Gianfanco Comincioli with his ultragreen oil from the Lake Garda area. Photo by Robert Camuto.
A Northern Italian winemaker leads the movement to make oil from pitted olives.
An interesting concept - and a great article on the obsessive passion of EVOO producers.
Increase your pumping and pipeline efficiency
As the price of energy rises, pumping and pipeline system inefficiencies increase the cost of irrigation operations. Two courses being offered by River Murray Training enable irrigators to identify potential energy savings in pumping and pump station design.
- Advanced Pumping & Hydraulics (AP&H) highlights energy efficiency application to existing pumps and pipeline design – see modules here
- Advanced Pump System Design (APSD) highlights advanced design concepts for new pump and pipelines systems - see modules here
The courses are delivered by Tallemenco’s Rob Welke, a 49-year veteran of the irrigation and water supply industry. Training is delivered as two-hour sessions in a fully-interactive online meeting room and follow up tutorials.
Courses commence 27 February 2018. Book now with Barb McPherson (RMT): 0417 824 442 or; or Rob Welke: 0414 492 256 or
Got something to sell? Or want to buy?
If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can now reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. Our new online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment, extra oil - or even your grove. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates.
Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40/month for AOA members ($100/month for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.
Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at, with new listings including a
polyphase converter and
certified organic award-winning EVOO.
Exhibit FREE at Rural Discovery Day
Olive growers are invited to help educate the next generation on the role agriculture plays in their everyday lives, by exhibiting for free at the Royal Queensland Show's (Ekka) Rural Discovery Day. Being held on Thursday, 24 May, the event teaches city children that food comes from farms, not the supermarket shelf.
There is no cost for exhibitor space and the event provides a unique opportunity for brand exposure, with more than 1,000 Brisbane primary school students taking part.
Friday Olive Extracts
– YOUR e-newsletter, so send us your news
We’re now well into 2018 with
Friday Olive Extracts (FOE), bringing all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, the weekly format introduced in 2017 has made our industry e-newsletter even more popular, and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can
sign up here.
And please remember that
FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!
One of the most important aspects of food business operation is being fully prepared for a product recall. Having policies and procedures in place is one thing, executing them is another. Food South Australia is presenting a comprehensive workshop on the steps necessary to develop a program to evaluate and test recall policies and procedures. Participants will learn to evaluate the who, what, where, when and why of recalls and how a properly handled recall not only effectively protects the consumer, but also benefits a company’s public image.
The workshop is being held on Wednesday, 14 March from 8.45am-12 noon at the University of Adelaide Waite Campus, Urrbrae. Cost is $75pp (incl gst) for Food South Australia members, $125 for non-members.
Register here.
2018 Hunter Valley Olive Show
Dates have been announced for the 2018 Hunter Olive Show, as follows:
- Entries open – 20 August
- Entries close – 5 October
- Judging – 27 October
- Results released/presentation dinner – 15 November
Entry Fees are $39 for oil classes; $29 for table olive, tapenade and spread classes $29. Table olives, tapenades and spreads also need testing at $20/test.
We’ll bring you more details in
Friday Olive Extracts as they are announced.
Entries close soon for 2018 Royal Adelaide Table Olive Awards
There’s still time to enter the 2018 Royal Adelaide Table Olive Awards, which this year saw a change of timing to February judging. The new timing is in consideration of late ripening and processing timeframes, and allows producers to enter their fresh new season’s products.
2018 NZ EVOO Awards Head Judge announced
Argentinian expert Esteban Santipolio
Olives New Zealand has announced that the Head Judge for the 2018 NZ EVOO Awards is Esteban Santipolio, an Argentinian industry expert and international olive oil judge. Santipolio is manager of the CIASA, an agricultural consultancy developing horticultural projects internationally, including olive businesses.
Estaban’s judging roles have included Argoliva (Argentina) since 2011, the New York International Olive Oil Competition since 2014 and Sudoliva (South America) since 2017.
You’ll find more on the judging panel and competition in the March edition of
Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor. Not a subscriber – or need to renew? You can do so
It’s now just four weeks to the next round of Focus Grove Project Field Days, so if they’re not in your diary, add them now! Details are:
- 15 March - Nelson
- 16 March - Canterbury
- 19 March - Wairarapa
- 21 March - Northland
- 23 March - Hawkes Bay
Don’t miss these opportunities to learn from the results of this highly successful grove management project: register your attendance with EO Gayle Sheridan at You can read more about the Focus Grove Project
Business Central features NZ olive industry
National business publication Business Central recently ran a two page article on the NZ EVOO Awards, and Champion of Show winners Loopline Olives. It’s great promotion of the awards and New Zealand’s dedicated producers. Read it at pages 72-73
And don’t miss our feature article on Loopline Olives in the coming March edition of Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor.
The Chinese appetite for olive oil has led to an increase in exports from Italy, but competition from Tunisia and the domestic market could see this trend reverse.
Oliver Nasles presenting ‘Black Fruity’ oils at Olio Nuovo Days.
The French association Afidol shed light on the misinterpreted taste of "black fruity" oil and the controversy behind the ancestral tradition of controlled fermentation.
Spanish olive oil producers are calling on local and national authorities to allow the sector to self-regulate. The move would allow producers to sell their oil at specific moments in order to ensure the stability of the olive oil supply and prices on the market.
A Harvard professor urges firefighters in America to turn to a Mediterranean style of eating to avoid on-duty heart attacks.
One of the key elements of the intervention program is, of course, olive oil.
Just five years ago, a group of neighboring farmers in Sierra de Cazorla, Spain decided to work together and produce high-quality olive oil with respect for the environment. Last month, their Dehesa de la Sabina earned the industry's top award.
07-Feb-2018 By Niamh Michail
As the UK organic sector hits a record value of £2.2 billion (€2.47bn), what's the secret to its success? Six trends are influencing our food choices today - and organic fits into all of them, says the Soil Association.
Interestingly, so does EVOO, so organic EVOO must be right up there.
19-20 February - Thriving Women Conference – Hahndorf, SA
- World Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tasting Team Championship, Priego de Cordoba, Spain
15-23 March - ONZ Focus Grove Project field days – various regions, NZ
19-23 March
– IRTA Olive Oil Evaluation Course - Barcelona, Spain
24 March - 2018 Olives NZ AGM – Napier, NZ
9-10 April – Olives NZ Processing Seminar - Auckland, NZ
12 April
- registration closes for OLIVE JAPAN 2018 – Tokyo, Japan
21 April - Horticulture for Olive Growers – Nangkita, SA
22 April - “Olive U” classes – Nangkita, SA
8-9 June
- OLIVE JAPAN international trade show 2018 – Tokyo
24-26 June - Fine Food New Zealand – Auckland, NZ
20 August – Entries open, 2018 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW
5 October – Entries close, 2018 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW
13 October – 2018 ONZ Conference & NZ EVOO Awards Dinner – Masterton, NZ
14 October – Olives NZ grove visits – Wairarapa, NZ
18-19 October
- AOA National Olive Industry Conference & Exhibition 2018 - Wagga Wagga, NSW
15 November – Presentation dinner, 2018 Hunter Valley Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW
To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
Friday Olive Extracts is Published by:
Olivegrower & Processor
December Issue
Australian and New Zealand
Olive Industry Directory