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January 2019
Wings of Nature

Dear friends,

Welcome to my "PHOTOBLOG" Newsletter, a monthly publication which is being sent to clients and friends, to keep them updated on my current photographic interests, new works and future developments.

My goal is to format the Newsletter around a short series of images, which I will try to describe briefly, so that important or interesting details will be easily available to the viewer.

Most of the imagery displayed here will also be on view at       " IMAGES" Photographic Art Gallery,  located at 14406 Detroit Ave., in Lakewood, and I would be happy to extend to all an invitation to stop by sometime for a visit.

As always, I will appreciate your comments and suggestions pertaining to my work, and , should you enjoy these images, please feel free to share the "PHOTOBLOG" with friends  and others as well; anyone interested in my work could be easily added to my distribution list by contacting me at  [email protected]

or by visiting at www.mellinophotography.com.


Wings of Nature.
Welcome to January and ...winter! 
Most birds have by now migrated to warmer places...yes, even the seasonal "snow birds" from Ohio, Michigan etc. Well, just to keep things a bit more entertaining, I thought it might be enjoyable to look at some REAL birds, for a change...I should tell you that I do not specialize in Nature Photography as such, as this requires equipment and cameras specific for this type of shooting. However, I very much admire all Nature creations, and birds are so fascinating with their colors, behavior and habits, although often quite challenging as photographic subjects!
This series of images has been collected over the years, with feathered samples from around here ( the eagle !), Florida, Italy and other places...and, as always, thank you so much for looking at my work and for sharing it with friends.
Wings of Nature.
A couple of flamingos living in captivity at a small Florida Nature center, along with a very talkative parrot...
The hungry seagull, ready to put away his first catch of the day, was seen on a Jersey shore some time ago.
The first image is of an anhinga, also called a snakebird, getting ready to go fishing.
Below, a very proud rooster, keeping an eye on his domains at a farm in Tuscany, and finally a little Florida snowy egret cleaning up his wings!
 Wings of Nature.
Herons are majestic when caught in flight; this however was on land and in a defensive posture, having sensed me nearby...above, a male stork in a pond.
Wings of Nature.
Pelican are amazing birds, and rather frequent around the South-West Florida beaches, often friendly enough to let me get real close...their fishing techniques are simply spectacular as they first fly up suddenly, once the fish is spotted, and then plunge into the water almost vertically!

Wings of Nature.

A young Canadian geese ready to take off,at an East Side pond last fall; above, a rather unusual looking seagull on a Florida beach; in between, hundreds of seagulls with me somewhere out there flat on the beach capturing the scene...!




Wings of Nature.
This very serious hawk didn't quite appreciate the attention...the female was guarding over their newborn babies nearby, thus his frequent buzzing over anyone coming too close!
Above, a beautiful example of a white heron seen on the sandy beach of Sanibel Island.

Wings of Nature.

When a peacock get mad at you he'll show his beauty...this happened as I was checking out an "agroturismo" in Umbria, a working farm!

This ibis is doing what ibises do all the time...canvassing the waters and the sand with their long pointed bill in search of small insects and crustaceans.



To wrap it up... a pelican in flight, and, below, a beautiful eagle who for a long time kept coming back to our own Lakewood backyard, where he loved to sit up on a large tree by the Lake. Unfortunately that tree was damaged by a storm last year and was taken down...haven't seen the eagle since.

 Please take the time to visit on the web at  www.mellinophotography.com, 

 and feel free to send me your feedback and opinions, as they are always appreciated.

Cherry Rappoli, Pamela Gilliland and I were very happy to have welcomed many of you at "IMAGES" Art Gallery during our series of Holidays Open House events throughout December; their works were wonderful and very much appreciated by all who found the time to stop by...many pieces found a new home where they will be certainly admired by their new owners. 

As we regroup after all the activities of last month, we are planning many interesting events at the Gallery, and will surely keep our friends informed as things get organized.

Again, a most felt "thank you" for your support and appreciation in this incredibly creative and fun journey!

Happy New Year to all,



                           "IMAGES" Photographic Art Gallery 

14406 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, Oh.                                216.406-1271

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