Monthly Newsletter | March 2019
Your #HealthyMinds Update
Daylight Saving Time is here, and we're rejoicing in how good it will feel to have extra light in the evening hours. But if you have a toddler or teen in your life, you may also be thinking, "Sleep is challenging enough without having to spring forward!"

We dedicate this issue to helping you and the young people in your life get the sleep you need for your mental and emotional well-being.

Check out our sleep resources below, and other new additions to our library!
Cannabis and the Teen Brain: What Do We Know?

Weed. Bud. Herb. Whatever they call it, teens have more access than ever before. But what do we really know about how cannabis affects the developing teen brain?

Tune in to our latest podcast episode as we dive into the weeds. Dr. Jodi Gilman, PhD, a neuroscientist at the Mass General Hospital   Center for Addiction Medicine , joins to discuss her latest research on how cannabis affects memory and learning in adolescents. Search for "Shrinking It Down" wherever you get your podcasts, or listen here.

All About Sleep: Strategies for Getting More
We may take sleep for granted because we don’t appreciate how important it is. Here's how it affects our mental and physical health, plus some strategies for getting more.
The concept of enjoying oneself when alone – being able to relax, reflect – doesn't just happen. It's a skill we develop. We can help our kids with this from the earliest of ages.
If your teen is having difficulty with sleep, the first step is to figure out what in their environment has changed. Next, reinforce these 5 habits for healthy sleep hygiene.

Q+A: What's the Difference Between Slow Processing Speed, Auditory Processing, Sensory Integration, and Autism Spectrum Disorders?
This is a great question and one that we hear frequently. These four disorders share some symptoms in common, and also co-occur together. This can make it difficult to diagnose the problem.

Dr. Ellen Braaten answers on our website. Read more.
Monthly Mindfulness:
A Meditation on Your Self-Critical Voice

This is a guided meditation to share with a teen in your life, or try on your own. It walks through becoming familiar with self-judgements and how we relate to our flaws. This helps us learn to cultivate self-compassion and recognize judging voices as they arise so we don't get caught up in them. Read more.
Find something in our newsletter helpful? Pass it on!

The more families we reach, the more we grow our mission to support the mental wellness of young people everywhere. Thank you for helping us to spread the word!
Here's to the young, healthy minds in your life.
All that you do to support them is amazing!