This Sunday, June 2, 2019
7th Sunday of Easter
1st Courtyard Service at 8:30am
Graduation Recognition
Click on underlined text to get more details, to connect to emails, or to visit our website .

Waiting is a challenge for some of us. Waiting in traffic, waiting in line at an amusement park, waiting for something to download, waiting in the doctor’s office, waiting for test results, waiting until you are old enough to drive, until you are of legal age, until you can retire, etc… How do you wait?

The way a person waits depends largely on the situation. If you are a very busy person sitting in a doctor’s office you can approach waiting by getting angry and agitated, try to do your work on your lap top, or consider it an opportunity to relax in the moment. I like to read a magazine, play games on my phone, or just close my eyes and let my thoughts wander. Of course in the car this would be dangerous!

The apostles were well acquainted with waiting. In our story for this Sunday Jesus has ascended to heaven and before leaving them he promised the gift of the Holy Spirit. They were told to go and wait for this gift in Jerusalem. I imagine there was some anxiety generated as they waited, not knowing what the future would hold. Their leader is gone! What do they do now?

They wait. But their waiting was not a passive kind of waiting, not an angry or agitated kind of waiting. The apostles trust God. They prayed continually as they waited. What a great example of productive waiting!
Try it next time when you are stuck in traffic…but don’t close your eyes.

See you Sunday!
Pastor Jeri-Lynne
9am, Coffee in the Courtyard
10am, Worship Service
11ish, Over-80 Picnic Party

Pentecost Special Offering - Investing in Our Greatest Resource
You can help sustain important ministries and programs that are supported by the Pentecost Offering. Your gift helps the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and address the needs of at-risk children. 40% of the Pentecost offering can be retained by individual congregations to make an impact in the lives of young people within their own community. 60% is used to support ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. A brochure with details will be included in your Sunday bulletin. And you can give electronically by  clicking here.
Interested in Membership at Covenant?
We want becoming a member at Covenant to be easy. We want your membership to be fulfilling and important in your life. To get started or find out more, contact  Rev. Katie Kinnison to set up a time to talk with her. The general process: on the first Sunday of the month, a few Elders (members of Session who make congregational decisions) meet with new members to get to know them a little bit and answer questions. On the second Sunday of the month, new members are officially received by the congregation. 
Our Amazing Labyrinth!
Bob Tullett and friends have made great progress in the installation of our labyrinth! Thank you for the prayers and financial support and the work you’ve done to bring this into reality. When we're finished enough we'll have a dedication ceremony and spiritual celebration. To help plan, please see  Katie Kinnison.
It’s not too late to purchase a brick!
A paver brick with your etched message is $100. A plain brick is $80.
Order forms are on the welcome table and on our website with PayPal payment.
REMINDER: The church office is closed on Fridays.
Office is open as usual Mon.- Thurs. from 8:30am to 4:00pm.
The church building is open Mon. - Fri., 8:30am-4:00pm.
Together We Can!
It’s not too late to turn in your Stewardship pledge card. 
Please bring it to church or mail/email to Ingrid Smith at Covenant.
Never underestimate the importance of your generosity and faithfulness. 
You make us who we are.
Covenant & Hoge Presbyterian Church
We partner with Hoge on the Hilltop. (Check our website under Mission.) Covenant groups are needed to host dinner for 30-50 people in June and July. Contact Judy Oeder,
Vacation Bible School 2019
June 24-28, 9am - 12pm
Ages 3 years old - 5th Grade 
Thur., June 27, 6pm - Family Dinner
Sun., June 30, 11am Service - Children Sing  
Register today:  
One small step for your giant leap for God's Kingdom! Blast off with the first VBS to land on Mars...and beyond! Children will discover the wonders of God's universe and become Voyagers on a journey through space, exploring where God's power can take them. They'll lift off to distant planets on special missions to collect power sources. Along the way, they'll learn how God walked with heroes of the bible, and that God is always with them. Add out-of-this-world fun, learning, and bible stories that inspire children to give glory to God who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask...or imagine!  

ALSO, Volunteers needed for VBS!  Youth entering 6th grade and older and adults are needed to help teach, feed, entertain, craft, sing, dance and enjoy the children of our church and community. Sign up to help at .
Electronic Giving: Simple. Secure. Any time. Anywhere.
Free Mobile app; Zelle; Text to a dedicated Covenant number;  PayPal; Automatic Debit from your bank account;  Credit and debit card. More information and instructions are on the Welcome Table and our  website.
YouTube LiveStream  
Sunday Services 8:30am, 10am & 11am & Special Services:

For past services, special music, other church videos, visit our YouTube:
Our Mission
Covenant Presbyterian Church is an open, accepting community awakening to God's life-giving love together.
Our Vision
Covenant Presbyterian Church glorifies God and builds relationships with Christ and each other through: worship that inspires, nurture that embraces, education that challenges,
fellowship that energizes, ministry that responds.