unfamiliar world," said Silverman. "If the film is well constructed, we become engrossed in how the inhabitants of that world react with each other. But when we study a film, we learn more about that world; we see how the inhabitants of that world interacted and why they acted as they did. To study film is a means of viewing history and studying it," explained Silverman as she described her upcoming course. Silverman teaches a film course at SUNY/POLY in Utica/Rome, NY.
Since the beginning of the US film industry in the early 1900s, Jewish women have been involved in front of the camera. They have also been part of the film industry, to a lesser degree, behind the scenes. While putting the times and societal norms into context, this course, through film clips, will explore the history and role of Jewish women in film from the beginning of the industry until today.
Don't forget the popcorn! All are welcome ! Tell all your family and friends !
Lois Silverman earned a B.A. cum laude and an M.A. in English Literature from Montclair State University, NJ. She has taught American and English literature, writing, and media studies as well as many adult education courses. Presently she is teaching film studies at SUNY/POLY (Utica/Rome). Having been sisterhood president of Temple Beth El, Utica, and NY State Branch President,
she has also served as WL’s Program/Music Chair, Youth/School Chair, and is now Internet Services Chair. Lois has written many programs and publications for WLCJ .
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+972 3 978 6688 Israel
+972 55 330 1762 Israel
Meeting ID: 890 8155 6104
Daily Virtual Virtual Psalm Study & Kaddish Sunday - Friday 1:00PM EDT
As it has become the new reality that people are not physically allowed to gather in large groups, and many cannot attend Services to say Kaddish. We do not want you to be feel alone, and want our sisters throughout the world to know that although we may not physically be together, we can come together virtually.
WLCJ has created an avenue for our WLCJ Sisters, to read and study a Psalm every day, and say Kaddish.
Since Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 1 pm EDT, we have offered a Virtual Minyan for us to come together, to read and study a Psalm and say Kaddish. We will do this every day, but on Shabbat, and holidays.
This is a situation of Sha'at HaDichak, a pressing time, where things are different, and so as Mara D'atra of WLCJ, I am saying that since we cannot all be part of a physical minyan of ten, ten coming together via zoom will be a minyan. Since we are in different time zones, we will not have a full Service, but rather read and study a chapter from the Book of Psalms, and then say Kaddish. The chapter will be on your screen, as well as Kaddish - we just need ten together on the zoom.
The following is the call in information for each day at 1 pm ET, and will continue every day, but Shabbat, and the holy days of holidays
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Meeting ID: 630 830 287
Password: 875936
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+972 55 330 1762 Israel
+972 3 978 6688 Israel
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One does not have to pre-register, just call in.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Margie Miller
WLCJ President
Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields
WLCJ Executive Director
Women's League Reads Author Interview
Jun 2, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time
Convention presenter Goldie Goldbloom will discuss her novel
Goldie Goldbloom’s first novel, The Paperbark Shoe, was given the AWP Novel Award, the Independent Publishers’ Novel of the Year, and was recently placed on the National Endowment for the Arts Big Read list. Her work has been shortlisted for the Australian Literary Society’s Gold Medal and the Aurealis Prize for Fantasy Fiction, and her writing has appeared in venues such as NPR, Ploughshares, The Kenyon Review and Le Monde. She is the grateful recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Brown Foundation, the City of Chicago, the Elizabeth George Foundation, Ragdale, Yaddo, Northwestern University and many other organizations. Her most recent novel, On Division, was chosen to be the One Bay, One Book selection for San Francisco for 2020. She is chassidic, the mother of eight children, and grew up in Australia. She teaches in the creative writing program at Northwestern University.
Topic: Author Goldie Goldbloom
Time: Jun 2, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 475 511 878
Password: 453669
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+1 647 558 0588 Canada
+1 778 907 2071 Canada
+1 438 809 7799 Canada
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+972 3 978 6688 Israel
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Meeting ID: 475 511 878
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Cross Movement Events
All Times EDT Unless Specified
Find sophisticated online courses in a wide range of Jewish studies. Undergraduate and graduate-level sessions available, with credit and non-credit options.
High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors: Explore the intersection of Judaism, justice, and the arts as part of the JustCity/CityStage 2.0 online program, earning 1 college credit.
Kolot Ramah - A Weekly Gathering of Song and Solidarity (Rick Recht and Rabbi Josh Warshawsky)
Cantors Assembly
Every Friday 12:30PM EST
Getting Ready for Shabbat with Hazzan Mike Stein
: Children’s Music Grammy Award winner Mike Stein helps to bring in Shabbat with music, puppetry and story-telling at 12:30 pm Pacific Time for children and adults.
Wed. Jun 03 12PM
Thurs Jun 04 9AM
Tues. Jun 09 12PM