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In relazione alla "bella" collaborazione in essere tra Eduitalia e le Rappresentanze Diplomatico/Consolari Italiane in Russia e negli Stati Uniti,  riportiamo le dedicate significative parole con le quali il Sottosegretario del Ministero degli Affari Esteri Guglielmo Picchi e l'Ambasciatore Armando Varricchio hanno introdotto la Guida Eduitalia- Study in Italy 2019.
[....] Here at the Ministry, we firmly believe that organisations such as Eduitalia play a key role in achieving this objective through their international promotional activities that attract students from all over the world. 
Eduitalia actively supports the cultural initiatives of a number of institutions in our Italian Diplomatic/Consular network abroad: it is currently collaborating on specific projects in Russia and the USA related to the PRIA and AP-Italian programmes.
These two programmes have achieved excellent results in their respective Countries, not only in terms of the number of enrolled students, but also with regard to the promotion of the Italian language and culture.[....]
[....] The great -and growing- success of our language worldwide goes hand-in-hand with its association to the style and quality of both our made in Italy and Italian way of life. [....]  
[....]This excellent cooperation with Eduitalia will continue to grow in years to come and to play a key role in the pursuit of our mission: to increase the number of Italian language students by offering opportunities to speak our beautiful language and to go on a journey of discovery of the immense cultural heritage of our Bel Paese.[....]
La collaborazione relativa ai programmi AP-Italian e PRIA costituisce un'interessante opportunità di visibilità per il sistema Study Abroad Italiano con plurime testimonianze su:
  • portali delle Rappresentanze Diplomatico-Consolari;
  • pubblicazioni e newsletter ad hoc del MAECI;
  • testate televisive giornalistiche italiane e statunitensi;
  • presentazioni dei corsi studio in Italia durante le cerimonie di premiazione;
  • decine di portali internet;
  • passaparola di studenti, insegnanti e professionisti del settore Study Abroad. 

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Associazione EDUITALIA 
C.F. 9415297 048 2 
Viale Spartaco Lavagnini, 70-72  -  50129 Firenze
Tel. +39 055 210460 -  Fax +39 055 3909809 
 [email protected] -