FRWA eNews
August 20, 2020
Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
Flushing Signs
Upcoming Training
B/C Wastewater Certification Review/Punta Gorda
B/C/D Drinking Water Certification Review/Tavares
Water and Wastewater System Training/Cairo GA
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Pensacola
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Bradenton
B/C Wastewater Certification Review/Tavares
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/West Palm Beach
Online Training
New Online CEU Courses Available Through FRWA
No mask, no shoes, no shirt required!
Operators throughout the state of Florida continue to face challenges everyday due to the COVID-19 crisis.  
The Florida Rural Water Association is working diligently to lessen the burden of new restrictions placed on utility personnel.

One issue that we have received a lot of questions about is "How are we going to be able to get CEUs to renew our licenses before April 30, 2021?"  Hearing your concern, FRWA is now offering five more online courses.  The new courses are listed below with the number of CEUs offered.
CEUs Offered
Understanding the Revised Total Coliform Rule and the Groundwater Rule
Using Clarifiers

Wastewater Disinfection

Wastewater: Preliminary Treatment

Water Disinfection0.50.5

If you have not taken an online class before, now is a good time to start with the restrictions on social distancing.  Classes may be taken in the comfort of your home - no mask required!

If you would like to sign up for one of these or other online courses that we offer CEUs, please click here.  For more some frequently asked questions regarding online training, click here.  Further questions or concerns related to registration should be referred to SunCoast Learning at 800.269.1181.

FRWA will continue to offer onsite classes whenever possible.  For a complete list of onsite training available see the list on your left.  For complete list of training offered by FRWA, please go to our website at

Together, we will make it through this pandemic with lessons learned and new innovations for the future.
Meterologists Eyeing 3 Systems in Atlantic
Tropical Depression 13 formed late Wednesday night in the mid-Atlantic and will likely become Tropical Storm Laura on Thursday, according to the National Hurricane Center.
The National Hurricane Center is monitoring three systems in the Atlantic that all have a chance of forming into tropical depressions or storms this week.

But so far Florida is in the path of just one of the storms - Invest 98L, also called "Disturbance 2" by meteorologists - is churning in the Atlantic. It has a 90 percent chance of becoming a tropical depression or storm in the next day or two, according to the hurricane center's Wednesday advisory.

The hurricane center's early models shows that it could potentially strike the state next week, perhaps on Aug. 26. But there's no way to tell right now what the strength of the system will be by then.

"It's still fairly disorganized for now but it's something we'll have to keep an eye on the next couple of days," said Spectrum Bay News 9 Chief Meteorologist Mike Clay. "Some of the models do not develop this, not all of them develop it, but some of them do and certainly show a threat getting into the Gulf or up to Florida."
National News
Pothole Repair Made Eco-Friendly Using Grit From Wastewater Treatment  Potholes are aggravating to drive over, and they can cause billions of dollars of damage every year to automobile wheels, tires and suspensions. more

Don't flush unwanted or out-of-date medications down the toilet or drain. Some pharmacies have mail-back programs and disposal kiosks for unused medicines.  more

NRWA Submits Testimony to the House of Representatives Committee Considering Changes to the Safe Drinking Water Act: Rural and small communities caution Congress regarding the Safe Drinking Water Act's mechanism of setting federal uniform regulatory standards for rural and small communities (NRWA).  more

Texas Rural Water Association Strengthens 7 USC §1926(b) Territorial Protection in New Federal Appellate
On August 7, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned long-standing adverse 1926(b) precedent in the case of Green Valley Special Utility District v. City of Schertz in a manner proposed by TRWA in their amicus brief.  According to TRWA, "The Court essentially adopted TRWA's alternative argument in its entirety, the best possible outcome... more

Iowa's Water Operators Are "The Angels of our Communities"  Governor Reynolds honors them, proclaiming this week as Water and Wastewater Workers of Iowa Week.  more

EPA and ASDWA 17th Annual Workshop Registration Opens  The workshop will take place on September 1-3, 2020 with in-depth training offered on August 31. more

Opinion: The Water Quality Accountability Act Is a Water Privatization Bill  Don't be fooled: the Water Quality Accountability Act (SB 820/ HB 1416) is a water privatization bill. It would take away all public funding from systems that fail to produce newly required reports. more
State News
You can dispose of old medication at your local county sheriff's office to keep them out of our drinking water sources  Have a project idea for Source Water Protection in the Tampa Bay area? more

FDEP continues to monitor algae | Okeechobee News  A single sample from Lake Okeechobee had trace levels of microcystin toxins last week, but the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation encourages everyone to avoid areas with visible alga blooms.  more

Protective barriers give St. Augustine sewage plant new hurricane strategy at low cost | First Coast News  After considering options that would have cost millions of dollars, a St. Augustine wastewater treatment plant installs a system believed effective for $140,000.  more

Nearly 1,800 Gallons Of Sewage Spilled In Cantonment  ECUA said contractor ran over a valve, causing 1,786 gallons of sewage to be spilled at Booker Street and Ransom Street about noon Friday.  more
This Week in Water History
August 16, 1933:  First day of amoebic dysentery outbreak at the Chicago World's Fair. American Journal of Public Health editorial. "There are many reasons why the outbreak of amebic dysentery in Chicago in 1933 still holds intense interest. Some of these are practical and some scientific. On the practical side it will be recalled that the Exposition for 1934 opened in May.

Already some of the daily papers are asking whether precautions have been taken to make the city safe for visitors, and repeating the charge that the news last year was suppressed. On the scientific side it must be pointed out that, as far as we have been able to determine, this is the first epidemic of the sort which has ever been recorded. The health officers had an entirely new problem to deal with, and there is no question that it took them by surprise, as it did everyone else. The paper read before this Association on October 9, 1933, attracted little attention; so little, in fact, that a prominent officer of the Public Health Service who heard it went back to Washington and did not even mention it. Some days later the report of a physician in Indianapolis that there were 5 or 6 cases of the disease in that city, all traceable to Chicago, gave the first intimation of its seriousness. Following this, on November 25, came from Boston what was probably the first information which showed how widespread the infection was, cases in Canada and elsewhere being reported. There was no official publication from the Board of Health of Chicago, as such, until November 18, though on November 14, the radio was used.  more

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here.
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309