If you look very closely,
there is just the slightest hint of green
turning this day around.

You are cordially invited to pay attention.

Have you met Rev. Craig?
Join us for dessert and coffee this Friday, March 15, from 7- 8:30 pm

You are cordially invited to meet Rev. Craig Rubano on Friday, March 15, at 7pm. This is an opportunity for casual conversation in the Community Room hosted by the Committee on Congregational Ministry. While neutral with regard to the co-ministry proposal, CoCM would like to ensure that congregants have the chance to meet Craig in advance of the Congregational Meeting on March 24. Please RSVP ASAP to uubooklover@verizon.net or 732-772-0863 (but please join us anyway if you forget to reply). Hope you can attend!

March 17, 2019

              Celtic Spirituality                
Rev. Dr. Len De Roche
On St. Patrick’s Day, we will look into what makes Celtic Spirituality different and special. Len will talk about Celtic Mythology and St. Patrick.

UU ministers around NJ are participating in a Pulpit Swap today. Rev. Virginia is preaching in Somerville this morning. Rev. Dr. Len De Roche is the Interim Minister at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Somerset Hills, Somerville, NJ. 

Music by Sister Singers and Elaine Held.