March 2019
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Greetings! Doctors Care is excited to say "Goodbye Cold! Hello Spring"!
New Clinic Eye Screener 

One of Doctors Care's volunteer pediatricians, Dr. Nancy Mitchell, utilizes the new Spot™ Vision Screener (provided by a generous donor) for the first time, with this little patient. The new equipment allows providers to test patients as early as 6 months old. This can help with early detection of optical issues, particularly in infants. Doctors Care is honored to receive donated resources and tools that enhance the quality care we provide to our patients.
Premium Sponsorship Program Update

The Premium Sponsorship Program is a donor-funded pilot program designed to improve access to care and coverage for underserved individuals and families who are at risk of being uninsured. The program covers qualified participants’ Silver Level Qualified Health Plan premium costs for up to one full plan year. In addition to assistance with their premiums, program participants are also offered Health Navigation services, a mandatory Health Insurance Literacy Workshop, and ongoing outreach and support from program staff and volunteers.

"Thank you all, again. Yesterday I opened my utility bill and realized that I would be doing without something major this month if I had to pay for my health insurance premium at full market rates. Now I get heat, a roof, and medications all thanks to you". – grateful client

Mental Health First Aid teaches how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders in your community. If you are local to the Denver area and want to sign up or you want more information on our training,
contact Char Patton at