FRWA eNews
March 1, 2019
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Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
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2019 Focus on Change
2019 Focus on ChangeSlideshow

Before we close the  door on the 2019 Focus on Change Sessions, we would like to thank all of those that participated.  The classrooms were overflowing with over fourteen hundred attendees.  It would not have been possible without the Department of Environmental Protection taking the time out of their busy schedule to give our attendees firsthand information on regulatory changes that could affect their utilities and career. 

Each year, DEP presents awards at the Focus on Change Seminars to domestic wastewater and drinking water facilities around the state that demonstrate excellence in operation, maintenance, innovative treatment, waste reduction, pollution prevention, recycling or other achievements. These awards recognize facilities that demonstrate a special commitment to excellence in management through dedicated professionalism and that have an impeccable history of record-keeping compliance. Please click on the links below for information on the award winners in your area

Thank you for the positive feedback that we received from the attendees.  One said that "It is great to see all the other operators and DEP staff under one roof."  Another attendee said that the "Presenters were very engaging, energetic, informative, humorous, and fun."   If you were unable to attend you can click here to access the presentations from this year's event.

Please plan to join us next year as we celebrate thirty years of presenting the Focus on Change Seminars.
National News
Congressional Bill to Force Communities to Test for Lead in Drinking Water in Schools Gains Momentum  On January 29, U.S. Representatives Brenda Lawrence (MI-14) and Mike Quigley (IL-05) introduced the Get the Lead Out of Schools Act, a bill that requires the EPA to establish a new and separate action level standard for lead in schools' drinking water and requires public water systems to conduct the monitoring.  more

Utility Strengthening through Consolidation  Announcing Guiding Principles and Briefing Paper: Utility Strengthening through Consolidation  more

EPA Notifies NRWA of Environmentalist's Lawsuit to Force EPA to Set Numerous New MCLs The Safe Drinking Water Act ("SDWA" or the "Act") is the principal federal law for protecting the safety and quality of drinking water in the United States.   more

Buchanan chairing water quality hearing | Herald Tribune  Red tide has finally disappeared from Florida's coastal waters but the state's congressional delegation continues to make water quality a priority, convening a hearing next week to discuss "red tide, harmful algal blooms, offshore drilling and other water quality issues."   more
State News
DEP Awards FRWA Membership Challenge Coins  The accompaning letter noted that the Challenge Coin identifies first responders.  We appreciate our members and their willingness to help each other in times of need to keep the environment and the citizens of Florida Safe. more

Florida delegation focuses on water quaility issues
Members of the Florida Congressional delegation will be focusing on water quality in the coming days. more 

Septic tank conversion funds needed to improve water quality | WPTV 
 Along the northern rim of Lake Okeechobee is Treasure Island.  more

Boil water advisory in effect for parts of Bradford Co. | First Coast News A break in a 2-inch water line caused a loss in water pressure in Lawey, police said. more

JEA Seeks New Technology To Lower Cost Of Ongoing Septic Tank Phase Out Program | WJCT Burdened by the hefty price tag of Jacksonville's ongoing septic tank phase out program, JEA will next month begin looking to new technologies for an alternative to traditional gravity fed sewage systems.more

Florida's top environmental leader to keep job | Sun Sentinel With a commitment to addressing the impacts of climate change, Noah Valenstein was approved Tuesday by the Florida Cabinet to remain as the state's top environmental official. more

Pump's 'heart attack' brings 720,000-gallon sewage spill | Miami Today Roughly 720,000 gallons of sewage from a malfunctioned pump station flooded a storm drain running into Haulover Inlet this month, more

FSU Secures $8M From Triumph Board To Study Apalachicola Bay | WFSU Florida State University is getting $8 million  to study how to revive the Apalachicola Bay. more

Massive new park coming to west Orange County? | WFTV Orange County is exploring the idea of a massive park for the Horizon West area that would span roughly 225 acres - 11 times larger than most other regional parks. more

Florida Rural Water Association Promotional Video (YouTube).  A video produced by the Florida Rural Water Association of the services we provide to our members. more

Pompano Beach warned nearly 4,000 residents of data breach | Sun Sentinel A data breach at a company that handles the billing for municipal water service has Pompano Beach city officials working to minimize the potential damage.  more

Boil Water Notice Lifted For 365 Center Water Works Customers | North Escambia A precautionary boil water notice has been lifted for about 365 Century Water Works Customers. The utility said bacterial testing showed the water is safe to drink. more

Some of these things might seem flushable, but they're not. Here's the 'dirty dozen' | Miami Herald The Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department has 6,452 miles of sewer water pipes flowing into three wastewater treatment plants that treat about 300 million gallons of waste water every day. more

'Fatbergs' are clogging up cities' pipes. Here's what one Florida town is doing about it | Bradenton With people flushing personal hygiene items down the toilet doing damage to sewer lines - most recently in Bradenton - the city of Jacksonville has come up with a creative way to warn residents about the danger they are causing.  more
This Week in Water History
The East Side Pumping Station was built on Hennepin Island in 1885 and efficiently delivered sewage-contaminated drinking water to Minneapolis

February 25, 1910  The first use of chlorine as a drinking water disinfectant in Minneapolis, MN. "The water source for Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1910 was the Mississippi River. At that time, the city had a population of about 380,000, and average daily water use was about 20 mgd. Water was pumped from the river into two rectangular basins with a total capacity of 97 million gallons. Plagued with outbreaks of typhoid fever, the city had considered several treatment options including the installation of slow sand filters. However, none of these plans came to fruition because of the resistance of the electorate and the costs of the projects. On February 25, 1910, a chloride of lime treatment system was put into operation after an alarming increase in typhoid cases and deaths in the city."

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309