A Reconciling in Christ synod
ELCA Advocacy Resource: Caring for Creation
“The earth is a planet of beauty and abundance; the earth system is wonderfully intricate and incredibly complex. But today living creatures, and the air, soil, and water that support them, face unprecedented threats. Many threats are global; most stem directly from human activity. Our current practices may so alter the living world that it will be unable to sustain life in the manner we know.” (1993 Social Statement, Caring for Creation)
As several reports circulate presently , Ruth Ivory-Moore, ELCA Program Director of Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility, prepared a resource that helps us look at the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change special report released last month, and highlights some things we can do. As the ELCA ‘Caring for Creation’ social statement reminds us, ‘When we face today's crisis, we do not despair. We act.’”
Border Perspectives from Bishop Gonia
There has been a great deal in the news these days about migrants, asylum seekers and caravans of people from Central America who have made their way to the Mexico-US border. I am writing to share with you some personal experience and observations.
Two weeks ago, RMS Vice President, Earline Bohling and I traveled to El Paso to see first-hand some of the realities related to the current migration situation. We were joined by Pastor Matt Barnhouse (Director for Evangelical Mission) as Pastor Rose Mary Sanchez-Guzman (Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey) provided an opportunity for us to visit places where asylum seekers were being sheltered.We were able to personally thank volunteers at Cristo Rey who have given of their time and energy to host refugees. We also joined the Region Two first call deacons and pastors in their orientation to the Border at a meeting with Ruben Garcia from Annunciation House.
Here are some of our reflections and learnings:
This is not new.
Groups coming to the border in caravans and in waves dates back decades. The current wave has been occurring for about a year. In El Paso alone, around 2,000 asylum seekers arrived in one week’s time. The greatest need is temporary shelter and logistic support for these women, men and children before they travel to stay with family members across the country while awaiting their hearing.
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the GLOBAL Neighborhood
Meet our Missionaries: Themba Mkhabela
Rev. Lancelot Themba Mkhabela has been serving as the ELCA Global Mission Regional Representative for Madagascar, West and Central Africa (MWCA) for the last six years. Themba and his wife, Kwena, and their two children, Thando (5years old) and Tumisho (3 years old) reside in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
In his current position he is responsible for the ELCA engagements in Madagascar, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Ghana and Liberia on behalf of the ELCA Area Director. He also serves as a resource person for theological education for ELCA companions in the region on behalf of the Area Director. In addition to the countries already listed the MWCA region also includes the Central Africa Republic, Cameroon, Senegal, Rwanda and the Gambia.
Having spent time in Colorado Springs and gone through candidacy in the Rocky Mountain Synod, we are excited to welcome Themba back to the RMS roster. For Themba, rooting his call here feels like coming home!
Conference Youth Gatherings January 19-21, 2019
With the cancellation of the synod-organized youth gathering there are still opportunities for youth retreats that weekend. Here are two, in Estes Park and southern New Mexico.
If you are aware of other gatherings, let us know so that the information can be shared with others.
Please directly contact those listed below with your questions and to register.
Youth Gathering
Who Me? Yes you! Come join us for a weekend of exploring vocation, spirituality, and community time together.
January 19-21, 2019
YMCA at Estes Park
Cost: $180 per person
Registration deadline: December 9th, 2018
Youth Gathering
January 19-21, 2019
Sacramento Camp and Conference Center
Cloudcroft, New Mexico
Cost: $135 per person
Apply now to serve on the ELCA Youth Core Leadership Team
Are you a youth, grades 9-11, or do you know a youth with love for the church and gifts in leadership? Applications are being accepted for the 2019-2020 team.
YCLT exists to provide leadership development opportunities to high school youth, to plan and lead the ELCA Youth Leadership Summit, and to serve as a focus group for ELCA Churchwide Ministries as they strive to do ministry with youth more effectively.
Go here
for more info and to apply. Applications are due Jan 15, 2019.
Deacon Mary Black
Risen Lord, Conifer, CO
Wednesday, December 12, 6:00 p.m.
Color of the Day: Blue
RMS Prayer Cycle
December 2018
Week of December 9
Elim - Ogden, UT
Bruce Kolasch
Mount Tabor - Salt Lake City, UT
David Nichols
Join us in daily prayer:
ELCA Prayer Ventures
for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.
Sunday, December 9
Second Sunday of Advent
Prayer of the Day
Stir up our hearts, Lord God, to prepare the way of your only Son. By his coming give to all the people of the world knowledge of your salvation; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
In God's Hands: Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches
In The Moon Of Wintertime
- Christmas With Ars Nova
Sunday, December 9 at 4:00 p.m.
Saint Paul Community of Faith
1600 Grant St
Ars Nova Singers, one of Colorado's finest vocal ensembles, will present a program entitled
In the Moon of Wintertime under the direction of Thomas Edward Morgan, and featuring the Colorado premiere of
The Consolation of Apollo by Philadelphia composer Kile Smith. This fascinating work celebrates the 50th anniversary of Apollo 8, the first manned mission around the moon, which entered lunar orbit on Christmas Eve, 1968. Visit
www.arsnovasingers.org for more information, and get your
tickets here.
"Holiday Blues....When the Season is not Jolly"
Sunday, December 9, 2018 from 10:50 a.m. to noon
Atonement Lutheran Church, Chapel
685 Inca Parkway, Boulder CO (
What are the differences between the blues, depressive disorders as well as how to identify and address suicidal thinking in our loved ones, fellow parishioners and our neighbors. Many factors, including unrealistic expectations, financial pressures, and excessive commitments can cause stress and anxiety at holiday time For some, the holiday season evokes feelings of warmth, joy and belonging. For others this time of year can heighten feelings of loneliness, stress and anxiety.
This program will be led by Natalie Trombly, licensed clinical social worker and program manager for Mental Health Adult Outpatient Services in Boulder. She will provide tips and strategies that can help prevent stress, anxiety, and mild depression associated with the holiday season. For more information, email
flyer here
Rocky Mountain Ringers-
Winter Wonderland Holiday Concert
Friday, Dec 14 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Dec 15 at 2:00 p.m.
Saint Paul Community of Faith
1600 Grant St
Friday, December 14, at
7:30 p.m. and again on Saturday,
December 15 at 2:00 p.m., the
Rocky Mountain Ringers, Denver's leading semi-professional handbell ensemble, will present joyous holiday music in a concert entitled,
Winter Wonderland, under the direction of Jeffrey Harms. Visit
www.rmringers.com for more information, get
tickets here.
Annual Gift Event for Refugees
Celebrate the holiday season by offering a warm welcome to refugee families in the Denver area! The LFSRM Refugee Program will hold its annual gift event on December 14, 15, and 16. We are looking for volunteers to help set up and staff the event.
Read more
Columbine Chorale Holiday Concert-
A Ceremony of Carols
Sunday, December 16 at 4:00 p.m.
Saint Paul Community of Faith
1600 Grant St
On Sunday, 16 December 2018, at 4:00 p.m., the
Columbine Chorale, led by Music Director Brian Eichenberger, will present
"A Ceremony of Carols," a multi-movement work featuring a variety of carols as arranged by British composer Benjamin Britten for choir and harp. Visit
www.columbinechorale.org for more information.
Saint Martin’s Chamber Choir Concert-
A Marian Christmas: Maiden and Mother
Friday, December 21 at 7:30 p.m.
Saint Paul Community of Faith
1600 Grant St
Denver’s own Saint Martin’s Chamber Choir, led by Artistic Director Timothy Krueger, will perform a program entitled,
A Marian Christmas: Maiden and Mother,
featuring music by female composers, in honor of Mary,
thus providing a uniquely feminine insight into the Nativity.
for more information, get
tickets here
Saint Paul Lutheran and Roman Catholic Community of Faith
Singing a Christmas Cantata-
Lauft ihr Hirten allzugleich
Monday, December 24 at 10:30 p.m.
Saint Paul Community of Faith
1600 Grant St
Saint Paul will sing a cantata composed by Michael Haydn and entitled,
Lauft ihr Hirten allzugleich (“Run, You Shepherds, All at Once”)
, during an extended Prelude to the 11:00 p.m. liturgy celebrating the Nativity of Our Lord.
This year the Prelude, and the liturgy that follows, will feature music by Austrian-Hungarian composers spanning the 18th century from end of Baroque period through the Classical period and into the early Romantic period, including moterts by Gregor Werner, Franz Xaver Brixi, and liturgical music by Franz Schubert, all accompanied by a string quartet. Visit
for more information.
Prepare/Enrich Facilitator Training
Friday, January 18, 2019, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Become a certified facilitator with the knowledge and skills to effectively utilize the
Prepare Enrich Assessment in your work with couples. This flexible tool can be used for premarital counseling, mentoring programs and for marriage enrichment.
Training will be held at
Bethany Lutheran Church in Cherry Hills Village. Please contact Beth Walker at
bethdwalker@gmail.com or 720-352-9915 for more information or to to register.
Carols + Cheer: A Fundraiser for Campus Ministry
Sunday, December 9 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Broken Trail Distillery and Brewery
6902 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM (
Luther House
for a chance to sing Christmas carols while enjoying the tastes of
Broken Trail Distillery and Brewery
, all to support Lutheran Campus Ministry in North New Mexico.
Musicians Pauleta Hendrickson and Clara Byom will guide us through favorite holiday sounds just like Brother Martin did over table talks in Wittenberg.
15% of the money you spend on drinks and food will come back to Luther House so bring your congregation, neighbors, family, and friends to this family-friendly event! Plenty of parking is available.For more information contact
Serve with RTLC's Bridging Borders Program!
Summer 2019
It's not too late to register your youth group or multi-generational group for a service trip with Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp! Bridging Borders is offering 4 locations in 2019, including the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Appalachia! Each trip provides a unique experience of hard work, cultural immersion, and building relationships centered on the love of Christ. Experience an unforgettable and life changing week of service and leave the hard work of logistics and details to us. Our summer staff will accompany your group and help lead devotions, meals, team building, and processing. Don't miss out on a great opportunity to partner with Rainbow Trail for a Bridging Borders trip!
LWR Farmers Market Coffee gift sets
for a gift that is both thoughtful and does global good?
Jump start your holiday shopping with the perfect gift of an LWR Farmers Market Coffee gift set! Comprised of two bags of coffee and an LWR Farmers Market mug, customize your purchase with your choice of our bold dark, robust medium, or decaf roasts!
LWR Farmers Market Coffee is sourced directly from coffee farmers working in
Lutheran World Relief
projects – our partners in the coffee business. And, a portion of the sales are invested back into Lutheran World Relief Projects, which means this purchase is a gift to many!
Donate a good car to help share the Good News!
Prison Congregations of America (PCA) is a nonprofit ministry that plants churches INSIDE prisons across the US, and helps create a network of supporting churches on the outside that provides resources to the inmate church, as well as offers a welcoming community of faith upon the congregates' release back into society.
In continually working to energize and empower the existing community of congregations from coast to coast, and to develop new prison congregations in every state, the PCA Director covers a lot of territory by car in forwarding the mission.
If you have a gently used vehicle with relatively low mileage that you would like to donate to the organization, your donation is tax deductible and your vehicle will be used to continue to share the Good News to prisoners nationwide! For info, visit their
website, or
send email to
The Master Builders Bible for Men
Lutheran Men In Mission
A Limited Time Bible Sale December 2 - 24 The Master Builders Bible for Men is already a great value at $25/Bible. But during Advent we are offering this special resource for $175 for a case of 10....
Read more
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Report on Family Separation and Response
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services and US Catholic Conference of Catholic Bishops/Migration & Refugee Services have share a report with background and learnings around the Zero Separation Policy and their work in reuniting families:
You are invited to read and share this report as we move forward together as Christ's Church to support and accompany migrants, refugees, and aslyum-seekers.
The Annual Report Cover is available for download in two formats:
Hard copies will be available for order from the ELCA Website beginning January 2, 2019.
Non-Rostered Positions
Music Leader (part-time)
Ascension Lutheran Church - Cheyenne, WY
Praise Singers Director (part-time)
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO
Director of Faith Formation
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church - Louisville, CO
Administrative Assistant
All Saints Lutheran Church - Albuquerque, NM
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Jim Gonia
- Region 2 Consultation, Denver
- Region 2 Mobility Conference
- HKBP, Denver, CO
- All day Staff meeting
Pastor Matt Barnhouse
- House for All, Denver, CO
- Region 2 Consultation, Denver
- Mission Outreach Board
- HKBP, Denver, CO
- Mount Calvary, Boulder, CO
- Mission Development Conversations
- All-day staff meeting
- Denver Office December 1-12; Email: mbarnhouse@rmselca.org
Ruth Hoffman
- LAM-NM Policy Committee
- St. Paul, Albuquerque
- Staff meeting
Tina Kvitek
- One on one meetings
- Atonement, Boulder, CO
- Lord of the Mountains, Dillon, CO
- Staff Meeting
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Region 2 Consultation
- Region 2 Mobility Conference
- St. Paul, Calhan, CO
- Staff Meeting
Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)
- Lutheran Center Administration
- Region 2 Consultation, Denver
- Staff Meeting
Deacon Erin Power
- Region 2 Consultation, Denver
- Synod Assembly Planning
- RMS Communications
- Colorado Conference of Churches
- Staff Meeting
Peter Severson
- Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountain Board Meeting
- CO Social Legislation Committee
- Staff Meeting
Pastor Leslie Welton
- Region 2 Consultation, Denver
- Holiday Service at Ryssby
- Candidacy Meetings
- Staff Meeting
You are welcome to directly contact
Andrew Nakatan
, Communications Assistant, with questions, comments, or concerns you may have about eConnection or our website!
Rocky Mountain Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
are due noon Monday each week and will run for about two weeks.
Past issues of eConnection can be found