Providing free and low-cost STD treatment requires some political will power as well. APLA Health is working with our elected officials introduced in California aims to create a comprehensive plan to end the state’s epidemics of HIV, hepatitis C and sexually transmitted infections.

This comprehensive plan will also increase the funding that is available. We’ll be able to purchase more testing kits and do culturally competent outreach and education. We will be better able to address social issues such as poverty, stigma and homelessness.

If we can break down as many barriers to care as we can, more people will get tested, treated and – if possible – vaccinated against a number of STDs. Once those pieces are in place, we will be able to stop a variety of STDs and HIV.
Our most glamorous perk
Star Walkers are basically AIDS Walk royalty. That’s why we’ve brought in Queens to shout them out! For the first time ever, we’re sending Star Walkers customized video messages from some of LA’s most iconic Drag Queens. These videos hype up your fundraising campaign and make your friends take notice of the amazing work you’re doing for APLA Health and LA communities. The September 13 finish line is fast approaching, so it’s time to work it!

Need tools to help you reach $1000, or want to check out all the awards this year?
Star incentives get even brighter

We love our Star Walkers at AIDS Walk Los Angeles! We’d give you the world if we could. One thing we’ll definitely do is reward your amazing efforts to raise $1,000 with fundraising incentives worthy of Star status. Just check out what’s in the stars for you if you hit the $1,000 this year:

  • Personalized Star Walker plaque
  • Collectible pin
  • Customized Drag Queen video shoutout
  • A photo of you in our ABC7 special on August 29th! (must raise $1000 by 8/24 for this award)

On your way to becoming a Star but need that extra boost? Check out our fundraising tips here.
AIDS Walk Los Angeles
213.201.9255 (WALK) ·