March 2019

Spring is fast approaching and many will welcome the new season with an old tradition: spring cleaning! Every year, we eagerly show winter the door by opening the windows, welcoming in a cool spring breeze and tidying up.
Given its importance to our overall health and well-being, shouldn't we all be just as eager for our biannual dental cleanings?
Recommendations for regular dentist appointments vary and are best left to your dentist to provide; however, biannual visits are common for children and adults. The American Dental Association suggests regular dentist visits can help spot health problems early on, before treatment becomes complicated and often more expensive.
Your dentist knows you best and will provide a cleaning schedule that is unique to your risk factors for tooth decay, gum disease and other oral and general health issues.
As you pick up the mop for your spring cleaning this year, don't forget to pick up the phone and schedule your next dental cleaning!
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