Talk to planners at upcoming virtual office hours

City planners will answer questions and take comments on the proposed group living rules update at upcoming community office hours next month. Small group discussions will take place online September 3, 10 and 17. Use the link below to make your appointment at one of six sessions.
Denver Planning Board recommends approval
After hours of public testimony and deliberation, the Denver Planning Board voted to recommend approval of the proposed group living text amendments to the Denver Zoning Code at its meeting last week. Thank you to everyone who submitted comments online and who offered live testimony--and waiting patiently to do so.

Next steps
City Council will begin its review of the proposal next week with an informational item at its Land Use, Transportation and Infrastructure (LUTI) Committee meeting Tuesday. The staff presentation will only be informational. No voting action will be taken at the meeting.

LUTI Committee Informational Item
10:30 a.m., Tuesday, September 1
Watch live on Denver8.TV

About the Group Living Project
Denver has an immediate need for housing. With the evolving needs of our residents in mind, the challenges of the ongoing pandemic, the renewed push for addressing issues of race and equity, and changes to other housing regulations, city planners has been working with an advisory committee to evaluate the Denver Zoning Code’s rules for “group living.” This evaluation has included a review of land uses and definitions for: households, community corrections facilities, shelters for the homeless, residential care homes, new uses like tiny home villages, and more. Based on this evaluation, planners will recommend updates to the zoning code for some or all of these housing types.