Friday 02 February 2018

Brought to you by  Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story
2016 was the hottest year, but 2017 was not far behind. A look at average world temperatures since 2010 reveals that the trend of global warming continues.
Sold out: Chrissie Ahern with Mr Direction Olives oil. Picture: Phillip Biggs.
Mt Direction Olives owners Sean and Chrissie Ahern have almost depleted their olive oil supplies and expect to sell out at this weekend’s Harvest Launceston market. The Turners Marsh business had a successful season and will be selling the last of their 2017 olive oil.

A successful season and great olive oil sales – that’s what we like to hear!
Women trying to conceive can more than double their chances of pregnancy by eating well, a study suggests. Eating plenty of fruit, vegetables, fish and olive oil and cutting down red meat appears to boost chances of conception.

Is there anything olive oil isn’t good for!
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can now reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. Our new online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment, extra oil - or even your grove. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates. 

Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40/month for AOA members ($100/month for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.

The first Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To find out more, or arrange a listing, contact Gerri at
Jacqui Plozza accepts an award on behalf of Cobram Estate, presented by international chef Maria Loi.
Jacqui Plozza started her career as a medical scientist, but a burning desire to study nutrition and dietetics led to the career she has today. As the Nutrition Strategy and Education Manager at Cobram Estate, Jacqui is developing, executing, monitoring and evaluating a robust, multi-faceted health education strategy and program to key health professionals across Australia.
One month down, just 11 to go! We’re now well into 2018 with Friday Olive Extracts (FOE), bringing all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, the weekly format introduced in 2017 has made our industry e-newsletter even more popular, and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can sign up here.

And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!
Electricity prices have jumped by six times the rate of the average pay rise, new figures reveal, as family wallets are increasingly squeezed by essential services such as education, utilities and fuel.

Also among the ‘most significant’ price rises listed in the annual CPI figures is olive oil, at 11.4% - hope that refers to local product and some of it’s coming your way!
Got your employee awards sorted?
A number of recent high-profile underpayment cases have led to a timely reminder about the importance of ensuring anyone you employ is paid at the correct rates and works under the appropriate conditions. 
Help is readily at hand: the Fair Work Ombudsman’s online tools and resources can assist employers to determine their applicable Award, as well as classification and pay rates, allowances, overtime and penalty rates. Access the Pay and Conditions Tool (PACT) here for advice about pay, shift, leave and redundancy entitlements and source templates for pay slips and time-and-wages records.
Employers and employees seeking assistance can also contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94, with priority assistance available for small businesses. 
New Zealand
2018 Olives NZ AGM
The 2018 Olives New Zealand AGM will be held on Saturday, 24 March at the County Hotel in Napier. This will be preceded by a Focus Grove Field Day at Ngatarawa Olive Grove, Hastings on the Friday, and followed by a field trip to the Viaduct olive grove at Mohaka, one of the largest in NZ. Transport and lunch will be available, and the day will end with dinner and a guest speaker at the hotel. 
The AGM information and call for nominations and remits has now been emailed out and can also be downloaded here.
Please register attendance at the AGM, Mohaka Field Day and dinner by 23 February to enable catering and transport arrangements to be finalised.
An impressive increase of 211% in the global production of table olives over a period of 30 crop years is the most striking figure in market statistics released last month by the International Olive Council (IOC).

Increased production is bringing with it an increase in consumption – let’s get moving and do that here!
Seized: Police managed to recover 646 litres of the stolen olive oil. ©Guardia Civil
Three people have been arrested in Vera on suspicion of stealing more than 1,000 litres of olive oil. Guardia Civil officers first became aware of an alleged theft after receiving a complaint from an individual claiming that they had had 1,280 litres of olive oil stolen from them.

An increasingly common – and worrying – occurrence as olive oil prices rise. Keep your storage locked!

24-Jan-2018 By Elizabeth Crawford

Inspiring consumers through beautiful Pinterest posts, delicious recipes, heart-warming blog posts and viral videos can help build brand awareness, but the most effective digital marketers also make each experience easily shoppable, according to new research from L2.

and while we’re on marketing …

24-Jan-2018 By Elizabeth Crawford

For the first time, Generation Z is emerging as an influencer in grocery spending and early indications suggests that they will favor more organic, healthy products as well as authentic and multicultural offerings, according to new research from Acosta.
The annual Riebeek Valley Olive Festival has been cancelled this year, due to the ongoing drought gripping parts of the Western Cape. 
Jaipur: Agriculture department's attempt to make use of olive for producing anti-cancer drugs has aroused hopes for cancer patients leading a painful life. 
Regular consumption of green vegetables, berries, fish and olive oil, as part of a special diet known to promote brain health, may help slow cognitive decline in stroke survivors, finds a new study.
It's a confusing world out there. Here's how to buy olive oil that you can feel great about, without breaking the bank.

It’s pleasing to see some simple, practical – and factual – consumer information getting out there. 
The United States on Tuesday imposed additional import duties of up to 20% on ripe Spanish olives, saying they are sold at below fair value and harmed growers in California. This preliminary ruling is on top of duties imposed in November to offset the 2-7% subsidies Spanish exporters benefited from.
What's On
March  - World Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tasting Team Championship, Priego de Cordoba, Spain

15-23 March - ONZ Focus Grove Project field days – various regions, NZ

19-23 March  – IRTA Olive Oil Evaluation Course - Barcelona, Spain

24 March - 2018 Olives NZ AGM – Napier, NZ

9-10 April – Olives NZ Processing Seminar - Auckland, NZ

12 April - registration closes for OLIVE JAPAN 2018 – Tokyo, Japan

21 April - Horticulture for Olive Growers – Nangkita, SA

22 April - “Olive U” classes – Nangkita, SA

8-9 June - OLIVE JAPAN international trade show 2018 – Tokyo

24-26 June - Fine Food New Zealand – Auckland, NZ

13 October – 2018 ONZ Conference & NZ EVOO Awards Dinner – Masterton, NZ

14 October – Olives NZ grove visits – Wairarapa, NZ

18-19 October - AOA National Olive Industry Conference & Exhibition 2018 - Wagga Wagga, NSW

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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