change can be a funny thing
thoughts and theories spiraling
disheveled doubts disorienting
losing track confounding

watching objects rearrange
ideas rebound inside your brain
outer inner that’s the game
can you just observe and be entertained ?

when you hold onto the moving parts
you can feel reality torn apart
and what stays steady in this mess
is deep and ready
will you be blessed?

some call it essence
some call it soul
it’s in me and you
it makes us whole

or will you ride the merry-go-round
where egos dance in and out of bounds
the fear mistook sleeps like mud
and my mask won’t ask if we should

sometimes a week feels like a day
surrender into times of change
sweet sun embrace the pulsing rays
as hearts arise out of the haze

ascension calls and clocks rewind
these are the prophesied end times
we’re the ones we were waiting for
all stories meet at eternities door

step in and join us in the now
to laugh to love
or remember how

sweet days ahead
leave sorrow behind
we have each other
one awakening mind

enjoy with me
the changing time


waves of change ...

Welcome to my September Newsletter,
may you ride the changing tides in good health and joy.

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with eternal love in every new moment,

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