GFWC GA Monthly Connections
Dear Federated Sisters,

Happy Holidays to my GFWC Georgia family! This time of the year brings joy, happiness, and fond remembrances of past celebrations for most of us. For some, it can be a sad and lonely holiday. I hope you find yourself in the merriest of moods and if feeling the holiday stresses, I hope you find peace in helping others. It is often said when we help others, we are also helping ourselves. Reach out to others this holiday season to those who may be less fortunate, who are struggling, who have lost a loved one, who are living alone, who may find it difficult to get out of bed each day, or who are hurting for whatever reason you and I may not understand.

Many of you may not know my earliest story of my life. I would like to share this 50 year old story with you today. It may help many understand why I have chosen the career paths I have in foster care and adoption, in working with children, and in helping others. It may help you to understand the reason why I added to my family through adoption.

It was the end of 1968. Seven days to be exact left in the year. A merry and bright season for many, anticipating the celebration of the birth of their savior. But not for me. Little anticipation and happiness was felt upon my own arrival into this world. Maybe none. Maybe just dread and relief. 

Baby booties, choosing a name with excitement, a traditional baby shower with lots of fuss did not herald my arrival. Wrapped in a swaddling blanket once by my birth mother and placed in other's arms, I was without a name and family. I became "Little Noelle", named by hospital nurses. 

Prior to my arrival, my birth mother did not have plans to parent me. There were moments of time in those nine months if I would even make it to birth, planned backwoods abortion appointments and times of intense sadness and secretiveness. Hidden, even then, from family and my older brothers. This is how my Christmas Eve birthdate started for me.

But it is with an immense sense of gratitude I have for this woman who carried me for nine months and made the most generous and giving of plans for me. Several months into 1969, "Little Noelle" was received into the arms and hearts of her parents who raised her with much love and gave her a wonderful childhood. My adoption story did begin with a sense of loss and sadness but it was truly a miracle I was placed into the most generous of homes with a loving set of parents.

I think of the gift God gave to us this season and the birth of Jesus Christ. I think of this connection and know from my favorite Bible verse from Jeremiah 1:5, a verse I have cherished for many years, that God did know me before I was formed in my mother's womb, He did have a plan for my life, as He has for your own life as well. 

As you celebrate this season in whatever way or traditions you have, I wish you peace, happiness, and time with your loved ones.  

With Federated Friendship,

Tina Daniel
GFWC GA State President 2018-2020

Tina's Pearl of Wisdom for the day: "When you CHOOSE JOY you feel good & when you feel good, you do good & when you do good it reminds others of what joy feels like & it just might inspire them to do the same." Merry Christmas and have a safe and Happy New Year!
Announcing GFWC Georgia's New Administrative Assistant, Deborah Landress
Greetings GFWC Georgia,

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Deborah Landress as the GFWC Georgia Administrative Assistant. Bio for Deborah Landress

Deborah comes to us with a B.S. in Business Administration and Masters in Business. She has been a member of Winder Woman's Club since 2005, therefore she is very familiar with GFWC Georgia procedures. She is also a member of the Athens-Oconee Junior Woman's Club for over four years. Deborah has held many positions within GFWC Georgia such as Home Life Chairman and current Secretary at the club level. On the District level she has served as the Recording Secretary, 2nd VP and 1st VP for the Ninth District and was the first Central East District President (Reasey's Royals 2016-18). At the State level, she currently serves on the CPR Team as the Newsletter and Social Media chair, and did a fantastic job putting our yearbook together as Yearbook Chairman.

In addition to her GFWC Georgia service, Deborah has held many positions including Taste of Winder Chairman, President for six years, and serves as the current Secretary. She has worked with Boy Scouts, Vietnam Veterans, Georgia Piedmont Arts Center, Quilt with Friends, Jug Tavern Quilters and The Hall County Quilt Guild. She delivers quilts to Piedmont Hospital for Quilts for Kid on a monthly basis. She also serves her church and is a member of the United Methodist Women. On election days, she manages the Barrow County polling center. Her hobbies include crafting, web site design and quilting. 

Deborah is married to her wonderful husband, Chuck and together they have raised two children, Laedenia Jewell and Stephen Knight. Deborah and Chuck are currently raising two of their grandchildren ages 13 and 12. She has a passion for family, helping others and GFWC.

Please make Deborah feel welcome as she begins her new position with GFWC Georgia. She loves coffee so there will always be a fresh pot for those who would like to stop in for a cup. 

Betty Owenby's resignation was accepted and her last day in the office is December 19. We wish the best to Betty as she goes on to fully enjoy her retirement.
SOAP up Super Bowl Atlanta
SOAP up Super bowl Atlanta
9:30am – 3pm on Saturday, January 26th, 2019 (EST)

Please review this event. I hope you can join me to label soap that will be distributed to local hotels during the super bowl weekend. The labels will have hotline numbers for sex trafficking victims to access.
District Presidents - Please forward to your clubs. Members or clubs may also make donations to purchase the soap bars.

In Federation,
MLK Day of Service Project "Pack the Pantry" for Ronald McDonald Houses
Earlier in the month, Tina and Becky announced how GFWC GA will support GFWC President Mary Ellen Brock's seven Grand Initiatives. For the MLK "Day of Service", Becky and Tina would like to invite club women to "Pack the Pantry" at Ronald McDonald Houses. The most urgent and ongoing needs of the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House is as follows: laundry detergent, paper towels, Clorox wipes, individually wrapped snacks, individual packages of macaroni and cheese and ramen, coffee grounds/k cups, and queen sized neutral fleece blankets.

Becky and Tina will be at the Ronald McDonald House on Monday, January 21, 2019 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. collecting those items to "Pack the Pantry". Clubs are invited to come at this time to drop off items. We will also bring cookies (these must be store bought) to leave for the house guests. The address is 5420 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Sandy Springs 30342. The phone number is 404-847-0760. For those in the other areas, please see the list of Ronald McDonald Houses in Georgia to "pack the pantry" in your location. Please post your photos and please send in a donations report to Tina. Please review Tina's full email for all of the details - click here .
Junior Conference Corner
Christmas is one of the most joyful times of the year and one of the saddest for me. I love the season of Giving; the lights and decorations; and the baking of goodies. I love the Nativity scenes and celebration of the birth of Jesus. Most of all, I enjoy the time with family and friends. The memories made during this time of the year are always special. I know that each of you has a family tradition and I would love to hear of those. One of my favorites is going to Church on Christmas Eve and making cookies with my children. It is something we have done since they were young and continue through today with the exception of 2008. That year was very different for me on Christmas Eve. My Dad was very sick with cancer and I spent many days and night at the hospital with him. On that particular Christmas Eve, I didn’t make cookies or go to Church. Instead, I was by his bedside mainly watching him sleep. If I had realized it was my last time to share a Christmas with him, I would have held his hand a little tighter or worried less about the perfect gift for someone else. While the family traditions continue for me this year, I know there are others who are facing many struggles with loneliness, sickness, job loss, or any number of obstacles. I am starting a new tradition this year to help someone who is struggling. As we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas this year, Let’s give a “cheer gift” to someone else. It can be an encouraging note, a fruit basket, flowers, a gift card, an act of kindness or just a smile. Pay it forward to help someone make their holiday a little happier this year. We can all do something and remember
 “It’s What You Do For Others That Counts”.

 “Journey to Healthy Living”   
In December:
      Decide– Decide in December to find healthy food choices for you and your family. Eat lots of seasonal fruit and vegetables – the choices are endless this time of the year.
      Dazzle – As women, we love to dress up and feel pretty. You can take an old outfit and add a little dazzle or pair with new jewelry to feel extra special.
       Drink – Drinking water is one of the best things you can do for your health and it’s Free. Make a commitment to drink at least 24 oz of water a day and watch how your complexion changes.
      Donkey and a Dove – Remember the true meaning of Christmas during this holiday season. A Donkey reminds me of the travel for Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and A white dove always brings a sense of Peace to me. 

I pray you have a wonderful and joyful Christmas and a Blessed 2019! I am looking forward to making lots of new memories and friendships in the New Year. Please remember that I am here for each of you if you need anything. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Love In Federation,
Becky Bolden or                 
Happy Holidays to All!
State Convention is April 5-7, 2019. Click button above to obtain information. We ask for those who are requesting a RV/Camper site to make those arrangements by calling Lake Blackshear Georgia Veterans State Park at 229-276-2371. For RV/Campers, it will not be a part of the GFWC Georgia block as there are many options to choose from including water, electricity, and cable varieties. As we are going to be at the park during spring break for many school systems, please feel free to call and make your campsite reservations soon. Visit their website to see the many different amenities offered at the park at The Executive Committee dinner will be held on Thursday, April 4th at 6:00 PM. All are invited on the wonderful train trip planned for April 5th from 10:00-4:00 and we will travel to Habitat for Humanity's International Headquarters. Continue watching for more information about our next exciting adventure for our membership each month.
GFWC Georgia• P.O. Box 39, Tallulah Falls, GA 30573 • (706) 754-3127