Time to see how our system is blooming!
April 18, 2018
Durham's HMIS Users Meeting is next Thursday!
Can you believe we're submitting our third System Performance Measure reports?
Maybe you don't mark the passage of time with HUD's SPM reports, but it's true! Our system's data is been combed through and while our data quality has gotten better with each submission - the Data Center has a few tips to avoid trouble areas at the next HMIS Users Meeting!

We'll review how to prepare for the submission of System Performance Measure reports, review NC County of Service DQ, what HMIS wants from your Disability and hear what you need from our training development. We will also have an Update on the HMIS Transition.

Make sure your agency has a rep to bring back resources!

Thursday, April 26th
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Community Development Dept of Durham
807 E. Main Street, Building 2 Suite 200
Durham, NC 27701
Changes to HMIS
SSVF Projects now tracking Employment
HUD and the VA are requiring SSVF Projects to collect and enter Employment Status for all heads of households and adults as soon as possible. The June SSVF Export will require this data element but data entry should begin as soon as possible. Any clients already entered as of April 30th must have an Employment Status response back-dated to their entry date.

AIRS Service Codes updated
Service Transactions may look a little different - with updates to the 2018 names and codes. Review Mediware's crosswalk to see the changes here and use Ctrl + F to find the service type you use.
Time is on your side for 2018 data - use it!
April brings a natural shift in the season and spirits, is a great time to check in with your first quarter of 2018 data. Is your data accurate and as complete as possible? Are any Annual Assessments or income updates past-due? The end of quarters provide an opportunity to consider if data makes sense before HUD or your funders require it.

You can run a dashboard report for your funder specifically or either the APR or CAPER to check data from January 1, 2018 to March 30, 2018. The best part is these reports are available to all HMIS users!
Make sure you have these events and deadlines on your calendar!

If you'd like training specifically for you or your agency, please submit a request with a two week window and what type of training you need here: Data Center Training Request Form.
April 11 th -- 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act

April 26 th -- Durham HMIS User Meeting and the next In-Person Entry/Exit Training in Durham RSVP Here

April 30 th to May 1 st -- Bringing It Home: Ending Homelessness in NC Conference Details

May 24 th -- Durham HMIS Users Meeting - RSVP Here

May 7 th to May 25 th -- Annual RHY Grantee Submission
Thank you for continuing to be respond as we double-check your data for the Point in Time Count and Housing Inventory Count. We appreciate your time and dedication to make sure our system is reporting accurate data for national consumption!

Let us know if you have any questions!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |