Season's Greetings

Best wishes for a happy, healthy and peaceful 2019.

This has been a difficult year for people in the North. As you may have read, the effects of climate change are exacerbated in the Arctic as compared with the temperate parts of the earth. See, e.g.,
A very oversimplified explanation is that historically the polar ice reflected solar energy back into the atmosphere. Melting sea ice has a "double whammy" effect -- the exposed ocean does not reflect solar energy, but, even worse, the dark ocean surfaces absorb solar energy and contribute to warming the earth's surface. As the surface warms, more ice melts, more ocean is exposed, which absorbs more heat . . . An unhealthy feedback loop.

The resulting change in weather patterns is disrupting long-established migration patterns for Arctic wildlife. This presents serious problems for the Inuit in Alaska, many of whom are subsistence hunters. Success in hunting there depends on knowing when and where to find game.
Monumental Kavik Mother and Child
This exceptional mother and child by John Kavik is a Keewatin masterpiece. Almost 16 inches high, covered with chisel marks, this minimalist work is simultaneously massive and tender.

From "Tuvaq," by Ken Mantell: "[I]t is hard not to detect a certain innate sympathy in Bill [Johnsone]'s tastes towards the artists of the Keewatin/Western Hudson Bay communities . . . where artists like . . . John Kavik . . . wrestling with the often extremely hard-to-work local stone available to them come up with artistic solutions of the most startling formal and powerfully expressive character . . . . [Kavik's] much larger and apparently very early stone piece, Mother and Child, has a rough monumentality and quiet dignity about it that is very moving." pp. 195-7.

Kiugak Ashoona Bear with Seal

Kiugak Ashoona was one of the last survivors of the first generation of Cape Dorset master carvers. This sculpture is an unusual subject for Kiugak, who was better known for his people and a dramatic series of bird spirits. However, the sculpture combines great technical skill, beautiful stone, and emotional impact -- the bear exudes pride in its hunting skill.
About Alaska on Madison

In keeping with our self-description as a virtual gallery run by collectors for collectors, we are offering a limited number of pieces. Every piece is one that we would be happy to have in our personal collection, and the description of each piece explains why. 

We are happy to assist you with inquiries, with searches for particular pieces or artists, with organizing your collections and with buying or selling at auction. Our  Inuit artist search tool  is available on our website , and we would be delighted to help you use it. If you prefer to puzzle things out for yourself,  Deciphering Inuktitut Signatures  will help you to identify artists. 
We are always pleased to answer questions or just chat. You can contact us by email or by phone at  (908) 487-5757 (note new phone number).

Our very best wishes to you all.

Ann and Michael Lesk
Alaska on Madison | (908) 487-5757 | | www,