Hello LGBTQ+ Alumni and Friends:
We have lots of exciting things to share with you.  Contact us if you have any questions!
Queer Talk: Trauma and Survival - Dec. 5th
QueerTalk is a confidential space for people identifying along the spectrum of queerness to share experiences and develop skills to inspire. There will be areas to hold the space for experiences with trauma an another to engage in self-care activities. Come to one or both. This free event takes place on Wednesday, December 5 from 6:30-8:30 PM at the Monroe County Public Library Room 1C. More details are located here.

Trans Representation in the Media Survey
This survey targets individuals who identify as transgender, gender non-conforming, agender, or non-binary to understand the effects of underrepresentation. This includes demographic questions and how media content creators may be contributing to the conversation. Complete the survey  here.
Race, Migration, & Indigeneity Open House - Dec. 6
This organization integrates the relational nature of racial formations in the United States of America, including social movements, intersectional feminism, LGBTQ+, border politics, citizenship, etc. Come learn more at this free event on Thursday, December 6, from 12:00-1:30 PM at the First Nations Educational & Cultural Center located at 712 E. 8th St. Bloomington, IN. Food will be provided!

Quarryland Men's Chorus Concert - Dec. 8 & 9
Quarryland Men's Chorus is hosting their annual winter concert, Pink Christmas on Saturday, December 8th at 7:30 PM and Sunday, December 9th at 3:00 PM at First United Church (2420 E. 3rd Street, Bloomington, IN). The concert will include favorites: Sure on this Shining Night, I'll Be Home for Christmas, and Hard Candy Christmas. Tickets cost $10-20 and are free for youth under 12 years. Click here for ticket and event information.

Staff Merit Awards Reception - Dec. 10
Doug Bauder, Director of the LGBTQ+ Culture Center will be honored with a staff merit award on Monday, December 10 from 3:30-5:00 PM in the Frangipani Room in the Indiana Memorial Union located at 900 E. 7th Street in Bloomington. Complimentary parking will be provided in the IMU pay lots. Provost Lauren Robel and Vice President John Whelan invite the public to join in congratulating this year's winners. Please RSVP here.

Seeking LGBTQ+ Spirit Award Nominations - Dec. 14
The LGBTQ+ Spirit Award is presented each year to individuals, groups, offices, and departments that embody the strength, character and spirit of the Indiana University LGBTQ+ Center. Nominations can be made in three categories: Student, Faculty/Staff, and/or Office/Department/Organization. Please nominate only one person/organization in each category. Nominations should include 1) name of person or group to be nominated, 2) reason for making each nomination, 3) your name and e-mail. Send your nomination to Doug Bauder by Friday, December 14, 2018.

Celebration Weekend - Feb. 1 and 2
 The IU LGBTQ+ Alumni Association's Celebration Weekend is a two-day event celebrating pride and achievement and fostering connection among queer people and allies. 

February 1st is the LGBTQ+ Distinguished Alumni Award Presentation recognizing outstanding alumni, staff, faculty, and students. February 2nd is the reception and auction which serves as our largest fundraiser of the year. Funds r aised  provide much-needed resources for philanthropic priorities such as grants for student-led education initiatives, alumni events and communications, and merit-and emergency-based scholarships. 

We are looking for items to be donated for the silent auction such as weekend getaways, photoshoots, restaurant gift certificates, music lessons, and much more. If you have an item you'd like to donate then please fill out this quick donation form that only takes 3-4 minutes.  

LGBTQ+ Policies & Awareness at IU
Last month, IU Alumni LGBTQ+ Board Member Steve Sanders gave a presentation to the IU Professional Staff Council on LGBTQ+ Policies and Awareness at IU Past, Present and Future. Steve's talk was a chance to look back on the work done by so many individuals on all IU  campuses to advance equality. Approximately 70 staff members and administrators attended and following his remarks, he was joined by Board President Cindy Stone, and IU staff member Janae Cummings for a panel discussion to share their insight and to look forward.    
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