Go to class, do the homework
Sure, that sounds pretty obvious, but research shows that students who attend class regularly - whether virtually or face-to-face -and complete assignments on time are far more likely to excel academically than their peers. So like the ad says, just do it!
Making a smooth transition to life at NJIT
Whether you're moving into the residence halls or commuting to campus, there are a wide variety of activities to get you acquainted with the NJIT community. Breakfast with Dr. Bloom, checking out the options at the Student Involvement Fair and the many activities - both F2F and virtual - here at the Murray Center are all great ways to connect. Don't miss these opportunities to meet the rest of the class of 2024, connect with returning NJIT students, and get to know NJIT's faculty and staff.
More is more
Study groups work. Noodling through tough calculus equations, physics problems and chemistry conundrums in a group can be a lot more productive than trying to fly solo. Here at the Murray Center we will be offering regular STUDY WITH THE STAFFERS virtual study groups during the Fall semester. Not only do these sessions provide a great 'leg-up' in your classes and exams - they are also a great way to meet connect with other students. So keep an eye out for the schedule and join in - you'll be glad you did.
Get to know your professors
NJIT's faculty is accomplished, generous and accessible. On the first day of class, find out about your professor's availability -- does she or he have regular office hours? Are they accessible online? These folks are invested in your success -- so don't hesitate to reach out if you need extra help or have questions.
Lean on us
Your Murray Center student staffers are here to help -- so don't be shy about reaching out for advice, encouragement and perspective. Remember, our staffers stood exactly where you are standing now -- and they're here to share their experiences and expertise.
Be realistic
Don't overload your course schedule and leave a little room for campus activities. Getting involved in student organizations, clubs or athletics provides a great way to get to know other students and can provide great learning and friendship opportunities.
Don't be a stranger
Whether you are a commuting student or living on campus, the Murray Center is here to help you make a successful transition to college life. For the last 25 years the Center has been a nerve-center for a variety of organizations, clubs, sororities and our newsletters feature MC events, media snap shots of the issues concerning today's women and scholarship and internship opportunities. We are centrally located on the second floor of the Campus Center. So don't be a stranger, come check us out -- we look forward to meeting you.