Operators throughout the state of Florida continue to face challenges everyday due to the COVID-19 crisis.
The Florida Rural Water Association is working diligently to lessen the burden of new restrictions placed on utility personnel.
One issue that we have received a lot of questions about is "How are we going to be able to get CEUs to renew our licenses before April 30, 2021?" Hearing your concern, FRWA is now offering five more online courses. The new courses are listed below with the number of CEUs offered.
CEUs Offered
Understanding the Revised Total Coliform Rule and the Groundwater Rule
| 1.0 | 1.0 |
| Using Clarifiers |
| 0.5 | Wastewater Disinfection |
| 0.5 | Wastewater: Preliminary Treatment |
| 0.5 | Water Disinfection | 0.5 | 0.5 |
If you have not taken an online class before, now is a good time to start with the restrictions on social distancing. Classes may be taken in the comfort of your home - no mask required!
If you would like to sign up for one of these or other online courses that we offer CEUs, please click here. For more some frequently asked questions regarding online training, click here. Further questions or concerns related to registration should be referred to SunCoast Learning at 800.269.1181.
FRWA will continue to offer onsite classes whenever possible. For a complete list of onsite training available see the list on your left. For complete list of training offered by FRWA, please go to our website at https://www.frwa.net/events.
Together, we will make it through this pandemic with lessons learned and new innovations for the future.