A Seasonal Newsletter from
Naturopathic Health Care
Amy Rothenberg ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH
2018: March Issue
115 Elm Street, Suite 210, Enfield, CT 06082 1.860.763.1225
Scheduling an Appointment |
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860.763.1225, Mon-Thurs to schedule an appointment
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Inborn Healing Capacity |
A little over a year ago, Governor Baker signed the bill to license naturopathic doctors in Massachusetts. Dr. Herscu was appointed by the Governor to serve on the ND licensing board, which he now chairs. The board is hard at work creating the rules and regulations which will guide licensees' practice in the state. We hope that by fall of this year applications for licensure will be available, completing the process begun some 25 years ago.
Stay tuned for more details! This is a picture from the day after the bill was signed, #22 signifies how many states license NDs. That number is now 23, with Rhode Island joining our ranks late last year!
On a separate note, conventional medicine, experienced with our MD docs or in a hospital setting can be lifesaving. It's also true that sometimes that environment or those recommendations, make patients sicker. Naturopathic medicine is often the last stop for a patient who is failing conventional treatment with any number of complaints from psoriasis to headaches, from insomnia to autoimmune disorders. Things I love about naturopathic medicine are that we look for the root cause of illness, we work to inspire and support the body's inborn healing capacity and we look at the whole person when we make our natural medicine prescriptions.
I hope you will learn from this story below, of a fellow who struggled with a C. diff infection and found enduring help at our office.
All the best,
Dr. Amy & Paul

What's the diff? Superbug wreaks havoc in hospitals and beyond: how to help people overcome C. diff infections
by Amy Rothenberg, ND
Charlie, an engineer in his early 60s, first came to see me because he was diagnosed with Clostridium difficile, or C. diff, for short. When this strain of bacteria over-grows in the gut, it can lead to severe - even lethal - infection.
C. diff is a relatively modern problem, with major outbreaks first occurring in the early 2000s. Often acquired in hospitals or long-term care settings, it tends to strike people after antibiotics have wiped out the "good" intestinal flora. The main symptom is debilitating diarrhea, which is triggered by toxins given off by the bacteria. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, C. diff is responsible for more hospital infections than any other bacteria; each year about half a million people in the U.S. get infected - and nearly 30,000 people die from it.
Click here to read the full article
Rice Pudding for a Winter's Day
I am somewhat of a rice pudding devote. Something about the creamy texture with the little bumps of rice, the scent of cinnamon and how it reminds me of childhood. When I was growing up a real treat was rice pudding from the deli, which I'm pretty sure was made from overcooked white rice, milk, eggs and sugar. Maybe a pinch of salt. It was heavenly.
I've taken the basic concept (and ruined it some of my relatives would say!) added a little more fiber, a few more nutrients and a whole lot less sugar.
Recommended Organization, Business, or Product: things we are excited about, related to our lives or our work or both!
What to do with Leftovers?
 I spend time and money creating healthy food and like to store it in a way that is healthy, too. Over the past few years, I have shifted to using glass, either in the form of glass containers made for that purpose or in glass jars I recycle or borrow from my canning supplies. But I still find need for different sized plastic bags for travel or storage. I am happy to have found reusable silicone food bags, as little pouches for snacks, for lunch, and for storage. These are food grade, BPA-free and eco-friendly as they can be washed, dried and reused over and again. Look for them in your local stores or online. I am not partial to any particular brand, but will purchase when on sale when I see them. Type into your browser
Reusable Silicone Food Bags.
Discount on Products from Emerson Ecologics and Natural Partners
In an effort to make quality supplements more widely available, we maintain a virtual dispensary through our office
featuring products distributed by Emerson Ecologics and Natural Partners.
We trust Emerson and Natural Partners as suppliers for high quality supplements, herbs, and natural health and beauty products.
Wellevate is Emerson's online patient dispensary, and
NPScript is Natural Partners'.
Products we r
ecommend and use in our clinic are listed, and you also have access to the full inventory of products sold.
Hope you enjoy FieldNotes!
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In health & vitality,
Amy Rothenberg ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH
Naturopathic Health Care