Dear Valued Customer, 

Welcome to the October edition of CHEPedia Toolbox. This is our quarterly newsletter sent to all of our supply chain partners. This features useful tips and tools that make it easier for you to do business with CHEP and gives you time back in your day. 

This newsletter also provides you with key information to help you maximise the value you receive from engaging in CHEP's share and reuse model. 

See the progress we are making together on our sustainability journey 

As a valued supply chain partner within our network, each time you choose to share and reuse CHEP's platform solutions over one way packaging, carbon emissions are reduced, waste is avoided, and raw materials are saved. 

Through our share and reuse business model, we saved 1.7 million trees, 2.6 million metric tonnes of CO2 emissions and 1.4 million metric tonnes of solid waste around the world. 

Check out the 2018 Sustainability highlights we have been able to achieve together by clicking here
Learning, collaborating and networking opportunity: Customer Forums in Sydney 1 November and Brisbane 9 November

Join us at our upcoming customer forums:
+ 1 November - Waterview in Bicentennial Park, Sydney
+ 9 November - Brisbane Powerhouse, Brisbane

In the half day session you'll have an opportunity to:

+ Share your views and experiences with other members within the industry

+ Network with attendees in similar roles and discuss opportunities for better collaboration

+ Workshop new initiatives  

+ Talk with local CHEP specialists

+ See first-hand innovations

+ Participate in the afternoon myCHEP training (optional)


For more information and to register click here.  

Recommended key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor account performance 

With the new financial year underway, here are some suggested KPIs that you can implement to monitor account performance:
+ Stocktake and Reconciliation Report: Complete Stocktake and Reconciliation within 7 working days from the date of stocktake.
+ Exchange Management: Pallets owing by trading partner/s should not exceed 30 days.
+ Corrections / Rejections: Corrections / rejections as a percentage of transfers should not exceed 2% of total transfers. 
+ Declare Transfers: Advise transfer to CHEP within 5 days from shipment date. 
+ Equipment Variance: Should not deviate month to month (+/-) by more than 10%.

Click here to learn more about these account monitoring measures published in the Australian Logistics Council (ALC) Guideline on Pooled Equipment Management.
Giving you time back in your day with new enhancements and features on myCHEP

Based on your feedback, we have: 
+ Enhanced the stock balance report so this is updated more frequently
+ Added the copy to button on recently created Issues / Returns
Improved the user experience with the transaction activity report
Along with these, we have made it faster to complete tasks within the portal and added the FY19 calendar which includes cut off dates.  Click here for more information. 

We have also added additional training resources onto CHEPedia including 'Introduction to myCHEP training', 'Advance features of myCHEP training' plus a step by step guide on how to create a single transfer. Click here to access these resources designed to help you get the most out of this portal. 

CHEP's Load Containment and Pallet Wrapping solution unlocks over 33% in cost savings for Qualipac

Qualipac and CHEP work together to reduce the total cost of every product load wrapped. CHEP's Load Containment and Pallet Wrapping solution helped Qualipac improve their load stability, reduce damage, unlock cost savings and improve safety performance.

Troy Qualischefski, Director / Owner at Qualipac, said "By using CHEP's load containment and pallet wrapping solution we have saved over 33% in costs compared to our previous process of hand wrapping. We have also experienced direct labour savings, film savings, waste reduction and productivity improvements. The solution is also really flexible and simple, as CHEP provides the machine and we only pay for what we use, which frees up capital for us to invest in our core business".

Click here to read the full story and discover how much you can gain by exploring CHEP's Pallet Wrapping solutions.   
Helping you minimise the risk of pallet and unit load damage by sharing best practice

Timber pallets are one of the most important and frequently used logistics platforms, fundamental to the movement of products in many supply chains across Australia and the world. Approximately 300 million CHEP platforms go through global supply chains on any given day. 

To help you minimise the risk of pallet and unit load damage, we have created a short video. 

Click here to see best practice when handling CHEP timber pallets and their unit loads in action; as well as recommendations on pallet care and safety. 
Join the conversation

If you would like to stay up-to-date on the latest news, share your views, provide feedback and collaborate with us online, then follow and engage with CHEP Australia on: