Issue January 2018
Happy New Year!
Greetings and a happy 2018,
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and is enjoying all of your new treasures. Several old crystal friends we've had in the store for a while found new homes this year. I love that these crystals are going to new homes, but it's hard letting go of some.

We will be leaving for Tucson in two weeks so be sure to get any special request in and start manifesting! This will be our first year as a vendor at the International Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show. This year Robert will be selling over 5,000 pounds of 20 different types of agates. Amanda and I will be shopping for over 21 days to fill the store with new inventory and find what's new. Michael will be shopping for a week so share any special jewelry request with him soon.

I got a most amazing surprise from the Nature's Treasures staff. What a sight to behold! The mineral reproduction in this cake by Christy Seguin owner of Cakes Rock is unbelievable.          

Welcome 2018 with open arms and remember that now is the time to start all those new beginnings you listed last month to accomplish this year. Don't be surprised if they tend to enter your life whether you plan them or not.


Blessings to all,
Karen and the staff
In the Community Events Center

Tami Whitehead
Astro Tarot
Register Online,
Register for both Workshops and receive a discount!
Saturday, January 13th
NT Auditorium

Based on the new book by  
Leah LaChapelle

SAT. JAN. 20, 2018  |  1:00-5:00PM  |  $55
An interactive mini retreat for those who choose to be awake, aware, alive Human beings as Our species goes through the Great Transition to the next place on the evolutionary spiral.  
This experiential is a powerful activation into 5th dimensional responsibility and sense of galactic mission. Dress comfortably; bring: a yoga mat, pillow/blanket, mid-afternoon snack.
Discover our community of healing arts practitioners who guide within the Light of love, harmony and healing!
The Healing Arts Festival & Market - Austin Exhibition Saturday, January 20 - 11am to 5pm 
In the Community 
Leah LaChapelle did a book signing in the Nature's Treasures Library ahead of her new workshop - January 20th. Register here!  
Need a good how-to for 2018?  
Come listen to Nature's Treasures owner, Karen Richards, give a talk on crystal energies at the Metaphysical Fair on Sunday, January 7  
Live in south of Austin?  Come see us at The Healing Arts Festival & Market on Sun, January 7 at the Hilton Garden Inn in San Antonio! 

Calling All Artists!

NT Gallery
Come in to the Studio and view the
creative works of Angie Steding and Krissy Teegerstrom.


Looking Ahead

Are you a jewelry artisan? Would you like to have a booth at our Jewelry Bazaar? If so, email Folade Speaks today at!  
NT Auditorium
Featuring local jewelry vendors!
Vendors~ to register, visit our website!

Coming up March 10-19!
Tarot & Oracle Exposition
April 14 & 15
11am-5pm both days!
Talks and Workshops from Readers and Vendors
from around the country!
Readers and Vendors Include*:
Marcella Kroll ~ Author of The Sacred Symbol Oracle Deck
Casey Rocheteau ~ Author of The Tarot of the Black Medusa Deck
Tatianna Tarot ~ Tarot Reader & Ritual Practitioner
Arwen Lynch-Poe Author of Secrets of the Mystic Grove Oracle and The Fairytale Lenormand Decks  & Editor in Chief of the Cartomancer Quartetly Tarot, Lenormand and Oracle Journal
US Game Systems, Inc~
Premiere publisher of Tarot and Oracle decks 
Local ATX Readers include: Kathleen Deyo, Elaine Ireland, 
Diane Parma, Anaya Swan, Tami Whitehead
The event is Free and open to the public, and
*Individual Reader fees and vendor prices will vary
$10 for one day or $15 for the weekend  
Talks and Workshops will take place in the
Studio throughout both days.
Titles and Descriptions will be published the end of January

Hosted by Nature's Treasures at The Norris Center

Coming to Austin - Summer 2019

Check it out on Facebook!

Austin Agates Exclusive

Island Agate, $30/lb
From the South Pacific near Indonesia.
Rough nodule and polished halves. 
A Note on Agates:  
Silica is the key component to agate formation since it belongs to the quartz family made up of SiO2.  Because of their beauty and durability, agates have been used since the Neolithic as tools, jewelry, tableware and decor for thousands of years. Although agate has been used for ages, new world agates have only been mined recently and many varieties are mined out.

The Treasure Tome:
A Trove of Knowledge

2018: Purple Rain! Purple Rain!
by Folade Speaks  
The Pantone color for 2018 was announced, and it struck me as interesting considering the increased focus on spirituality and attention to Soul growth in 2017. As the meme that's been floating around points out, these three years are proving to be a chrysalis for many: "2016: The Caterpillar ~ 2017: The Cocoon ~2018: The Butterfly." As we crawl from accepting old belief systems that no longer serve us, and fly into our authentic Soul callings, it is alluring to me that the color for 2018 is violet!
I am thinking about Amethyst, Super 7, The Violet Flame, The Sahasrara/Crown Chakra. I am thinking of Lepidolite, the nutritional value of purple vegetables and fruits. I am remembering purple jams and beets delicately poured into canning jars and packed tightly in our basement to nurture us through winters. I am meditating with  lavender, and the magic of wisteria.  This color known as royal, its saffron crocus, the color of the doors of witches, the beauty of clematis and irises. I am thinking of the violet that hugs flames of a crackling fire- how long the eye wants to rest there. How healing- the color purple!
But if I take a step back in daydreaming up all the violet things I can think of, back to the Pantone, this leads us to how significantly 2018 is tied to mysticism, spirituality, and honoring our Crown chakra!
I don't think it's coincidence! I wish you a purposeful 2018, and I offer you some crystal recommendations; Here are the purple bones of Mother Nature, and how their powers can assist you  in 2018!
Read the whole article and see which crystals and minerals have 2018 properties. 
To read the Full Article, pick up the January Issue of  Austin All Natural at Nature's Treasures or your nearest grocer.

Just can't stop thinking about Rocks? 

We are currently looking for motivated individuals skilled in the following areas: 
Nature's Treasure's Front Counter
This is is a part-time position.  Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, customer service, sales, display maintenance/merchandising, daily upkeep/cleaning, and special projects.  Stone knowledge preferred; weekend availability preferred.
For more details on this job, please e-mail:
Nature's Treasures Inventory
This is a part-time position.  Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, stocking, organizing, and cleaning showroom shelves; helping with daily projects and merchandising.  Must be able to lift 70 lbs unassisted.

For more details on this job, please e-mail: Content Writer
We are looking for creative writers to write interesting (sellable) product descriptions, blog posts and crystal and mineral fact reference sheets. Set your own schedule and work from home! Must submit a one paragraph writing sample on any topic related to crystals and minerals. Email resume and writing sample to Customer Support/Sales 
This is a part-time position with full-time potential.  The ideal candidate will answer phones or chat and assist callers with product questions, order entry, tracking, and miscellaneous inquiries, while exhibiting excellent organizational and communication skills. Must exercise mature judgment in regards to our business priorities, team and customer needs. You will also work with other members of the team to meet individual and collective goals. Must have high attention to detail, punctuality, reliability, and a strong motivation for team work and flexibly to shift between multiple workstations.  
For more details on this job, please email:     

Check out these special offers! 


Every Tuesday is 2 Stamp Tuesday!

 Simply " like" our 2 Stamp Tuesday reminder on Facebook or Instagram every Tuesday and show the staff at check-out to receive 2 stamps instead of 1 for your purchase on that day.  

We do believe in fairies!  Find our new Faerie House hidden within Nature's Treasures and you will be blessed with special offers or free gifts!  The fairies move around a lot and collect all sorts of treasures, so who knows what you will find and where!?

Like us on Facebook 

Follow us on Twitter 

View on Instagram 

What's New?

In The Store   
Everyone needs an angel in their life.  We were happily surprised to find Black Tourmaline so get yours before they are gone.

We are excited to have our bowls back.  There are plenty of sizes and gemstones to choose from. 

At The Counter
  Natural Stone Bracelets  
Animal Totem Pendants  
  In Th e Depot 

Blue Mountain Jasper from Malheur County, Oregon.
Several pounds available @ $100/lb

Invite Nature Into Your Home

Click HERE to Subscribe for the newsletter

Monthly WINNER!

$25 Giftcard Winner is:  
Emily M.

Be sure to enter the drawing 
next time you're in the store! 




Garnet is also known for its utilization of creative energy. It grounds spirit forces within the body and helps in the ability to work lovingly on the physical plane.Yet Garnet is a sensual stone. It represents primordial fire, the creation of the world out of chaos, purification and love. It is a stone of strong, intense feelings.

Garnet is said to have been one of the twelve stones in the Breastplate of the High Priest, and has been used as a sacred stone by the Native American Indians, the South American Indians, the Aztecs, the African tribal elders, and the Mayans. It acts with speed to expand one's awareness due to the flash of lightening contained within, and enhances one's internal fire to bring creative powers to implementation.

Aura, Meridian & Chakra  
Photos & Video
Now Available DAILY!!! 
Walk-ins Welcome! 
With our updated Aura Machine, you can see the color of your aura. 
Offered daily and starting at only $15, this is a great gift to give yourself or a loved one.

11:00AM - 6:00PM

Monday 1 Eva Lott
Metaphysical minister, reiki master, stress management

Tuesday 2 Mia Michel
Intuitive, and healer, Akashic Records Consultations, Past Lives and Soul Readings

Wednesday 3 Laura Tree
Reiki Master Teacher, Divinely Inspired Intuitive readings and Sanskrit mantra therapy), Crystal Consultant, Atlantean Healing, Diamond Violet Flame Transmutation

Thursday 4 Elaine Ireland
Tarot reading & psychic work

Friday 5 Tara Ventura
Numerology/Tarot; Clairvoyant Psychic; Intuitive Counseling; Energy Healing (chakra)

Saturday 6 Julie Reeves
Sighted intuitive astrology, tarot & past life consultation

Saturday 6 Anaya Swan
Priestess, artist, musician, a Reiki master, and a magical seamstress and healer. Tarot readings

Sunday 7 Sohan Kaur Khalsa
Spiritual support, reiki healing, angel card reading

Sunday 7 Robert Gerami
Reiki, Chakra balance sessions, Etheric cord cutting sessions

Monday 8 Thumper Donnelly
Medium, clairvoyant psychic, energy healing, past lives

Tuesday 9 Kramer Wetzel
Astrology chart & reading, tarot, good humor

Wednesday 10 Adrienne Goff
Author, teacher, healer, connecting you with your crystals

Thursday 11 Richard Cisneros
Psychic medium

Friday 12 Anne Berlin
Psychic medium, psychometry, work with archangels & Ascended Masters

Saturday 13 Kathleen Deyo
Intuitive consultant, Palms, Runes. Hypnotism, Tea Leaf Reader

Saturday 13 Christine Martensen
Crystals knowledge, Reiki, and empathic connects to Angels, Guides, Spirit Animals and Ascended Masters through clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Sunday 14 Amber Soberon
Reiki Master

Sunday 14 Anaya Swan
Priestess, artist, musician, a Reiki master, and a magical seamstress and healer. Tarot readings

Monday15 Eva Lott
Metaphysical minister, reiki master, stress management

Tuesday 16 Mia Michel
Intuitive, and healer, Akashic Records Consultations, Past Lives and Soul Readings

Wednesday 17 Laura Tree
Reiki Master Teacher, Divinely Inspired Intuitive readings and Sanskrit mantra therapy), Crystal Consultant, Atlantean Healing, Diamond Violet Flame Transmutation

Thursday 18 Elaine Ireland
Tarot reading & psychic work

Friday 19 Tara Ventura
Numerology/Tarot; Clairvoyant Psychic; Intuitive Counseling; Energy Healing (chakra)

Saturday 20 Sara Hansen
Clairvoyant, life path and flower readings, sacred geometry pendants, and Young Living essential oils

Saturday 20 Sheryl Martin
Psychic medium, dream interpreter, reiki master, spiritual counselor, intuitive, life coach, & empath

Sunday 21 Tracy St Croi
Evidential medium, psychic

Sunday 21 Robert Gerami
Reiki, Chakra balance sessions, Etheric cord cutting sessions

Monday 22 Thumper Donnelly
Medium, clairvoyant psychic, energy healing, past lives

Tuesday 23 Kramer Wetzel
Astrology chart & reading, tarot, good humor

Wednesday 24 Terri Davenport
Soul sessions, clairvoyant and laying on of hands

Thursday 25 Richard Cisneros
Psychic medium

Friday 26 Anne Berlin
Psychic medium, psychometry, work with archangels & Ascended Masters

Saturday 27 Christine Martensen
Crystals knowledge, Reiki, and empathic connects to Angels, Guides, Spirit Animals and Ascended Masters through clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Saturday 27 Michael "Zar" Zarchian
Higher Guidance Psychic, Akashic Library, Angelic-Ascended Master Readings Energy healing, Past lives

Sunday 28 Kathy Cabarcas
Healing, intuitive life coaching

Sunday 28 Leslie Werling
Psychic medium, tarot card reading

Monday 29 Robert Gerami
Reiki, Chakra balance sessions, Etheric cord cutting sessions

Tuesday 30 Christine Martensen Crystals knowledge, Reiki, and empathic connects to Angels, Guides, Spirit Animals and Ascended Masters through clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Wednesday 31 Robert Gerami
Reiki, Chakra balance sessions, Etheric cord cutting sessions

What are your crystals telling you? 
Dianna, Austin's Crystal Whisperer offers her Personal Crystal Readings to help you find, understand and connect with the rock s, minerals and crystals that are perfect for you! 

Rates start as low as  
$15.00 for 10 minutes 
Take a
Virtual Tour

Can't get into the store? Want to
take a virtual tour?  Google came out and did a VR of Nature's Treasures. Check it out here!

Meet Our Staff 
Dominic was born in Texas and has lived all over this great state, but feels he has found his home here in Austin.  In addition to having some training in computer maintenance, Dominic also apprenticed with a bladesmith.  In his downtime he studies knives, human suspension and new forms of body modification.  He loves the environment at Nature's Treasures and how it has rekindled his childhood love of rocks and nature, which is why you may find him at the Front Counter, in the Rock Depot, or even helping out with the Inventory Team.
Featured Affiliate
Ricky Wilson Manufacturing has the capabilities to design the jewelry you seek from a mere concept or customize, repair, even recreate the jewelry you already have.  Owned and operated locally by Ricky Wilson, a JA Certified Master Bench Jeweler with over 35 years of experience, this featured affiliate can help with any jewelry need and even have a storefront full of one-of-a-kind pieces including watches!  When you stop by, say 'hello' to some of our treasures on display there!

Our Affiliates

  For a full class calendar, visit